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Latest revision as of 09:35, 16 May 2014

This is the user page for Nick Elbourne.


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Latest updated case studiesModification date"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.Country
Lower Otter Restoration Project26 February 2025 14:18:16England
Howgill Beck Naturalisation Project24 February 2025 15:09:27England
RECONNECTING THE RODING- WEIR REMOVAL24 February 2025 15:07:47England
Beckenham Place Park River Restoration28 January 2025 16:52:11England
Natural recovery of a shingle barrier beach at Cley to Salthouse24 January 2025 13:20:02England

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 LocationCountryApproval statusRiver nameRiver basinRiver basin districtContact organisationProject startedProject completedProject statusReach length directly affectedTotal costTotal cost categoryFunding sourceRiver corridor land useBank and bed modifications measureRiver corridor measureChannel pattern measureOther technical measureManagement interventionsThemeBiological quality element monitoredHydromorphological quality element monitoredPhysico-chemical quality element monitoredOther response monitored
't Merkske51° 25' 4.63" N, 4° 50' 29.21" ENetherlands
DraftMarkMaasMeuseWaterschap Brabantse DeltaIn progressBroadleaf/mixed woodland (semi natural)Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
2e Lower Woodsford River and Floodplain Enhancement50° 43' 12.17" N, 2° 18' 50.69" WEnglandApprovedFrome Dorset (Lower) & Furzebrook StreamDorsetSouth WestEnvironment Agency
Forestry Commission
Woodland Trust
Dorset Wildlife Trust
1 January 20121 January 2014CompleteRemoval of revetmentsTree planting
Lowering of embankments
Re-profiled ditchFisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
3Rivers - Lumburn:Walkham:Tavy50° 31' 45.52" N, 4° 9' 38.87" WEnglandApprovedLower River TavyTamarSouth WestWestcountry Rivers Trust
Devon Wildlife Trust
South West Water
Tamar Valley AONB
Tavy Walkham and Plym Fishing Club
In progressfloodplain woodland plantingLand managementWater quality
Aaijen- Removal of bank fixation51° 34' 51.60" N, 6° 2' 25.80" ENetherlandsApprovedMeuseMeuseMeuseRijkswaterstaat Waterdienst1 January 2005Complete74 k€74,000 € <br />50 - 100 k€Intensive agriculture (arable)
Removal of bank reinforcementsFlood risk management
Water quality
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Invertebrates: Abundance
Continuity for organisms
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge aval48° 37' 57.50" N, 2° 18' 46.38" EFranceApprovedSyndicat de l’Orge
Direction régionale et interdépartementale de l’environnement et de l’energie (DRIEE)
Office national de l’eau et des milieux aquatiques (Onema).
1 March 201030 September 2012Complete360 k€360,000 € <br />100 - 500 k€Conseil régional Île-de-France (40 %)
Agence de l’eau Seine-Normandie (20 %)
Conseil général de l’Essonne (20 %).
