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This is the user page for Rogier Vogelij.


Approved case studies

 Approval status
"Rio Verde II". Restoration of riparian forest and the rivers Llobregat and CardenerApproved
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge avalApproved
Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, BurgosApproved
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basinsApproved
Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in MadridApproved
Agreed definition of mobility area for the AdourApproved
Aménagement du plan d’eau de la Sangsue et création d’un bras de contournement du WoigotApproved
Arasement du seuil des Treize Saules sur la QuilienneApproved
Arasement du vannage du moulin de Réveillon et réaménagement du lit mineur de la BlaiseApproved
Austria cross-border section - Monitoring sediment transport and Habitat modelling (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)Draft
Austria cross-border section - River widening Sicheldorf (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)Approved
Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf I (Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2002-2007)Approved
Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf II (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)Approved
Austria/Slovenia Urban River Landscape - ETZ-“Skupaj“ - Joint urban and natural development at the Mur banks in Gornja Radgona and Bad RadkersburgDraft
Austria/Slovenia cross-border cooperation - “Die Murkommission” – Bilateral River CommissionDraft
Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013Draft
Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2003-2008Draft
Basic proposals for restoration and enhancement of the stream of Vilamajor in Sant Antoni de VilamajorApproved
Bidasoa Dam removalDraft
Bidasoa Dam removal 2Approved
Bio-engineering and creation of side channels along the rectified section of the Scarpe River in ArrasApproved
Bio-engineering techniques for bank protection on the Moselle River in Villey-le-SecApproved
Biodiversity conservation and recovery in the river basin AsónApproved
Biomura LIFE06NAT/SI/000066Approved
Bird Reserve “Tancat de la Pipa” (Valencia)Approved
Bird reserve “El Clot” (Tarragona)Approved
Bird reserve “Finca San Miguel” (Huesca)Approved
Bird reserve “Las Marismas Blancas” (Cantabria)Approved
Bird reserve “Los Albardales” (Madrid)Approved
Bird reserve “O Grove” (Pontevedra)Approved
Bird reserve “Riet Vell” (Tarragona)Approved
Camargue’s former saltworksApproved
Chiese river upstream Idro lake – Trentino regionDraft
Chícamo Life project. Conservation of Aphanius iberus´ genetics stocks (Murcia )Approved
Conservation the public water domain in the Tajo basin, t. m. Alcocer, province of Guadalajara.Approved
Contournement d’un plan d’eau de loisirs sur le Gratteloup au niveau de la commune de La Ville-aux-ClercsApproved
Control and permeabilization of the marsh to the river, the Brazo de la Torre and EntremurosApproved
Creation and restoration of a riparian zoneApproved
Creation of flood channels and restoration of exchanges between the flood plain and the low-flow channel on the VezouzeApproved
Création d’un bras de contournement de plusieurs étangs sur le Fliez et restauration du marais de ContesApproved
Demolition of weir on the River Nora, Nalón BasinApproved
Design and Application of a Sustainable Soil Management Model for Orchard Crops in the Doñana National Park AreaApproved
Doñana 2005Approved
Démantèlement de l’ouvrage du Pont Fourneau sur la SelleApproved
Démantèlement de neuf ouvrages sur le cours de l’AaApproved
Dérivation et recréation du lit mineur du ruisseau de Bel Orient au droit de quatre plans d’eau à GueltasApproved
ERCIP - European River Corridor Improvement PlansApproved
Ecological restoration of The Arboleda and the Meander of Santes Creus. Aiguamúrcia municipality (Alt Camp). Gaia River BasinApproved
Effacement du seuil de Carayon sur le ThoréApproved
Effacement du seuil de Chelles Basse sur le MiodetApproved
Effacement du seuil du Moulin d’Hatrize sur l’OrneApproved
Effacement du seuil du moulin du Bourg sur le VicoinApproved
Effacement partiel de 14 seuils sur le Mutterbach et l’Hosterbach à Holving et HosteApproved
Effacement partiel de cinq seuils sur le ruisseau du BagasApproved
Effacement partiel du seuil Cros sur la DunièreApproved
Effacement partiel du seuil de Vas sur le CéansApproved
Elimination of a pond along the Erve River and conservation of the historical heritage in Sainte-Suzanne-et-ChammesDraft
