Category:Case study
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This category contains all case studies.
Pages in category "Case study"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,486 total.
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- Case study:Aaijen- Removal of bank fixation
- Case study:Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge aval
- Case study:Abbey Brook Weir
- Case study:Abbots Worthy Restoration Project
- Case study:Abbotts Hall Managed Realignment Scheme
- Case study:Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, Burgos
- Case study:Adams Mill enhancements
- Case study:Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basins
- Case study:Adare Fish Counter
- Case study:Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in Madrid
- Case study:Afon Clywdd
- Case study:Afon Merin Natural Process Restoration
- Case study:Agreed definition of mobility area for the Adour
- Case study:Albany Park
- Case study:Albbruck-Dogern (bypass and nature-like pool pass)
- Case study:Alkborough tidal defence scheme
- Case study:Allt Lorgy River Restoration
- Case study:Alma Road Rain Gardens
- Case study:Amerongse Bovenpolder
- Case study:Amwell Loop
- Case study:Aménagement du plan d’eau de la Sangsue et création d’un bras de contournement du Woigot
- Case study:Ancholme and Coast habitat project
- Case study:Anloërdiepje
- Case study:Anton Crescent Wetlands Regeneration
- Case study:Apelnäs fishway at River Rolfså
- Case study:Arasement du seuil des Treize Saules sur la Quilienne
- Case study:Arasement du vannage du moulin de Réveillon et réaménagement du lit mineur de la Blaise
- Case study:Arborfield nature like bypass and weirs project
- Case study:Arnos Park - Pymmes Brook
- Case study:Ashlone Wharf FCRM scheme
- Case study:Assessing the habitats outcomes of Floodplain Forest restoration: the case study of the floodplain forest at the Ouse Valley Park
- Case study:Aston Clinton River Restoration
- Case study:Aubourn Rock Ramp and Habitat Works
- Case study:Austria cross-border section - Monitoring sediment transport and Habitat modelling (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)
- Case study:Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf I (Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2002-2007)
- Case study:Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf II (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)
- Case study:Austria cross-border section - River widening Sicheldorf (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)
- Case study:Austria River Mur - Strategic river management for considerations in the power and water management sector in Styria/Austria
- Case study:Austria Upper Mur - LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I" 2003-2007
- Case study:Austria Upper Mur - LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II" 2010-2015
- Case study:Austria Upper Mur - Public relations in murerleben I + II LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) and LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I+II" 2003-2015
- Case study:Austria Upper Mur - River widening Lässer Au (LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II 2010-2015)
- Case study:Austria Upper Mur - River widening St. Peter Au (LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II 2010-2015)
- Case study:Austria Upper Mur - River Widening Weyern (LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I 2003-2007)
- Case study:Austria Urban River Landscape - Urban River Landscape Graz
- Case study:Austria Urban River Landscape - Urban River Landscape Master Plan Leoben
- Case study:Austria/Slovenia cross-border cooperation - “Die Murkommission” – Bilateral River Commission
- Case study:Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013
- Case study:Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2003-2008
- Case study:Austria/Slovenia Urban River Landscape - ETZ-“Skupaj“ - Joint urban and natural development at the Mur banks in Gornja Radgona and Bad Radkersburg
- Case study:Avon Barriers Project
- Case study:Avon Barriers Project: Ferengair Weir
- Case study:Babbs Mill reed bed
- Case study:Babingley River at Hillington
- Case study:Bakenhof Dyke reconstruction
- Case study:Ballinderry Freshwater Pearl Mussel Rescue Project
- Case study:Barking Creek near A13
- Case study:Barking Creekmouth
- Case study:Barn Elms Sports Ground
- Case study:Barn Elms Wetland Centre, South West London
- Case study:Barnes Common
- Case study:Barnes Common improvements
- Case study:Barney Beck: Abandoned Metal Mines
- Case study:Barton Brook
- Case study:Basic proposals for restoration and enhancement of the stream of Vilamajor in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor
- Case study:Bastion Maria (QUERCUS)
- Case study:Bathgate Watercourse Restoration Project
- Case study:Beam washlands
- Case study:Beck from the Brink
- Case study:Beckenham Place Park River Restoration
- Case study:Beddington Park
- Case study:Beddington Park Enhancements
- Case study:Beek Lage Raam
- Case study:Beekherstel Beekloop
- Case study:Beekherstel Beekloop BmN
- Case study:Beekherstel Buurserbeek
- Case study:Beekherstel Eefsebeek
