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This is the user page for Andrea Goltara.


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 Project startedProject completedBank and bed modifications measureRiver corridor measureChannel pattern measureOther technical measureManagement interventionsThemeBiological quality element monitoredHydromorphological quality element monitoredPhysico-chemical quality element monitoredOther response monitored
"Rio Verde II". Restoration of riparian forest and the rivers Llobregat and Cardener1 January 2006Revetmens with local species
Bank stabilisation
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Riparian plantingEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Abaissement et démantèlement de trois clapets sur l’Orge aval1 March 201030 September 2012Lowering of checking valves
Removal of checking valves
Water supply channel lowering
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Actions for environmental regeneration and flow control in Odra's Basin, Burgos1 January 2009Revetmens with local species
Removal of sediment
Bank reprofiling
Removal of rubbishEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Adaptive management of hydraulic structures in the Sèvre nantaise and Thouet basins1 January 2004Weir partial removal or permanent opening of gates allowing self restoration of previously impunded stretchesMore natural reservoir releasesSocial representation of the river
Aesthetic vs. functional restoration of urban and peri-urban rivers: the Manzanares River in Madrid1 January 2017Creation of rampReforestation and restoration of watercourses
Develop riparian forest
Riparian planting
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Agreed definition of mobility area for the Adour1 January 2005Removal of bank reinforcementsDevelop riparian forestDefinition of erodble corridorChannel pattern/planform
Aménagement du plan d’eau de la Sangsue et création d’un bras de contournement du Woigot1 June 201230 June 2014Construction of a bypass channel
Dam removal
Creation of fish passes
Creation of lateral dike to regulate flows
Application of plant-engineering
Riparian planting
Creation of wetland
The banks are maintained if necessary by vegetal engineeringFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Arasement du seuil des Treize Saules sur la Quilienne1 October 200931 October 2009Barrier removal
Planting of hydrophytes
Bank reprofiling
Filter masses were laid downstream of the dam to limit the impact of the work on the environmentFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Arasement du vannage du moulin de Réveillon et réaménagement du lit mineur de la Blaise1 January 200831 December 2008Dismantling of the mill
Leveling threshold with the water level
Helophytes planted
Bank stabilisation
Installation of geotextile
Creation of a sinuous channelHabitat and biodiversity
Spatial planning
Water quality
Austria cross-border section - Monitoring sediment transport and Habitat modelling (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)1 January 20091 January 2013Self-initiated bank erosion by sediment inputEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria cross-border section - River widening Sicheldorf (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)1 January 200931 December 2013Construction gravel bays
Creation of islands
Removal of bank reinforcements
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf I (Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2002-2007)1 January 200231 December 2007Creation of undercut banks
Restoration of the connection of side arms
Creation of Slips
Creation of fords
Creation of potholes
Creation of gravel banks
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria cross-border section - River widening measure Gosdorf II (ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-2013)1 January 200931 December 2013habitat improvementsChannel widening
Habitat creation
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria/Slovenia Urban River Landscape - ETZ-“Skupaj“ - Joint urban and natural development at the Mur banks in Gornja Radgona and Bad Radkersburg2008Economic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Austria/Slovenia cross-border cooperation - “Die Murkommission” – Bilateral River CommissionEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - ETZ-Project “DraMurCi” 2009-20131 January 200931 December 2013Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Austria/Slovenia cross-border section - Interreg IIIa Project "Maßnahmen Unteres Murtal" 2003-20081 January 200331 December 2008reactivation and extending of tributary streams
Bed load addition
Regeneration of alluvial forestsEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Basic proposals for restoration and enhancement of the stream of Vilamajor in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor1 January 2010New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksProtect/restore riparian zoneWorks to safeguard the bridgeEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Bidasoa Dam removalEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Bidasoa Dam removal 24 October 2016Dam removalBarrier removal
Connection to wider floodplain
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Bio-engineering and creation of side channels along the rectified section of the Scarpe River in Arras1 January 20091 January 2012Removal of metal sheet piles
installation of bio-engeneering bank protection
Helophytes planted
Installation of geotextile
Gabion bed
Planting of helophytes at the foot of banks
Seeding of work areas with a mix of herbaceous plant
restoration of wooded areas by planting white willows
Elimination of the invasive species found on site
Creation of pond
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Bio-engineering techniques for bank protection on the Moselle River in Villey-le-Sec1 September 20111 December 2011Removal of metal sheet piles
Installation of geotextile
Planting of helophytes at the foot of banksEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Biodiversity conservation and recovery in the river basin Asón1 May 1999Weir removalRemoval of exotic plantsCapreolus capreolus
Columba palumbus andAguila chrysaetos
Management for increase species like Lepus europaeus
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Biomura LIFE06NAT/SI/0000661 October 2006Natural erosion embankments
Connection between river channel and former side branches
Gravel bar
Partially filled river sleeves - restored and cleaned of debris
new river oxbows
Channel wideningHabitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Bird Reserve “Tancat de la Pipa” (Valencia)1 January 2007Green filters creation and two shallow
permanent lagoons
daily management
vegetation and maintenance active
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Water quality
Bird reserve “El Clot” (Tarragona)1 January 1998Habitat improvement through water and vegetation managementEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Bird reserve “Finca San Miguel” (Huesca)1 January 2013Grants from the Administration
Tracing of aquatic birds
prevention and monitoring of poaching.
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Bird reserve “Las Marismas Blancas” (Cantabria)1 January 1999Implantation of amphibian ponds
fenced construction for won
elimination of invasive species
installation of artificial islets.