Environmental Restoration of Olivar-El Zaudin Metropolitan Park in TomaresApproved
Environmental Restoration of the Lower Section of the Bembézar River and its River Environment (Phase 1)Approved
Environmental Restoration of the Riopudio Stream in SevillaApproved
Environmental improvement intervention in a reach Anzur River in the village of El Nacimiento, in the Municipality of Rute (Cordoba)Approved
Environmental improvement project of the stream of RubyApproved
Environmental regeneration project in Magro river bedDraft
Environmental restoration of the lower section of the river Narcea in the municipalities of Salas and Pravia (Asturias)Approved
Environmental restoration of the river ZújarApproved
Environmental restoration project of the Guadajoz River (Castro del Río, Andalusia)Approved
Environmental restoration project of the river area of the Ripoll River as it passes through the municipality of Ripollet (Vallès Occidental)Approved
Experimental flood in the Cardener riverDraft
Experimental flood in the Ebro riverDraft
Experimental flood in the Pisuerga riverDraft
Fish pass in Las Librerías weir on the Guadiela RiverDraft
Fish pass on the Najerilla RiverDraft
Fish passes construction on Marta RiverDraft
Flood channel creation and reconnection between riverbed and its floodplain on Vezouze riverApproved
Floodplain recreation on the Montone River at San Tomè (Forlì)Approved
Floodplain recreation on the Montone River at the confluence with the Rabbi StreamApproved
Fluvial improvement in Riera de CaldésApproved
Fluvial longitudinal continuity recovery in river Aguanaz, Cantabria, SpainApproved
Fluvial restoration in River CarriónApproved
Fluvial river restoration of Tordera in Sant CeloniApproved
Fluvial river restoration of Tordera in TorderaApproved
Guadiamar Green Corridor ProjectApproved
Guadiato Life project Model for restoring and integrating water resources in a mining area, actions for an alternative developmentApproved
HPP BlancaApproved
Habitat Management and Raptor Conservation in Nestos Delta and Gorge - LIFE02 NAT/GR/008489Approved
Habitat improvement project in Segre river, in Alòs de BalaguerApproved
INTERREG MED WETNET - Membership card of the Verdier Marshes-Rhone Delta Wetland ContractApproved
INTERREG MED WETNET - Memoradum on Participation in Wetland Conservation in Ljubljansko Barje Nature ParkApproved
INTERREG MED WETNET – Management Plan for the Cañizar Lagoon (ARAGON)Approved
INTERREG MED WETNET – Melides Lagoon Environmental Agreement for Wetland ContractDraft
INTERREG MED WETNET – Memorandum of Understanding for the realization of the Wetland Contract for the Vercelli rice plainApproved
INTERREG MED WETNET – Negotiated Planning Agreement “Wetland Contract of the Caorle lagoon system”Approved
INTERREG MED WETNET – Odiel Marshes Wetland Contract and Action planApproved
INTERREG MED WETNET- Albufera de Valéncia Memorandu of Cooperation for Wetland ContractApproved
Improved longitudinal continuity of the Lozoya River, upstream the Pinilla dam (Madrid)Approved
Improvement of ecological state of the river Pisuerga between the dam of Aguilar de Campo and Alar del Rey (Palencia) - 1st Stage.Approved
Improvement of the Terri River in the industrial zone (Phase I and II)Draft
Improving the ecological status of the Black River and tributaries (Zamora)Approved
Increased biodiversity, river Llobregat, Sallent.Approved
International recovery of the river Minho: an example of sustainable hydraulic exploitationApproved
Inturia dam removalApproved
LIFE 06 NAT/SLO/000069 Intermittent Lake CerknicaApproved
LIFE Charcos - Conservação de Charcos Temporários na Costa Sudoeste de Portugal (Conservation of Med Temporary Ponds in SW Portugal)Approved
LIFE ECORICE - Vercelli rice fieldsApproved
LIFE GREENCHANGE (LIFE17 NAT/IT/000619) – Construction of green infrastructures in the Fondazione Caetani farm – Restoration of the Fosso EpitaffioApproved
LIFE GREENCHANGE (LIFE17 NAT/IT/000619) – Environmental restoration of the wet ecosystem along the Ufente riverApproved
LIFE REWETLAND - A wide-area programme for improving the quality of surface water in the agro pontino by means of natural purification techniquesApproved
LIFE RISORGIVE – Bacino CastellaroApproved
LIFE RISORGIVE – Fontane MarzareApproved
LIFE RISORGIVE – Roggia GirosaApproved
LIFE RISORGIVE – Roggia Tergola SudApproved
LIFE SaramugoApproved
LIFE Segura Riverlink (Through rivers)Approved
LIFE+ “Sipontine Wetlands”Draft
LIFE08NAT/IT/000352 CRAINatDraft
LIFE08NAT/IT/000352 CRAINat 2Draft
La Gotera dam removalApproved
Land acquisition on the banks of the Ouche RiverApproved
Langonnet riverApproved