- Case study:Beekherstel Keersop
- Case study:Beekherstel Lactariabeek
- Case study:Beekherstel Leerinkbeek
- Case study:Beekherstel Ramsbeek
- Case study:Beekherstel Reusel Baarschot-Diessen
- Case study:Beekherstel Willinkbeek
- Case study:Beekherstel Zuidelijk Afwateringskanaal
- Case study:Beentjesgraven
- Case study:Belford Natural Flood Management Scheme, Northumberland
- Case study:Bell Green Weir fish passage
- Case study:Belton Floodplain Reconnection and River Restoration
- Case study:Beltringharder Koog Regulated Tidal Exchange Scheme
- Case study:Beneden Regge
- Case study:Beneden-Berkel
- Case study:Beneden-Leeuwen-Side channel
- Case study:Beverley Brook d/s of Rock’s Lane
- Case study:Beverley Brook Flow control structures
- Case study:Beverley Park
- Case study:Bidasoa Dam removal
- Case study:Bidasoa Dam removal 2
- Case study:Big Yellow
- Case study:Bijloop
- Case study:Bio-engineering and creation of side channels along the rectified section of the Scarpe River in Arras
- Case study:Bio-engineering techniques for bank protection on the Moselle River in Villey-le-Sec
- Case study:Biodiversity conservation and recovery in the river basin Asón
- Case study:Biologisk återställning i Rolfsåns vattensystem
- Case study:Biomura LIFE06NAT/SI/000066
- Case study:Biotop and flood measures in the Mykle river (Mykleelva) and Vanebu river (Vanebuelva)
- Case study:Bird reserve “El Clot” (Tarragona)
- Case study:Bird reserve “Finca San Miguel” (Huesca)
- Case study:Bird reserve “Las Marismas Blancas” (Cantabria)
- Case study:Bird reserve “Los Albardales” (Madrid)
- Case study:Bird reserve “O Grove” (Pontevedra)
- Case study:Bird reserve “Riet Vell” (Tarragona)
- Case study:Bird Reserve “Tancat de la Pipa” (Valencia)
- Case study:Birkin Brook Habitat Improvements, Cheshire
- Case study:Blackbrook Slow the Flow, St Helens
- Case study:Blackhorse Lane Waterfront Park
- Case study:Blackwater River Habitat Enhancements & Fish Passage
- Case study:Blake Avenue, Mayes Brook
- Case study:Blanice River
- Case study:Blauwe Kamer
- Case study:Bleinheim Palace Project
- Case study:Bockhampton Enhancement
- Case study:Bocking Blackwater River Restoration
- Case study:Bocq river (Walphy - LIFE project)
- Case study:Boldersbeek
- Case study:Bonesgate Phase 2
- Case study:Boosting slivso
- Case study:Borova Stream and its Revitalisation
- Case study:Borrowash fish pass
- Case study:Bosgården nature-like fishway at River Rolfså
- Case study:Boston Manor
- Case study:Boulder Pool and Plough Lane
- Case study:Bourne End Recreation Ground River Enhancement Project
- Case study:Boven-Dommel
- Case study:Bow Brook Floodplain Restoration
- Case study:Bow Brook Living Landscape
- Case study:Bowston Weir Removal
- Case study:Bowthorpe Meadow, River Yare
- Case study:Brackenhurst Natural Flood Management
- Case study:Braid Burn at Inch Park
- Case study:Brent Lodge Park Improvement
- Case study:Brent River Improvement Project- Brent Lodge Park to Ruislip Road Eastruislip
- Case study:Brent River Park Phase II
- Case study:Brightside Weir Fish Pass
- Case study:Bringing Back the Bulbourne
- Case study:Bristol Frome Diffuse Pollution Project
- Case study:Broadwater Brook
- Case study:Broadway Fields/ Seagers Distillary
- Case study:Brook Ramlösa-Restoration of agricultural stream
- Case study:Broom Road Recreation Ground
- Case study:Buenz
- Case study:Building with Nature
- Case study:Built Kjøsnesbekken in the river Stjørdalselva
- Case study:Buiten Ooij
- Case study:Bullhead Dock and Bellamy’s Wharf - Rotherhithe
- Case study:Bures Mill fish by-pass
- Case study:Burn of Balmaleedy Restoration, Marykirk
- Case study:Burn of Mosset, Forres
- Case study:Burton Weir (Upper) Fish Pass Project
- Case study:Bury Lodge Wetlands
- Case study:Butter Hill Phase 2
- Case study:Buulder Aa
- Case study:Buzzards Mouth Creek
- Case study:Cain weir removal
- Case study:Camargue’s former saltworks
- Case study:Cardiff Rivers Group
- Case study:Carnon River: Abandoned Metal Mines
- Case study:Case study:Biological protection shield to control streambank erosion in Ätran 2
- Case study:Castle Acre Rehabilitation Project
- Case study:Castle Irwell Urban Wetland
- Case study:Catford Greyhound Stadium
- Case study:Chambers Wharf
- Case study:Channel Sea
- Case study:Charlton St Peter A 8
- Case study:Chase Nature Reserve
- Case study:Chelmer Valley Local Nature Reserve
- Case study:Cheriton Stream Restoration Project
- Case study:Cherry Holme River Island Restoration Phase 2, R.Trent
- Case study:Chertsey meads
- Case study:Chiese river upstream Idro lake – Trentino region
- Case study:Chigwell Brook
- Case study:Chinbrook Meadows Wetlands
- Case study:Ching Brook at Walthamstow Greyhound Stadium
- Case study:Chowder Ness Managed Realignment Scheme
- Case study:Chícamo Life project. Conservation of Aphanius iberus´ genetics stocks (Murcia )
- Case study:Civic Way, Yeading Brook
- Case study:Clayton Vale
- Case study:Clitherow's Island, Brentford eel pass
- Case study:Clugston Burn (CASS)
- Case study:Colfes School
- Case study:Colliers Row
- Case study:Colne Brook
- Case study:Colne Water Restoration Project
- Case study:Columbia Wharf
- Case study:Comal River Restoration