Lowering of checking valves
Removal of checking valves
Water supply channel lowering
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Abbey Brook Weir52° 59' 13.60" N, 3° 11' 11.70" WWalesApprovedEglwysegUpper DeeDeeWelsh Dee Trust1 August 20111 November 2011CompleteIntensive agriculture (arable)
Improved/semi-improved grassland/pasture
Rock ramp construction
Creation of fish passes
Habitat and biodiversity
Abbots Worthy Restoration Project51° 5' 16.75" N, 1° 17' 6.30" WEnglandDraftEnvironment Agency
Natural England
1 April 2018Complete98,000 k€98,000,000 € <br />Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Abbotts Hall Managed Realignment Scheme51° 47' 5.39" N, 0° 50' 51.58" EEnglandApprovedCombined EssexAnglianEssex Wildlife Trust
English Nature
Environment Agency
CompleteWWF and the Heritage Lottery FundArableFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Flow velocitiesSalinity
Adams Mill enhancements52° 5' 51.58" N, 0° 45' 14.71" WEnglandApprovedOuse (Cosgrove to Newport Pagnell)Upper and Bedford OuseAnglianEnvironment Agency
Milton Keynes Angling Association
Woodland Trust
1 September 2014In progressLess than 1 k€Environment Agency Grant in AidImproved/semi-improved grassland/pastureBank stabilisationIncrease in-channel hydromorphological diversityFisheries
FishSubstrate conditions
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Habitat mapping
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basins47° 35' 16.84" N, 2° 39' 47.11" WFranceApprovedInstitution Interdepartmentale du bassin de la Sèvre Nantaise1 January 2004In progressWater Agency
Regional Council of the Pays de la Loire
Départment-level Councils of the Vendée
Loire Atlantique
Deux-Sèvres and Maine-et-Loire
Leader+ European Structural Fund
Weir partial removal or permanent opening of gates allowing self restoration of previously impunded stretchesMore natural reservoir releasesSocial representation of the river
Adare Fish Counter52° 39' 41.63" N, 8° 48' 20.72" WIrelandApprovedIFICompleteCreation of fish passesFisheries
Social benefits
Afon Clywdd53° 10' 57.73" N, 3° 22' 7.56" WWalesDraftNatural Resources Wales
PlannedRunoff pathway managementFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Afon Merin Natural Process Restoration52° 23' 56.58" N, 3° 46' 27.57" WWalesApprovedMynach - headwaters to confluence with RheidolSouth West WalesWestern WalesNatural Resources Wales1 February 2018Complete30,000 k€30,000,000 € <br />10 - 50 k€15 leaky dams and scrapes.Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Agreed definition of mobility area for the Adour43° 39' 8.51" N, 0° 0' 51.13" WFranceApprovedL'AdourAdour - GaronneHautes-Pyrénées et GerInstitution Adour1 January 2005In progress3,733 k€3,733,000 € <br />1000 - 5000 k€Water Agency
Institution Adour
Regional Council
French State
Intensive agriculture (arable)
Removal of bank reinforcementsDevelop riparian forestDefinition of erodble corridorChannel pattern/planform
Albany Park51° 40' 5.85" N, 0° 1' 59.94" WEnglandApprovedCuffley Brook and Turkey BrookLondonThamesEnvironment Agency
London Borough of Enfield
4 January 2016Complete1000 - 5000 k€Local council
Greater London Authority
Environment Agency environmental funding and flood risk funding.
Creation of berms
Creation of backwaters
River naturalisation
Reedbed creation
Fish habitat restoration
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Alkborough tidal defence scheme53° 42' 2.77" N, 0° 41' 31.70" WEnglandApprovedSkitter Bk / E Halton Bk from Ulceby Skitter to Humber EstuaryLouth Grimsby and AncholmeHumberEnvironment Agency
Natural England
Associated British Ports
North Lincolnshire Council
Yorkshire Forward
Heritage Lottery Fund
European Union (EU)
2005Complete10 - 50 k€Flood Defence Grant-in-Aid
EU Interreg
Regional Development Agency
Salt marsh and mudflat restorationFlood risk management
Social benefits
Habitat and biodiversity
Allt Lorgy River Restoration57° 16' 18.18" N, 3° 50' 33.26" WScotlandApprovedRiver AvonRiver SpeyScotland RBDSpey Catchment Initiative
Spey Fishery Board
Cairngorms National Park Authority
Scottish Natural Heritage
1 March 2012In progress10 - 50 k€CNPA
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Removal of in stream boulders and replacement with wood structures