Llobregat river restorationApproved
Lower Aurino master planApproved
Lower Aurino river: Gatzaue riverbed wideningApproved
Lower Aurino river: Molini di Tures riverbed wideningApproved
Lower Aurino river: San Giorgio di Brunico riverbed wideningApproved
Lowering the weir of the Houël mill on the Leff RiverDraft
Marsh restoration on the MerlueApproved
More space for the river OrbigoApproved
Natura 2000conservation in Alta Tuscia Viterbese LIFE04 NAT/IT/000153Approved
Oasi naturale delle pittime di Cascina OschienaApproved
Off-Channels RestaurationApproved
Pagana canal restoration projectApproved
Partial removal of a weir on La Corrèze river in the town of TulleApproved
Partial removal of weir on the Sanguèze at MouzillonApproved
Partial removal of weir on the Thouet at Le TalludApproved
Proposal for landscape and environmental improvement of the canal of SilsApproved
Reactivating river dynamics in the Vieux-Rhône River (non-navigable section) at Cornas, Roubion and Petite ÎleApproved
Reconnection of a secondary arm of the Rhine: the SchafteuApproved
Reconstitution du matelas alluvial de la Vesgre à HoudanApproved
Recovery "CañoTravieso"Approved
Recovery of riparian vegetation affected by fire in Canaletes River and tributaries. Horta de San JoanApproved
Recovery of the functionality of Brazo de la TorreApproved
Recreation of a low-flow sinuous channel in an urban stretch of the Montvaux streamApproved
Recreation of a sinuous low-flow channel in the MerlozApproved
Refilling the meanders of the ColostreApproved
Regeneration of the banks of the river MapeApproved
Remeandering of the Drugeon and integrated management of its catchmentApproved
Remeandering of the Drésine and of the Remoray streamApproved
Remeandering of the Mardereau stream at SorignyApproved
Removal and opening of sluice gates on the Vence RiverApproved
Removal of Maisons-Rouges dam over the River VienneApproved
Removal of a dam on the Allier river in Saint-Etienne-du-ViganApproved
Removal of a pond weir in a tributary of PetersbachApproved
Removal of five Lakes on the Val des Choues streamApproved
Removal of the Brosses weir on the Soanan RiverDraft
Removal of the Coupeau impoundment on Vicoin River and riverbed restorationApproved
Removal of the Cussy weir on the Maria streamApproved
Removal of the Fatou dam on the Beaume riverApproved
Removal of the Kernansquillec dam over the River LéguerApproved
Removal of the Retuerta dam in the Aravalle river:Approved
Removal of the Stalapos weir over the river AlagnonApproved
Removal of the Ver mill weir on the Sienne RiverDraft
Removal of the pont Paillard weir on a secondary arm of the AumeApproved
Removal of twenty small structures and diversification of the Main Channel of the River CouasnonApproved
Removing a weir and renaturalising the Iton River on the Plis industrial site in HondouvilleApproved
Reméandrage de la Veyre en amont du lac d’AydatApproved
Renaturation of Stržen's riverbed on intermittent Cerknica LakeApproved
Reopening of a section of the River Bièvre in an urban environmentApproved
Reopening of the culverted Redon riverApproved
Reopening side channels along the Saône in Jassans-RiottierApproved
Restauration du matelas alluvial de la Clouère par recharge granulométriqueApproved
Restauration du matelas alluvial du ruisseau de Trémeret à AmbonApproved
Restoration and environmental interpretation of the Riparian Forest of Nestos DeltaDraft
Restoration in river Tajo and tributaries after kaolin spillageApproved
Restoration in the lower reach of the Cinca RiverApproved
Restoration of R. OdeloucaDraft
Restoration of R. Odelouca 2Draft
Restoration of Viejas River from the outlet of the fish farm to its mouthApproved
Restoration of a section of Torrente de Can Sunyer passing through MartorellesApproved
Restoration of a stream of the Jarama River, Valdetorres de JaramaApproved
Restoration of a stretch of the river of Santa ColomaApproved
Restoration of riparian zone in Aragon RiverApproved
Restoration of side channels of the Loire and its tributariesApproved
Restoration of streams Chico Soto, Soto Grande and Arroyo de la Laguna de los ReyesApproved
Restoration of the Bellegarde hydraulic annex and sediment recharge of the Ain RiverApproved
Restoration of the Cassaire wetland (Rhôle delta)Approved
Restoration of the Charentonne in the Serquigny public gardenApproved
Restoration of the Pantanello wetland area (Fondazione Caetani)Approved
Restoration of the longitudinal continuity along the Canche and its classified tributariesApproved
Restoration of the marsh "Gallega"Approved
Restoration of the original riverbed of the SteinbaechleinApproved
