Run query: Case study query comprehensive with map

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Note: text searches using this form are case-sensitive.

Project overview
Project title:
Project status:
Case study approval status:
Country: (CTRL+click to select/unselect multiple countries)
Main contact forename:
Main contact surname:
Parent project:
Contact organisation:
Contact organisation url:
Project summary:
Catchment and subcatchment
River basin district:
River basin:
River name:
Subcatchment area category:
Subcatchment area between: and (default unit is km2)
Subcatchment maximum altitude category:
Subcatchment maximum altitude between: and (default unit is m)
Subcatchment dominant geology:
Subcatchment dominant land cover:
Site name:
WFD water body code:
WFD national typology:
WFD water body name:
Pre-project morphology:
Reference morphology:
Desired post project morphology:
Heavily modified water body:
National/international site designation:
Local site designation:
Protected species present:
Invasive species present:
Species of interest:
Dominant hydrology:
Dominant substrate:
River corridor land use:
Average channel width category:
Average channel width between: and (default unit is m)
Average channel depth category:
Average channel depth between: and (default unit is m)
Mean discharge category:
Mean discharge between: and (default unit is (m3s-1)
Average channel gradient category:
Average channel gradient:
Average unit stream power: and (default unit is Wm-2 )
Project background
Reach length affected: and (default unit is m)
Project started between:
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format. and
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format.
Works started between:
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format. and
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format.
Works completed between:
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format. and
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format.
Project completed between:
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format. and
To select a date that precedes the last decade, manually enter it in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format.
Total cost category:
Total cost between: and (default unit is thousands of €)
Benefit to cost ratio:
Funding source:
Lead organisation:
Other contact forename:
Other contact surname:
Investigation and design cost category:
Investigation and design cost between: and (default unit is thousands of €)
Stakeholder engagement cost category:
Stakeholder engagement cost between: and (default unit is thousands of €)
Works and supervision cost category:
Works and supervision cost between: and (default unit is thousands of €)
Post-project management and maintenance cost category:
Post-project management and maintenance cost between: and (default unit is thousands of €)
Monitoring cost category:
Monitoring cost between: and (default unit is thousands of €)
Reasons for river restoration
Mitigation of a pressure:
Hydromorphological quality elements:
Biological quality elements:
Physico-chemical quality elements:
Other reasons for the project:
Bank/bed modification measure:
Floodplain/River corridor measure:
Planform/Channel pattern:
Other :
Management interventions:
Social measure (incl. engagement):
Monitoring and effects
Elements monitored Any value Specific value Result
Biological quality element
Hydromorphological quality element
Physico-chemical quality element
Other response
Monitoring documents uploaded:
Search for case studies within a distance of a specified location

Specify a distance:

And select a location:

You can specify the location of the site in any of the following ways:

  • Enter latitude and longitude coordinates in the second field below (click "Look up coordinates" if you want to check the location of the coordinates on the map)
  • Enter a place name, postal code, or national grid reference in the second field, and click "Look up coordinates" to search for that place
  • Click a location on the map

Note: if invalid coordinates are entered, or no valid distance is specified, then the location will be ignored in the search.

Left click to look around in the map, and use the wheel of your mouse to zoom in and out.