Additional strategic wood structures introduced
Graded extracted gravel to be used for sediment reintroduction
Embankment lowering
Removal of 3 culvert pipes. Infilling of a large drainage ditch.Site fenced to enable natural regeneration to take place. Supplementary planting planned for Spring 2013. Long term site monitoring programmed planned.Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Alma Road Rain Gardens51° 38' 47.70" N, 0° 2' 3.53" WEnglandApprovedSalmons BrookLondonThamesLondon Borough of Enfield
Thames 21
Greater London Authority
1 April 201531 March 2016In progressGreater London AuthorityUrbanSustainable urban drainage ponds (SUDs)Rain gardensEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Amerongse Bovenpolder51° 59' 26.69" N, 5° 27' 46.93" ENetherlandsApprovedRhineRhineRhineDienst Landelijk Gebied
Utrechts Landschap
1 January 200131 December 2015In progressRijkswaterstaat
Dienst Landelijk Gebied
Intensive agriculture (arable)Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Amwell Loop51° 47' 49.84" N, 0° 0' 2.16" WEnglandDraftLee Navigation (Hertford and Ware)Upper LeeThamesEnvironment Agency
British Waterways
Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Planned10 - 50 k€Capital works schemehabitat improvements
Tree plantingEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Aménagement du plan d’eau de la Sangsue et création d’un bras de contournement du Woigot49° 14' 54.48" N, 5° 56' 12.04" EFranceApprovedSyndicat CRW Commune de Briey
communauté de communes du pays de Briey
commune de Briey
Fédération de pêche 54
1 June 201230 June 2014Complete5,372 k€5,372,000 € <br />5000 - 10000 k€Agence de l’eau Rhin-Meuse (AERM) : 60 %
Conseil régional de Lorraine : 30 %
Fonds FEDER : compensation pour les fonds non subventionnés (1 693 000 HT)
Construction of a bypass channel
Dam removal
Creation of fish passes
Creation of lateral dike to regulate flows
Application of plant-engineering
Riparian planting
Creation of wetland
The banks are maintained if necessary by vegetal engineeringFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Ancholme and Coast habitat project53° 37' 34.86" N, 0° 32' 22.61" WEnglandDraftEnvironment Agency
Rivers Trusts
Wildlife Trusts
4 January 2018Complete210,400 k€210,400,000 € <br />Fisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Anloërdiepje53° 2' 33.90" N, 6° 41' 22.12" ENetherlandsDraftDrentsche AaNedereemsEmsWaterschap Hunze en Aa'sCompleteGrassland
Tall herb/rank vegetation
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Anton Crescent Wetlands Regeneration51° 22' 23.01" N, 0° 12' 8.64" WEnglandApprovedBeverley Brook (Motspur Park to Thames) and Pyl Brook at West BarnesLondonThamesEnvironment Agency
Sutton Ecology Centre
London Borough of Sutton
Natural England
Complete12 k€12,000 € <br />10 - 50 k€UrbanHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Arasement du seuil des Treize Saules sur la Quilienne50° 9' 14.58" N, 2° 29' 25.30" EFranceApprovede Fédération départementale du Pas-de-Calais pour la pêche et la protection du milieu aquatique
Office national de l’eau et des Milieux Aquatiques – service départemental du Pas-de-Calais (SD 62)
association agréée pour la pêche et la protection du milieu aquatique (AAPPMA) de Pas-en-Artois
1 October 200931 October 2009Complete17 k€17,000 € <br />10 - 50 k€Agence de l’eau Artois-Picardie (50 %)
conseil régional du Nord – Pas-de-Calais (30 %)
fédération départementale du Pas-de-Calais pour la pêche et la protection du milieu aquatique (20 %)
Barrier removal
Planting of hydrophytes
Bank reprofiling
Filter masses were laid downstream of the dam to limit the impact of the work on the environmentFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Arasement du vannage du moulin de Réveillon et réaménagement du lit mineur de la Blaise48° 44' 10.08" N, 1° 22' 15.20" EFranceApprovedSyndicat intercommunal de la vallée de la Blaise (SIVB)
Office national de l’eau et des milieux aquatiques (Onema) - Service départemental
Fédération départementale de la pêche
Cellule d’animation technique pour l’eau et les rivières (CATER)
Direction départementale de l’agriculture et de la forêt.