Restoration of the previous riverbed of the DadonApproved
Restoration of the river area of the section of Betzuca streamApproved
Restoration of the river continuity on the Touques BasinApproved
Restoration of the stream of Vallicrosa in the section of the source of PicApproved
Restoration of the stream of the PartidoApproved
Restoration of the surface flows of two temporary tributaries of the upstream ClaugeApproved
Restoration project in Serpis River in the Lorcha (Alicante province) and Villalonga (Valencia province)Approved
Restoration project in Turia RiverApproved
Restoration project in Verde RiverApproved
Restoration project in the stream of the Vall d'Horta and surrounds. Natural Park of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac.Approved
Restoration project of riparian buffer of the Sesia riverDraft
Restoration project of the degraded area of the Molí source environment and improvement of river areas and adjacent riparian formationsApproved
Restoration project of the river area of the streams of Vallmanya and ReixacApproved
Restoring the River Doquette to its original bedApproved
Restoring the natural dynamics of the upper AdourApproved
Restoring the river continuity of the Bresle River by returning it to its original bed in SénarpontApproved
Retour dans son talweg d’origine de la Souffel à Reichstett et création de maresApproved
Returning the Fontenelle to its original bed at Saint-Wandrille-RançonApproved
Rio Mareta restoration at Stanghe (Sterzing-Vipiteno)Approved
Rio San Martino and Piovega di Scandolara restoration projectApproved
Rio Sant'Ambrogio restoration projectApproved
Rio Tepice urban restorationApproved
Riparia-Ter - Recovery of riparian habitats of the Ter RiverApproved
River Tesina restorationDraft
River restoration in the irrigation area Lobón (Badajoz)Approved
River restoration project in Congost between the torrent of Malhivern and end of the municipality of La GarrigaApproved
River restoration project in Sella, AsturiasApproved
River restoration project of the stream of VallvidreraApproved
Robledo de Chavela dam removalApproved
Route water: environmental restoration project for tourist useApproved
Réduction de l’impact de trois étangs sur cours d’eau dans le bassin du CousinApproved
Rétablissement de la continuité écologique sur la LuireApproved
Río Sequillo tramo Belver de los MontesDraft
SCI Parga-Ladra-Támoga: recovery of bog woodland and dystrophic lakeApproved
SEE River ProjectApproved
Salzano wetland and Marzenego river restoration projectApproved
San Giovanni stream restoration upstream San Matteo della DecimaApproved
Scolo Desolino restoration projectApproved
Segura's River BioremediationDraft
Strengthening associated biodiversity of habitat 92A0 and control of Invasive Alien Species in the Segura River (LIFE + Ripisilvanatura)Approved
Suppression de l’étang de Condé-sur-Iton et restauration de zones humidesApproved
Sustainable management, at local level, of the alluvial aquifer of the River Tordera, through the reuse of waste waterApproved
The Manzanares River Restoration: Demolition of an obsolete dam and riverine ecosystem rehabilitationApproved
The San Marcos weir removalApproved
The Verdier marshesDraft
Toce River: conservation of riparian habitats for breeding and migratory birds - LIFE02 NAT/IT/008572Approved
Transboundary Management Programme for the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube” - COOP MDDDraft
Updated project for the “Environmental Restoration and Urban and Landscape Planning of Cabra River’s High Section (Cordoba)Approved
VALAGUA (Valorização ambiental e gestão integrada da água e dos habitats no Baixo Guadiana transfronteiriço)Draft
Vallacuera Ravine. Removal of a dykeApproved
Valtellina 2005 – New green systemDraft
Water is Environmental Pearl (WEP) - SLO-HU ETE 2007-2013Approved
Weir demolition in river Nansa, CantabriaApproved
Widening and sediment reloading of the Drac riverbed in Saint-Bonneten-ChampsaurApproved
Works of improvement in final stretch of the Riera of Vallcorba, Sant Quirze del VallèsApproved
Zero river restoration projectApproved
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the Chapel of St Mary of Zújar and the ford of "Entrerríos", Badajoz.Approved
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the dam and the ford of "El Espolón" , Badajoz.Approved
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the ford of "El Espolón" and the Chapel of St Mary of Zújar , Badajoz.Approved
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the ford of "Entrerríos" and its mouth, Badajoz.Approved


