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This is the user page for Nick Elbourne.
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Project started | Project completed | Bank and bed modifications measure | River corridor measure | Channel pattern measure | Other technical measure | Management interventions | Social measure | Theme | Biological quality element monitored | Hydromorphological quality element monitored | Physico-chemical quality element monitored | Other response monitored | |
Apelnäs fishway at River Rolfså | 2008 | 31 December 2009 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||
Biologisk återställning i Rolfsåns vattensystem | 1 January 2006 | Dam removal Creation of fish passes | Dam removal Creation of fish passes | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | Fish: Disturbance-sensitive species Fish: Abundance Fish: Species composition Invertebrates: Disturbance-sensitive species | Continuity for organisms | |||||||
Biotop and flood measures in the Mykle river (Mykleelva) and Vanebu river (Vanebuelva) | 1 January 2011 | Creation of fish refuge areas Construction of dams Providing of continuity Creation of low flow channel Boulder restoration | Reconnection of water bodies to the river | Environmental flows and water resources Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology | |||||||||
Bosgården nature-like fishway at River Rolfså | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
Brook Ramlösa-Restoration of agricultural stream | Fisheries Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Built Kjøsnesbekken in the river Stjørdalselva | 1 January 2012 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Monitoring | |||||||||||
Case study:Biological protection shield to control streambank erosion in Ätran 2 | 1 June 2007 | 31 August 2008 | Fisheries Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity | Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition | |||||||||
Creating a fishpass at Włocławek dam | 1 January 2014 | 31 December 2014 | Creation of fish passes Construction of a stabilising stone ramp | Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | |||||||||
Creation of spawning ground for Baltic salmon, anadromous brown trout and river lamprey at Veneküla rapid, river Pirita | 2007 | 30 September 2013 | Excavation of bedrock Introduction of spawning gravels Creation of pools Creation of fish refuge areas | Economic aspects Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring | Fish: Abundance | ||||||||
DUMMY TEST Daylighting Sorum | 6 April 2015 | 16 December 2020 | Deculverting | Erosion protection | construction of recreational facilities (trails and footbridges) | Volunteer engagement | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Fish Invertebrates Macroalgae | Quantity & dynamics of flow | Nutrient concentrations | |||
DUMMY TEST Skoleveien | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | ||||||||||||
Dam removal at Grönkullen, River Rolfsån | 2002 | 31 October 2005 | Barrier removal Bed raising | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | |||||||||
Dam removal in River Stenån | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Deculverting Djupsund stream | 15 January 2020 | Re-introducing spawning gravel | Bigger diameter pipe under way | Deculverting | Habitat and biodiversity Social benefits Spatial planning | ||||||||
Deculverting Holtan stream | Habitat and biodiversity Urban | ||||||||||||
Deculverting Tokenes stream (Tokenesbekken) | Habitat and biodiversity Land use management - agriculture | ||||||||||||
Eldbäcken | Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | Fish Invertebrates | Flow velocities Substrate conditions | PH Temperature | |||||||||
Enabling migration of anadromous salmonids in the river Merkedamselva | Environmental flows and water resources Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Social benefits | ||||||||||||
Environment-friendly Reduction of Flood Risk in the Multi-thread Reach of the Czarny Dunajec River | April 2011 | 1 December 2011 | Opening inlets to side channels Creation of gravel deflectors | Flood risk management Hydromorphology | |||||||||
Environmental design Mandalsvassdraget | 10 January 2014 | Removal of weirs (9 weirs) installation of gravel habitat establishment of shelter in the substrate sediment harrowing (using an excavator); introduction of larger stones in the riverbed stream | Activation of sidearms | Future increase of minimum discharge still under evaluation | Active involvement of local interests groups and land owners | Fisheries Hydropower Hydromorphology | |||||||
Habitat improvement measures in Bortneelva | 1 January 2014 | 1 January 2017 | Deflectors Creation of fish passes Removal of fish barriers Creation of pools Creation of fish refuge areas introduction of blocks Big rocks are placed in the stream Creation of low flow channel | Improving fish migration | Environmental flows and water resources Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Monitoring | Fish | |||||||
Habitat measures Hollundbekken | 9 January 2017 | 31 December 2020 | introduction of spawning substrate and larger stones in the creek | project coonducted in coopperation with the local hunting and fishing association | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | Fish: Abundance | |||||||