1 January 200831 December 2008Complete142 k€142,000 € <br />100 - 500 k€Conseil général (30 %)
Agence de l’eau Seine-Normandie (50 %)
Dismantling of the mill
Leveling threshold with the water level
Helophytes planted
Bank stabilisation
Installation of geotextile
Creation of a sinuous channelHabitat and biodiversity
Spatial planning
Water quality
Arborfield nature like bypass and weirs project51° 24' 28.95" N, 0° 55' 27.36" WEnglandApprovedLoddon (Swallowfield to River Thames confluence)LoddonThamesEnvironment Agency30 June 2010Complete596 k€596,000 € <br />more than 10000 k€Defra
Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Risk Management
Thames Water
Barbel Society
Introduction of spawning gravels
Riffle creation
Weir lowering
Bypass channel
Improving fish migration
Creation of backwater
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Channel pattern/planform
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Habitat mapping
Arnos Park - Pymmes Brook51° 37' 16.08" N, 0° 8' 8.59" WEnglandDraftPymmes Brook (upper channel with Muswell St & Bounds Grn Brk)LondonThamesEnvironment Agency
River Restoration Centre
London Borough of Enfield
London Wildlife Trust
Greater London Authority
1 January 2008PlannedEnvironment Agency Grant in Aid
Local Authorities
Greater London Authority
Creation of berms
Barrier removal
Embankment renaturalization
Creation of low flow channel
Creation of backwaters
River naturalisation
Floodplain reconnection
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Ashlone Wharf FCRM scheme51° 28' 17.57" N, 0° 13' 22.45" WEnglandDraftBeverley Brook (Motspur Park to Thames) and Pyl Brook at West BarnesLondonThamesEnvironment Agency
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
1 May 2011In progressEnvironment Agency Flood and Coastal Risk ManagementCreation of fish passesFisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Assessing the habitats outcomes of Floodplain Forest restoration: the case study of the floodplain forest at the Ouse Valley Park52° 4' 17.35" N, 0° 49' 53.50" WEnglandApprovedGreat Ouse (Upper)Cam and Ely Ouse (including South Level)AnglianCranfield University
The Parks Trust
Environment Agency
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council)
Hanson Cement
1 January 20071 January 2014CompleteRemoval of sand from beneath agricultural fields and restoring marsh lands has increased floodplain capacity and improved floodwater managementEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Aston Clinton River Restoration51° 47' 46.05" N, 0° 43' 29.72" WEnglandApprovedBuckinghamshire County Council
Environment Agency
Aylesbury Vale District Council
Aston Clinton Parish Council
Green Park
1 August 2015CompleteDeculvertingBypass channel
Creation of new channel
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Aubourn Rock Ramp and Habitat Works53° 9' 7.49" N, 0° 38' 10.62" WEnglandApprovedUpper WithamWithamAnglianEnvironment Agency5 January 2016Complete126,000 k€126,000,000 € <br />100 - 500 k€Tree hinging over long section and large rock ramp installation to replace existing large weir that was a barrier to fish passage.Fisheries
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria River Mur - Strategic river management for considerations in the power and water management sector in Styria/Austria47° 23' 45.38" N, 15° 16' 11.14" EAustriaApprovedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 19951 January 2015CompleteProviding of continuityProtection of alluvial forests by connecting existing stocks to the fluvial dynamicsReconnection of cutoff meanderEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
Austria Upper Mur - LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I" 2003-200747° 11' 25.66" N, 14° 46' 38.03" EAustriaApprovedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 August 200331 July 2007Complete2,125 k€2,125,000 € <br />1000 - 5000 k€EU Life Programme (50%)Creation of bars
Creation of Slips
Creation of undercut banks and islets
Creation of fish passes
Regeneration of alluvial forests
Creation of pond
Reconnection of water bodies to the riverEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria Upper Mur - LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II" 2010-201547° 6' 19.47" N, 14° 12' 3.46" EAustriaApprovedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 February 20101 February 2017In progress2,784 k€2,784,000 € <br />1000 - 5000 k€implementation of Pool/riffle sequesnces
Creation of Slips
Creation of undercut banks
Creation of islands
Creation of bars
Improve longitudinal connectivity
Regeneration of alluvial forests
Floodplain reconnection