Data quality report CSV


contact user id

 Main contact IDMain contact forenameMain contact surname
"Rio Verde II". Restoration of riparian forest and the rivers Llobregat and CardenerNoemiFosas i Ferrer
't MerkskeMartinStamhuis
2e Lower Woodsford River and Floodplain EnhancementAlymaxwellAlyMaxwell
3Rivers - Lumburn:Walkham:TavyDavid chapmanHazelKendall
Aaijen- Removal of bank fixationFransKerkum
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge avalEmmanuelPranal
Abbey Brook WeirRichardLucas
Abbots Worthy Restoration ProjectEnvironmentAgency
Abbotts Hall Managed Realignment SchemeDaveSmart
Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, BurgosCHDueroCHDuero
Adams Mill enhancementsRobClapham
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basinsAntoineCharrier
Adare Fish CounterTonyBrew
Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in MadridFernandoMagdaleno
Afon ClywddJacquesSisson
Afon Merin Natural Process RestorationIeuanIeuanDavies
Agreed definition of mobility area for the AdourFréderic
Albany ParkmbiddulphMatildaBiddulph
Albbruck-Dogern (bypass and nature-like pool pass)KasvioRolf-JürgenGebler
Alkborough tidal defence schemeVolkerStevin
... further results

Approved case studies

 Approval status
Conservation of alluvialApproved
ERCIP - European River Corridor Improvement PlansApproved
Ecological Restoration of Mata-Radeanu ComplexApproved
Ecological Restoration of Natural Lake PochinaApproved
Ecological Restoration of Vlascuta LakeApproved
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 1Approved
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 2Approved
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 3Approved
Habitat and water flow restoration on River RábcaApproved
Improving the structure of the Lahn-patak in HungaryApproved
Marsh protection in Egyek–PusztakócsApproved
Matasaru Area - A new life on the river ArgesApproved
Rehabilitation of Benta streamApproved
Remediation and revitalization of Séd-Nádor streamApproved
Restoration and conservation of riparian forests - habitats of European conservation importance on the territory of Dimitrovgrad municipalityApproved
Restoration and conservation of the protected site "Lozenski pat" - wetlandApproved
Restoration of Rusenski Lom River near IvanovoApproved
Restoration of Szárazerdei river branchApproved
Restoration of Vesselina RiverApproved
Restoration, protection and sustainable development of protected area "Zlato pole"Approved
... further results