Habitat measures in Strynevassdraget | 1 January 2010 | 1 January 2018 | habitat improvements Reopening of side channels Removal of fish barriers | Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Land use management - agriculture Monitoring | Fish Invertebrates | ||||||||
Hofstadelva | 2011 | Bank stabilisation | Channelling | Environmental flows and water resources Flood risk management | Invertebrates: Abundance Fish: Abundance Fish: Age structure | Birds river bank vegetation | |||||||
Hurdalselva - River Hurdalselv | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Improving migration of anadromous salmonids in Unneberg stream | Habitat and biodiversity Monitoring | ||||||||||||
Kuuskoski-Fishway | 1 January 2008 | Building of submerged weirs and pits Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | Fish | |||||||||
Kvarnekulla nature like bypass channel at River Knipån | 1 January 2003 | 1 February 2008 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | Fish: Abundance | |||||||||
Massadammen-dam removal in River Tabergsån | 2007 | 31 October 2011 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Spatial planning | ||||||||||
Merikoski fishway | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
Nursery habitat for the freshwater pearl mussel in Haukåsvassdraget | 1 January 2014 | 1 January 2016 | Creation of side channel Habitat creation | Ensuring biodiversity Reduced pollution | Awareness raising Environmental education activities with local schools | Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Land use management - agriculture Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Invertebrates: Disturbance-sensitive species | ||||||
Onga River | 1 October 2010 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Water quality | |||||||||||
Rehabilitation of the river Segeråga | Environmental flows and water resources Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Water quality | Fish: Abundance Fish: Age structure Invertebrates: Diversity Invertebrates: Abundance | Substrate conditions Width & depth variation | Nutrient concentrations PH | |||||||||
Removal of the migration barriers for aquatic organisms on the river Wisłoka and its tributaries – Ropa and Jasiołka | Environmental flows and water resources Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Reopening and restoration of the stream Hovinbekken | 1 January 2011 | 1 January 2026 | Reopening of culverted river Habitat restoration habitat creation Creation of pools and riffles Sediment trap building | Creation of pools and riffles Creation of pond | Reduced pollution | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | |||||||
Reopening of Mjølløst stream | 1 March 2020 | Reopening of culverted river | Planting riparian vegetation with school pupils. | Habitat and biodiversity Land use management - agriculture Monitoring | Fish: Abundance | ||||||||
Restoration for fishery in the river Hammonjoki | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Restoration in Bognelva | 2003 | Morphological diversification Restoration of side channels Reopening of side channels Creation of pools habitat improvements | Local public awareness | Fish | Channel pattern/planform Quantity & dynamics of flow Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zones | Birds Increased recreation | |||||||
Restoration of Enningdalsälv River | 1 June 2009 | Building of submerged weirs and pits Re-introducing stones Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Liming | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | Fish: Abundance Fish: Species composition Invertebrates: Abundance | Width & depth variation Substrate conditions | Acid neutralising capacity pH | ||||||
Restoration of Grobruelva | 1 August 2017 | Installation of gravel habitat (gravel and stones) | Removal of retainment structure (Rotubekken) improvement of fish migration (at Sagvollfossen) | New pipe for sewage runoff along a side beck of Grobruelva | Removal of litter (especially car tires) | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Land use management - agriculture Water quality Urban | |||||||
Restoration of Ilabekken brook | 2005 | 1 September 2008 | Fisheries Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Monitoring | ||||||||||
Restoration of Ingarskilanjoki River | 1 January 2002 | Depth variation Re-introducing stones Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Buffer strips | Habitat and biodiversity | Fish: Abundance | ||||||||
Restoration of Juottimenoja Brook | 1 January 2007 | Flood risk management | |||||||||||
Restoration of Kalajoki River | 1994 | 2 September 2004 | |||||||||||
Restoration of Kocksbybäcken brook | Adding sinuosity Re-introducing stones Introduction of gravel | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | Fish: Abundance | ||||||||||
Restoration of Koskenkylänjoki River | 1 January 2006 | Creation of fish passes | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||
Restoration of Kostonjoki River | Economic aspects Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Social benefits | ||||||||||||
Restoration of Longinoja brook | 1 January 2006 | Building of submerged weirs and pits Adding sinuosity Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Introducing large woody debris Adding sinuosity | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Social benefits | Fish: Abundance Fish: Disturbance-sensitive species Fish: Age structure Invertebrates: Abundance | Continuity for organisms Continuity of sediment transport | Landscape enchansement | ||||||
