Edit Site: Case study:Ecclesbourne Farm project

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Site name:
WFD water body codes:
WFD national Typology:
WFD water body name:
Pre-project morphology:
Reference morphology:
Desired post project morphology:
Heavily modified water body?:
National/international site designation:
Local/regional site designations
Protected species present:
Invasive species present:
Species of interest:
Dominant hydrology:
Dominant substrate:
River corridor land use:
Average bankfull channel width: category and/or exact value: (default unit is m; use "." and not "," as a decimal separator)
Average bankfull channel depth: category and/or exact value: (default unit is m; use "." and not "," as a decimal separator)
Mean discharge: category and/or exact value: (default unit is m3/s; use "." and not "," as a decimal separator)
Average channel gradient: category and/or exact value: (use "." and not "," as a decimal separator)
Average unit stream power: (Default unit is W/m2. Use "." and not "," as a decimal separator. If you specify exact values for the channel width, mean discharge and channel gradient, this value will be calculated automatically. If the channel width, mean discharge or channel gradient fields contain non-numeric values, the calculation will not be successful.)
