Case study:Greatham Marsh Restoration

Revision as of 22:07, 9 December 2024 by Ascarr (talk | contribs)
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Project overview

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Status In progress
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Themes Estuary, Fisheries, Flood risk management, Habitat and biodiversity
Country England
Main contact forename Matthew
Main contact surname Rountree
Main contact user ID
Contact organisation Environment Agency
Contact organisation web site
Partner organisations Northumbrian Water, The Hospital of God
Parent multi-site project
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Project summary

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The Tees Estuary is one of the most heavily modified and developed estuaries in the UK, with less than 10% of the original intertidal habitats remaining. From 1740, large areas of saltmarsh have been enclosed to form freshwater grazing marsh. However, the industrialisation and systematic land take between 1830 and 1970s has resulted in significant habitat loss. It is estimated that the Tees Estuary has lost over two thirds of its intertidal habitat through waste disposal and infilling over the many years of modification, some 3,000ha, or 30km2.

The Greatham Marsh Restoration project is centred on the restoration of intertidal habitat on the low-lying agricultural land near Greatham Village. Historically, the village was on the edge of the marshes but is now inland from the remaining intertidal areas.

The land is currently protected by flood banks constructed in the 18th century and a tidal structure with tidal flaps constructed in 1980 by the former water authority. The alignment of Greatham Beck was rationalised in approximately 1981 when the original meandering tributary was infilled.

The tidal structure was constructed under a licence that expires on 30 November 2029. A condition of the licence stipulates that on the expiry of the Licence, the structure is removed and riverbanks and foreshore reinstated.

This alone would not restore the full extent of natural processes and habitats. The oversized Greatham Beck would become a deep tidal creek and the floodplain would be inundated for long periods of time as a result of historic embankments and ineffective drainage.

So the Project intends to restore the former meandering channel of Greatham Beck and the network of tidal creeks within the floodplain. Areas of higher land within the field parcel are proposed to be managed as grasslands for conservation purposes. Habitats would be allowed to migrate inland as sea level rises.

The project contributes to achievement of WFD objectives by implementing targets for WFD protected sites found within the conservation objectives of the SPA, and mitigation measures for the Tees Estuary water body.

Monitoring surveys and results

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  • Water quality improvements
  • Biodiversity River Units

Biodiversity Area Units – including intertidal habitats and with unrestricted inland migration

Nutrient reduction in Tees catchment subject to Nutrient Neutrality advice from NE

Climate change through reduced operational carbon emissions and sequestration in habitat

SPA SSSI improvement – unfavourable declining SSSI Unit die to excess nutrients, SPA objectives to reduce nutrients and restore extend intertidal habitats

Nature based solution through increased river channel capacity

Lessons learnt

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Project background

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Reach length directly affected (m)
Project started
Works started 2024-09-01
Works completed 2025-11-01
Project completed
Total cost category 1000 - 5000 k€
Total cost (k€) 40004,000 k€ <br />4,000,000 € <br />
Benefit to cost ratio
Funding sources Environment Agency

Cost for project phases

Phase cost category cost exact (k€) Lead organisation Contact forename Contact surname
Investigation and design
Stakeholder engagement and communication
Works and works supervision
Post-project management and maintenance

Supplementary funding information

partnership funding

Catchment and subcatchment

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River basin district Northumbria
River basin Tees


River name Greatham Creek Catchment (trib of Tidal Tees)
Area category 10 - 100 km²
Area (km2)
Maximum altitude category 100 - 200 m
Maximum altitude (m) 149149 m <br />0.149 km <br />14,900 cm <br />
Dominant geology Calcareous
Ecoregion Great Britain
Dominant land cover Arable and Horticulture
Waterbody ID GB103025076030

Other case studies in this subcatchment: Greatham Managed Realignment Scheme


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Name Tees Estuary water body
WFD water body codes GB510302509900
WFD (national) typology TraC
WFD water body name
Pre-project morphology
Reference morphology
Desired post project morphology
Heavily modified water body No
National/international site designation
Local/regional site designations
Protected species present Yes
Invasive species present No
Species of interest
Dominant hydrology Estuary
Dominant substrate Estuarine mud
River corridor land use
Average bankfull channel width category
Average bankfull channel width (m)
Average bankfull channel depth category
Average bankfull channel depth (m)
Mean discharge category
Mean annual discharge (m3/s)
Average channel gradient category
Average channel gradient
Average unit stream power (W/m2)

Supplementary Information

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Construction start date – between September 2024 and January 2025

10 months construction phase

Construction completion date – between July 2025 and November 2025

Dependent on permission and agreements

Marine Licence application submitted January 2024

Planning Permission application submitted April 2024

Landowner Agreement Heads of Terms

Partnership Contribution Agreement

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Location: 54° 37' 58.98" N, 1° 14' 14.75" W
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Reasons for river restoration

Mitigation of a pressure
Other reasons for the project


Structural measures
Bank/bed modifications
Floodplain / River corridor
Planform / Channel pattern
Non-structural measures
Management interventions
Social measures (incl. engagement)


Hydromorphological quality elements

Element When monitored Type of monitoring Control site used Result
Before measures After measures Qualitative Quantitative

Biological quality elements

Element When monitored Type of monitoring Control site used Result
Before measures After measures Qualitative Quantitative

Physico-chemical quality elements

Element When monitored Type of monitoring Control site used Result
Before measures After measures Qualitative Quantitative

Any other monitoring, e.g. social, economic

Element When monitored Type of monitoring Control site used Result
Before measures After measures Qualitative Quantitative

Monitoring documents

Additional documents and videos

Additional links and references

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