Country info:England - background information
Link back to the main England country page: England
Organisations: Atlantic Salmon Trust
Catchment Science Centre
Centre for River Ecosystem Science
European Centre for River Restoration
European Network of Freshwater Research Organisations
European Rivers Network
European Union of Water Management Associations
European Water Association
European Water Resources Association
Freshwater Biological Association
Global Water Partnership
River Science Network
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
The Rivers Trust
Wild Trout Trust
useful journals
ends report
Environment Agency and Defra links
Estuary Edges design guidance
Mitigation measures manual
catchment based approach
dredging guidance
Hi Flows UK
water quality
water resources strategy
Defra water
Professional Bodies
Professional and examining body for scientists, engineers, other environmental professionals, students and those committed to the sustainable management and development of water and the environment.
European Union of national associations of water suppliers and waste water services.
institute of water
Site offers water industry news and current events and water-related links.
Site contains publishing, IWA and industry news, details of events and an online catalogue of publications.
Water Engineering and Development Centre
Website gives details of research on emergency relief for refugees, knowledge transfer, solid waste management, transport, urban services and water and sanitation.
water UK
Industry association that represents all UK water and wastewater service suppliers at national and European level.
Water Quality Association
Information on product testing and professional certification of all water users. Consumer questions and concerns about drinking water, regarding health quality and taste issues. Including the 2001 National consumer water quality survey and WQA's glossary of terms.
campaigns and charities
surfers against sewage
water aid