Data quality check

Check for empty fields

 ThemeCountryLocationContact organisationContact organisation urlRiver name
"Rio Verde II". Restoration of riparian forest and the rivers Llobregat and CardenerEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Spain41° 47' 10.87" N, 1° 54' 11.25" EBages Regional Council
't MerkskeEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
51° 25' 4.63" N, 4° 50' 29.21" EWaterschap Brabantse Deltahttp://www.brabantsedelta.nlMark
2e Lower Woodsford River and Floodplain EnhancementFisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
England50° 43' 12.17" N, 2° 18' 50.69" WEnvironment Agency
Forestry Commission
Woodland Trust
Dorset Wildlife Trust
Frome Dorset (Lower) & Furzebrook Stream
3Rivers - Lumburn:Walkham:TavyWater qualityEngland50° 31' 45.52" N, 4° 9' 38.87" WWestcountry Rivers Trust
Devon Wildlife Trust
South West Water
Tamar Valley AONB
Tavy Walkham and Plym Fishing Club River Tavy
Aaijen- Removal of bank fixationFlood risk management
Water quality
Netherlands51° 34' 51.60" N, 6° 2' 25.80" ERijkswaterstaat Waterdienst ons/adressen en diensten/landelijkediensten/waterdienst/Meuse
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge avalEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
France48° 37' 57.50" N, 2° 18' 46.38" ESyndicat de l’Orge
Direction régionale et interdépartementale de l’environnement et de l’energie (DRIEE)
Office national de l’eau et des milieux aquatiques (Onema).
Abbey Brook WeirFisheries
Habitat and biodiversity
Wales52° 59' 13.60" N, 3° 11' 11.70" WWelsh Dee Trust
Abbots Worthy Restoration ProjectFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
England51° 5' 16.75" N, 1° 17' 6.30" WEnvironment Agency
Natural England
Abbotts Hall Managed Realignment SchemeFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
England51° 47' 5.40" N, 0° 50' 51.59" EEssex Wildlife Trust
English Nature
Environment Agency
http:// centres nature reserves/abbotts hall farm/
Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, BurgosEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Spain42° 16' 2.19" N, 4° 10' 51.54" WMARMOdra
Adams Mill enhancementsFisheries
England52° 5' 51.58" N, 0° 45' 14.71" WEnvironment Agency
Milton Keynes Angling Association
Woodland Trust
Ouse (Cosgrove to Newport Pagnell)
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basinsFrance47° 35' 16.84" N, 2° 39' 47.11" WInstitution Interdepartmentale du bassin de la Sèvre Nantaise
Adare Fish CounterFisheries
Social benefits
Ireland52° 39' 41.63" N, 8° 48' 20.72" WIFI
Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in MadridEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spain40° 25' 0.39" N, 3° 42' 13.64" WCentre for Studies and Experimentation on Public Works (CEDEX) castellano/
Afon ClywddFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Wales53° 10' 57.73" N, 3° 22' 7.56" WNatural Resources Wales
Afon Merin Natural Process RestorationEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Wales52° 23' 56.58" N, 3° 46' 27.57" WNatural Resources Wales - headwaters to confluence with Rheidol
Agreed definition of mobility area for the AdourFrance43° 39' 8.51" N, 0° 0' 51.13" WInstitution AdourL'Adour
Albany ParkEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
England51° 40' 5.85" N, 0° 1' 59.94" WEnvironment Agency
London Borough of Enfield Brook and Turkey Brook
Albbruck-Dogern (bypass and nature-like pool pass)Economic aspects
Switzerland47° 35' 9.30" N, 8° 7' 59.44" EIngenieurmeinschaft Gruner/Kelag
Rhein Kraftwerk Allbruck-Gogern AG
Ing. Büro Kesselring
Alkborough tidal defence schemeFlood risk management
Social benefits
England53° 42' 2.78" N, 0° 41' 31.70" WEnvironment Agency
Natural England
Associated British Ports
North Lincolnshire Council
Yorkshire Forward
Heritage Lottery Fund
European Union (EU)
Skitter Bk / E Halton Bk from Ulceby Skitter to Humber Estuary
... further results