Restoration of Myllypuro brook | 1 January 2002 | Adding sinuosity | Re-instatement of old course | Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | Quantity & dynamics of flow Width & depth variation Channel pattern/planform Continuity of sediment transport | ||||||||
Restoration of Naarkoski Torrent | 1 January 2002 | Building of submerged weirs and pits Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||
Restoration of Oulujoki River | 2009 | Creation of fish passes Creation of fish spawn nursing places | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology | ||||||||||
Restoration of Porvoonjoki | Barrier removal Creation of gravel banks Creation of fish passes | Barrier removal | Creation of meanders | ||||||||||
Restoration of Reinikkalankoski torrent | Re-introducing stones Building submerged weir Creation of fish passes | Flood risk management Hydromorphology | Quantity & dynamics of flow Continuity for organisms | ||||||||||
Restoration of River Kävlingeån in Klingavälsån Naturreserve | Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | ||||||||||||
Restoration of Siuruanjoki River | 1 January 2000 | Removal of embankments Creation of wetland establishment of woodland | Awareness raising | Land use management - agriculture Land use management - forestry Social benefits Water quality | |||||||||
Restoration of Vakkolankoski Torrent | 1 January 2008 | Building of submerged weirs and pits Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||
Restoration of Vantaanjoki River | Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Restoration of connectivity and Enrichment in the substrate of poor spawning areas | Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||||
Restoration of dry riverbeds in Røssåga in conjunction with relocation of power plant outlets | 1 January 2013 | 26 July 2016 | Deflectors Creation of low flow channel Creation of fish spawn nursing places Introduction of spawning gravels | Construction of flood wall | In-channel placement of boulders to provide flow diversity | Habitat improvement through water and vegetation management Flow management | Environmental flows and water resources Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Monitoring | Fish | |||||
Restoration of habitats in Pärnu river | 15 March 2015 | 31 December 2023 | Dam removal | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | |||||||||
Restoration of river Knipån | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
Restoration of spawning grounds for trout in Bjornesfjorden (Hardangervidda) | 1 January 1999 | 1 January 2013 | Creation of fish spawn nursing places Introduction of spawning gravels | Environmental flows and water resources Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology | Fish Invertebrates | ||||||||
Restoration of the River Impiönjoki | 3 April 2011 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | |||||||||||
Restoration of the River Keskijoki | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | ||||||||||||
Restoration of the River Korvajoki | 3 March 2013 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | |||||||||||
Restoration of the River Paasonjoki | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | ||||||||||||
Restoration of the River Paha-Paasonjoki | 4 March 2011 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology | |||||||||||
Restoration of the river Akerselva | 1 January 2011 | 1 January 2026 | Habitat restoration Re-introducing spawning gravel Reopening of side channels | Reduced pollution | Economic aspects Environmental flows and water resources Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Fish Invertebrates | |||||||
Restoration of the river Børselva | 1 January 1997 | Cut back of plants Introduction of spawning gravels Creation of mini-treshold Creation of pools sediment Sediment trap building | Erosion protection | Reduced pollution Flow management | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Land use management - agriculture Monitoring | Fish Invertebrates Macrophytes | Continuity for organisms Substrate conditions Quantity & dynamics of flow | Nutrient concentrations | |||||
Restoration of the rivers connected to the Lake Kitkajärvi | 28 February 2013 | 31 October 2013 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||
Restorations of Ritobäcken brook | 1 January 2009 | Adding sinuosity Re-introducing stones Introduction of gravel | Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||
Restorations of River Nolån-Hulta dam removal | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
Restoring connectivity of the ecological corridor in the Biała River valley | 1 April 2012 | 31 March 2014 | Restoring riparian vegetation Bank stabilisation | Restoring riparian vegetation | Removing barriers to water organisms migration in the river | Reintroducing salmon population to the river Restoring integrity and re-colonization of the bivalve population in the river basin Restoring the continuity of amphibian populations in the river valley | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||
Restoring of ecological connectivity and implementation of activities improving functioning of the free river migration corridor | Fisheries Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Monitoring | ||||||||||||
Restoring sea-trout and salmon habitat in Aurlandselva | 1 January 1997 | 31 December 2012 | Weir removal Reopening of side channels Creation of fish passes Introduction of spawning gravels | Environmental flows and water resources Fisheries Hydropower Hydromorphology Monitoring | |||||||||