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria Upper Mur - Public relations in murerleben I + II LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) and LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I+II" 2003-201547° 10' 5.74" N, 14° 39' 29.20" EAustriaDraftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
In progressHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Austria Upper Mur - River Widening Weyern (LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I 2003-2007)47° 11' 36.36" N, 14° 48' 42.24" EAustriaApprovedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
17 September 2010CompleteRestoration of the connection of side armsEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria Upper Mur - River widening Lässer Au (LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II 2010-2015)47° 12' 9.04" N, 14° 50' 43.01" EAustriaDraftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
CompleteRemoval of bank reinforcements
Restoration of the connection of side arms
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria Upper Mur - River widening St. Peter Au (LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II 2010-2015)47° 12' 9.70" N, 14° 34' 47.18" EAustriaApprovedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 September 2015CompleteEmbankment renaturalization
Restoration of the connection of side arms
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria Urban River Landscape - Urban River Landscape Graz47° 4' 14.57" N, 15° 26' 22.21" EAustriaApprovedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.1 January 2004In progressStructuring of shoreline
Construction gravel bays
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
Austria Urban River Landscape - Urban River Landscape Master Plan Leoben47° 22' 35.00" N, 15° 5' 28.07" EAustriaDraftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.1 January 201431 December 2014In progressSocial benefits
Spatial planning
Austria cross-border section - Monitoring sediment transport and Habitat modelling (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)46° 43' 16.52" N, 15° 49' 32.61" ESlovenia
Draftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 20091 January 2013CompleteSelf-initiated bank erosion by sediment inputEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria cross-border section - River widening Sicheldorf (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)46° 41' 21.77" N, 15° 56' 59.21" ESlovenia
Approvedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 200931 December 2013CompleteConstruction gravel bays
Creation of islands
Removal of bank reinforcements
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf I (Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2002-2007)46° 43' 7.14" N, 15° 48' 46.57" ESlovenia
Approvedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 200231 December 2007CompleteCreation of undercut banks
Restoration of the connection of side arms
Creation of Slips
Creation of fords
Creation of potholes
Creation of gravel banks
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf II (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)46° 43' 21.13" N, 15° 50' 0.96" ESlovenia
Approvedfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 200931 December 2013Completehabitat improvementsChannel widening
Habitat creation
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria/Slovenia Urban River Landscape - ETZ-“Skupaj“ - Joint urban and natural development at the Mur banks in Gornja Radgona and Bad Radkersburg46° 41' 1.58" N, 15° 59' 13.74" ESlovenia
Draftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Stadtgemeinde Bad Radkersburg
2008CompleteEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Austria/Slovenia cross-border cooperation - “Die Murkommission” – Bilateral River Commission46° 41' 11.11" N, 15° 59' 14.61" ESlovenia
Draftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.In progressEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-201346° 43' 14.98" N, 15° 49' 3.13" ESlovenia
Draftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 200931 December 2013Complete3,500 k€3,500,000 € <br />1000 - 5000 k€European Regional Development FundEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2003-200846° 43' 14.59" N, 15° 49' 3.41" ESlovenia
Draftfreiland Environmental Consulting Civil Engineers Ltd.
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement
resources and sustainability
1 January 200331 December 2008Complete3,800 k€3,800,000 € <br />1000 - 5000 k€EU Interreg IIIA (50 %)reactivation and extending of tributary streams
Bed load addition
Regeneration of alluvial forestsEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Avon Barriers Project55° 46' 2.99" N, 4° 1' 23.47" WScotlandApprovedAvon WaterNew ForestSouth EastSEPA1 January 2015In progressWeir modificationImproving fish migrationFisheries
Habitat and biodiversity
... further results