check for coverage on start/end dates, themes and measures

 Project startedProject completedBank and bed modifications measureRiver corridor measureChannel pattern measureOther technical measureManagement interventionsWider engagement measureThemeBiological quality element monitoredHydromorphological quality element monitoredPhysico-chemical quality element monitoredOther response monitored
"Rio Verde II". Restoration of riparian forest and the rivers Llobregat and Cardener1 January 2006Revetmens with local species
Bank stabilisation
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Riparian plantingEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
't MerkskeEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
2e Lower Woodsford River and Floodplain Enhancement1 January 20121 January 2014Removal of revetmentsTree planting
Lowering of embankments
Re-profiled ditchRaised interest in future projectsFisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
3Rivers - Lumburn:Walkham:Tavyfloodplain woodland plantingLand managementSurvey workWater quality
Aaijen- Removal of bank fixation1 January 2005Removal of bank reinforcementsFlood risk management
Water quality
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Invertebrates: Abundance
Continuity for organisms
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge aval1 March 201030 September 2012Lowering of checking valves
Removal of checking valves
Water supply channel lowering
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Abbey Brook Weir1 August 20111 November 2011Rock ramp construction
Creation of fish passes
Habitat and biodiversity
Abbots Worthy Restoration Project1 April 2018Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Abbotts Hall Managed Realignment SchemeFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Flow velocitiesSalinity
Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, Burgos1 January 2009Revetmens with local species
Removal of sediment
Bank reprofiling
Removal of rubbishEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Adams Mill enhancements1 September 2014Bank stabilisationIncrease in-channel hydromorphological diversityFisheries
FishSubstrate conditions
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Habitat mapping
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basins1 January 2004Weir partial removal or permanent opening of gates allowing self restoration of previously impunded stretchesMore natural reservoir releasesInformation provision
Participation in works
River contract
Social representation of the river
Adare Fish CounterCreation of fish passesFisheries
Social benefits
Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in Madrid1 January 2017Creation of rampReforestation and restoration of watercourses
Develop riparian forest
Riparian planting
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Afon ClywddRunoff pathway managementFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Afon Merin Natural Process Restoration1 February 201815 leaky dams and scrapes.Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Agreed definition of mobility area for the Adour1 January 2005Removal of bank reinforcementsDevelop riparian forestDefinition of erodble corridorConsultationChannel pattern/planform
Albany Park4 January 2016Creation of berms
Creation of backwaters
River naturalisation
Reedbed creation
Fish habitat restoration
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Albbruck-Dogern (bypass and nature-like pool pass)1 January 20081 July 2012Creation of fish laddersCreation of side channelEconomic aspects
Alkborough tidal defence scheme2005Salt marsh and mudflat restorationFlood risk management
Social benefits
... further results

Case study overview:

# of case studies per country and catchment

(replace East by your region in the 2nd row: "Country.RESTORE region:: East")

CountryRiver basin district
HungaryDanube River Basin District
HungaryDanube River Basin District
BulgariaEast Aegean
BulgariaEast Aegean
HungaryDanube River Basin District
BulgariaEast Aegean
... further results

# of case studies per theme and reason for restoration

 ThemeHydromorphological quality motivationBiological quality motivationPhysico-chemical quality motivationOther motivation
Conservation of alluvialHabitat and biodiversitySubstrate conditions
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Fish: Species compositionNutrient concentrations
ERCIP - European River Corridor Improvement PlansEconomic aspects
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
Ecological Restoration of Mata-Radeanu ComplexHabitat and biodiversityQuantity & dynamics of flowOxygen balanceFlood risk management
Ecological Restoration of Natural Lake PochinaHabitat and biodiversityWidth & depth variationOxygen balance
Ecological Restoration of Vlascuta LakeHabitat and biodiversityWidth & depth variationOxygen balance
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 1Habitat and biodiversityQuantity & dynamics of flowFish: Disturbance-sensitive speciesNutrient concentrationsCommunity demand
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 2Habitat and biodiversityQuantity & dynamics of flowFish: Disturbance-sensitive speciesNutrient concentrationsCommunity demand
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 3Habitat and biodiversityQuantity & dynamics of flowFish: Disturbance-sensitive speciesNutrient concentrationsCommunity demand
Habitat and water flow restoration on River RábcaFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zones
Continuity for organisms
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Fish: Species composition
Nutrient concentrations
Improving the structure of the Lahn-patak in HungaryHabitat and biodiversityWidth & depth variation
Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zones
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Fish: Species composition
Nutrient concentrationsLandscape enhancement
Marsh protection in Egyek–PusztakócsEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Matasaru Area - A new life on the river ArgesHabitat and biodiversity
Rehabilitation of Benta streamFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zones
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Fish: Species compositionLandscape enhancement
Community demand
Flood risk management
Remediation and revitalization of Séd-Nádor streamHabitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Substrate conditionsSpecific non-synthetic pollutants
Restoration and conservation of riparian forests - habitats of European conservation importance on the territory of Dimitrovgrad municipalityHabitat and biodiversityStructure & condition of riparian/ lake shore zonesFish: Abundance
Restoration and conservation of the protected site "Lozenski pat" - wetlandHabitat and biodiversityQuantity & dynamics of flowMacrophytesLandscape enhancement
Restoration of Rusenski Lom River near IvanovoHydromorphologyWidth & depth variation
Restoration of Szárazerdei river branchHabitat and biodiversity
Restoration of Vesselina RiverHydromorphologyContinuity for organismsFish: Species compositionLandscape enhancement
Restoration, protection and sustainable development of protected area "Zlato pole"Habitat and biodiversityWidth & depth variationInvertebratesNutrient concentrationsRecreation
... further results