Retoration of Grobruelva 2 | |||||||||||||
Revitalization, biodiversity protection and usage of the Vistula River oxbows; preventing degradation of Upper Vistula River Valley as an ecological corridor. | Environmental flows and water resources Habitat and biodiversity Monitoring Spatial planning | ||||||||||||
Ritobäcken-environmentally preferable two-stage drainage channels | 1 January 2009 | Floodplain creation | Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Land use management - agriculture Water quality | Fish: Abundance | Quantity & dynamics of flow Continuity for organisms Continuity of sediment transport Structure & condition of riparian zones | ||||||||
River Fugla | 5 May 2013 | 31 October 2013 | Bank improvement Introduction of gravel Adding sinuosity Bank stabilisation | Habitat and biodiversity Monitoring | Invertebrates | ||||||||
Shaping and protecting water-mud biotopes in Garwolin Forest division through development of small retention | 1 January 2000 | 31 December 2010 | Installation of damming valves Creation of islands Creation of irregular shaped shore line | Environmental flows and water resources Habitat and biodiversity | |||||||||
Silverån övre | 1 January 2002 | Introduction of gravel Introducing large woody debris Creation of fish passes | Fisheries | Fish: Abundance Fish: Disturbance-sensitive species | Continuity for organisms Substrate conditions | ||||||||
Skårhultsdammen bypass channel at River Knipån | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
Small Retention - Big Deal, A National Program on Natural Small Water Retention Measures | 1 January 1995 | 31 December 2010 | Construction of dams construction of small retention facilities Planting forest Creation of ponds Creation of stone tresholds | Environmental flows and water resources Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Land use management - agriculture Land use management - forestry Spatial planning Urban | |||||||||
Strömsbergs Torrent-fishway | |||||||||||||
Sågarsfors | 1 January 2006 | 31 December 2010 | Building of submerged weirs and pits Introduction of gravel Creation of fish passes | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity | |||||||||
TEST Daylighting the Texas Valley stream | 2 February 2015 | 23 November 2020 | Deculverting | Erosion protection | construction of recreational facilities (trails and footbridges) | Volunteer engagement | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Nutrient concentrations | |||||
TEST Deculverting the Texas Valley Stream | Deculverting | Erosion protection | construction of recreational facilities (trails and footbridges) | Volunteer engagement | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Nutrient concentrations Oxygen balance | |||||||
TEST Deculverting the Texas Valley Stream 1 | 6 April 2015 | 10 February 2020 | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Nutrient concentrations PH | Increased recreation | ||||||||
Teglverksdammen | 1 January 2013 | 1 January 2016 | Reopening of culverted river Habitat restoration habitat creation Creation of pools and riffles Sediment trap building | Creation of pools and riffles Creation of pond | Reduced pollution | Economic aspects Flood risk management Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Monitoring Social benefits Spatial planning Water quality Urban | Invertebrates Phytoplankton Macrophytes and/or phytobenthos: Taxonomic composition Macrophytes and/or phytobenthos: Average abundance | Nutrient concentrations | |||||
Testmar | |||||||||||||
The Umbusi River | 1 July 2010 | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Water quality | |||||||||||
The Upper Raba River Spawning Grounds | January 2012 | 1 December 2016 | Habitat and biodiversity | ||||||||||
Timber float restorations at River Iijoki | 1 January 1988 | 31 December 2013 | Building submerged weir Removal of old logs Re-introducing spawning gravel Habitat restoration Removal of revetments | Remeandering Reconnection of drained river sections Removal of embankments | Adding sinuosity | Rehabilitation of water levels in nearby lakes | fish stockings Monitoring strategy juridical processes | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower Hydromorphology Land use management - forestry | Fish: Abundance Invertebrates | Quantity & dynamics of flow Width & depth variation Channel pattern/planform Flow velocities Structure & condition of riparian zones | |||
Vindel River LIFE | 1 January 2010 | Re-introducing stones Re-introducing gravel Dam removal Creation of fish passes Introducing large woody debris | Increases the interaction between land and water and the heterogeneity of the substrate; vegetation and shore structure Vegetation management | Re-instatement of old course | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydromorphology Water quality | Fish: Disturbance-sensitive species Fish: Abundance Invertebrates: Disturbance-sensitive species | Flow velocities Width & depth variation | ||||||
´Restorations of River Nolån-Bypass channel in Hulta Hydro power plant | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
´Restorations of River Nolån-Fishway in Forsa hydro power plant | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower | ||||||||||||
Ålgårda nature-like bypass channel at River Rolfsån | Building nature-like bypass channel Creation of fish passes | Fisheries Habitat and biodiversity Hydropower |