# of case studies per measure

 Bank and bed modifications measureRiver corridor measureChannel pattern measureOther technical measureManagement interventionsWider engagement measure
Conservation of alluvialDredging
Removal of rock-fill weir
Relocation of the drinking water pipes
Control of invasive speciesProtection of the island
Ensuring biodiversity
Information provision
Participation in works
ERCIP - European River Corridor Improvement Plans
Ecological Restoration of Mata-Radeanu ComplexImprovement of natural flowsInformation provision
Ecological Restoration of Natural Lake PochinaMorphological diversification
Channel reprofiling
Information provision
Ecological Restoration of Vlascuta LakeRemoval of sedimentInformation provision
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 1Canals to improve the hydrologic regimeParticipation in design
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 2Canals to improve the hydrologic regimeParticipation in monitoring
Ecological reconstruction of islands resulted after Sf. Gheorghe Arm rectification - project 3Canals to improve the hydrologic regimeInformation provision
Habitat and water flow restoration on River RábcaRemoval of reed
Removal of small bars
Weir removal
Riparian plantingRemoval of fallen treesEnsuring biodiversity
Improving the structure of the Lahn-patak in HungaryReduction of bank slope
Creation of fish ladders
Depth variation
Creation of a lakeRe-instatement of old course
Adding sinuosity
Creation of meanders
Ensuring biodiversityInformation provision
Marsh protection in Egyek–PusztakócsRestoration of riparian marshes
Restored species-rich wet grasslands
Matasaru Area - A new life on the river Arges
Rehabilitation of Benta streamRenewal of reventments
Removal of sediment
Creation of fish spawn nursing places
Creation of pipelines
Reparation of sluice gateschannel maintenanceInformation provision
Remediation and revitalization of Séd-Nádor streamCreation of gravel banks
Removal of sediment
Creation of fish spawn nursing places
Adding sinuosityReduced pollutionInformation provision
Restoration and conservation of riparian forests - habitats of European conservation importance on the territory of Dimitrovgrad municipalityAforestation
Restoration and conservation of the protected site "Lozenski pat" - wetland
Restoration of Rusenski Lom River near Ivanovo
Restoration of Szárazerdei river branchEnsuring biodiversity
Restoration of Vesselina River
Restoration, protection and sustainable development of protected area "Zlato pole"Aforestation
Weir construction
Creation of wetland
... further results

# of case studies per monitored quality element

(adjust limit to 500)

 CountryHydromorphological quality element monitoredBiological quality element monitoredPhysico-chemical quality element monitoredOther response monitored
"Rio Verde II". Restoration of riparian forest and the rivers Llobregat and CardenerSpain
't MerkskeNetherlands
2e Lower Woodsford River and Floodplain EnhancementEngland
3Rivers - Lumburn:Walkham:TavyEngland
Aaijen- Removal of bank fixationNetherlandsContinuity for organismsMacrophytes
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Invertebrates: Abundance
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge avalFrance
Abbey Brook WeirWales
Abbots Worthy Restoration ProjectEngland
Abbotts Hall Managed Realignment SchemeEnglandFlow velocitiesInvertebrates
Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, BurgosSpain
Adams Mill enhancementsEnglandSubstrate conditions
Quantity & dynamics of flow
FishHabitat mapping
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basinsFranceSocial representation of the river
Adare Fish CounterIreland
Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in MadridSpain
Afon ClywddWales
Afon Merin Natural Process RestorationWales
Agreed definition of mobility area for the AdourFranceChannel pattern/planform
Albany ParkEngland
Albbruck-Dogern (bypass and nature-like pool pass)Switzerland
Alkborough tidal defence schemeEnglandInvertebrates
... further results

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