Town hall workersEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Bird reserve “Los Albardales” (Madrid)1 January 1980Monitoring the species of birdsHabitat and biodiversity
Spatial planning
Bird reserve “O Grove” (Pontevedra)1 January 2000Grants and help from town hallEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Bird reserve “Riet Vell” (Tarragona)1 January 1997Stablish crops of ecologic rice
regenerate habitats of wetlands enviroments
recover local vegetation and conserve aquatic birds
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Camargue’s former saltworks1 January 2008Reconnection between the sea and the lagoons
artificial bird nesting islands.
installation of water sluices
wetland managementEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Chiese river upstream Idro lake – Trentino regionRemoval of embankment separating Lora stream from Chiese riverExcavation for floodplain creation
Chícamo Life project. Conservation of Aphanius iberus´ genetics stocks (Murcia )Creation of wetlandRemoval of fords
Construction of new bridges
Reduced water abstractionsFish: Species compositionContinuity for organisms
Width & depth variation
Conservation the public water domain in the Tajo basin, t. m. Alcocer, province of Guadalajara.1 January 2006Creation of fish laddersFisheries
Contournement d’un plan d’eau de loisirs sur le Gratteloup au niveau de la commune de La Ville-aux-Clercs1 January 199831 December 1998Creation of a bypass
Creation of banks
Installation of a mobile threshold
Installation of a valve rack
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Control and permeabilization of the marsh to the river, the Brazo de la Torre and Entremuros1 April 1998Construction of a defensive wall to prevent river pollution
After decontamination
removal of the defensive wall
Environmental flows and water resources
Water quality
Creation and restoration of a riparian zonePond creationRiver forest has been restored through the plantation of species typical from habitat 92AOFisheries
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Creation of flood channels and restoration of exchanges between the flood plain and the low-flow channel on the Vezouze1 May 200731 August 2007Construction of flood channels
Removal of material
Pond creation
Side channel creation
setting up of check valves & pumping stations
Tree planting
Planting of helophytes at the foot of banks
Channel wideningFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Création d’un bras de contournement de plusieurs étangs sur le Fliez et restauration du marais de Contes1 November 201331 December 2015Removal of nozzles which provided a connection hydraulics and fish farming directly between Fliez and ponds
Creation of a bypass
Riverbed restoration
Bank modification
Adding sinuosityHabitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Water quality
Demolition of weir on the River Nora, Nalón BasinWeir removalFish: AbundanceContinuity for organisms
Continuity of sediment transport
Design and Application of a Sustainable Soil Management Model for Orchard Crops in the Doñana National Park Area1 July 2001Improving water qualityCreate a dynamic model of active participation of farmers in land managementEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Connection to groundwatersErosion
Doñana 2005Removal of contaminated material
Restoring function of wetlands
Landscape improvement of the area of the spillCreating the post of Coordinator to drive the project "Doñana 2005"
Démantèlement de l’ouvrage du Pont Fourneau sur la Selle1 September 201028 February 2011Barrier removal
Creation of mini-treshold
Installation of fish caches
Installation of geotextile
Habitat and biodiversity
Démantèlement de neuf ouvrages sur le cours de l’Aa1 July 200930 September 2009Dismantling of the gates that block the water current
Creation of fish pass
Bottom racks and banks were kept in order to prevent erosion
One gate was kept in the river to prevent erosion
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Dérivation et recréation du lit mineur du ruisseau de Bel Orient au droit de quatre plans d’eau à Gueltas1 September 200931 December 2011Installation of a distribution structure and monks
Creation of a bypass
Filling of drainage ditches
rehabilitation of ponds
Three tresholds are removed or redevelopped
Removal of ponds
Bank protection
Meandering channelThe level of the water bodies is lowered during two months in summer and are completely drained every three to five years.Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
ECOREMEDIATION SYSTEM (ERM) FOR TREATMENT OF POLLUTED TRIBUTARY OF GLINŠČICA1 January 2005New outflow and inflow from ecoremediation system
Smaller retention of the water and conversion into new channel
Creation of pond
Creation of new vegetated drainage ditches
Water treatment methods
Creation of meandersmaintenance of ERM systemMacrophytes & phytobenthos: Average abundance
Macrophytes & phytobenthos: Taxonomic composition
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Substrate conditions
Nutrient concentrations
Oxygen balance
Specific non-synthetic pollutants
Specific synthetic pollutants
ERCIP - European River Corridor Improvement PlansEconomic aspects
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
Ecological restoration of The Arboleda and the Meander of Santes Creus. Aiguamúrcia municipality (Alt Camp). Gaia River Basin1 July 2010Removal of rip-rap
Bank stabilisation
Removal of exotic plantsRemoval of rubbishHabitat and biodiversity
Effacement du seuil de Carayon sur le Thoré1 July 201130 November 2011Removal of treshold
Removal of supply canal to protect the banks
Arches have been cleared
Placement of stone walls
dry work by setting up a cofferdam to temporarily deflect flow of the watercourse
Realization of an electric fishing of backupFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Effacement du seuil de Chelles Basse sur le Miodet1 June 201031 July 2010Abundant sand was being put on the banks
Barrier removal
Blocks were used to diversify the flow
Cutting trees that could be a potential danger
Setting up of a diversion channel
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Effacement du seuil du Moulin d’Hatrize sur l’Orne1 March 201131 October 2011Removal of spillway
Destruction of large part of the dike
Implantation of vegetated banquettes
Bank stabilisation
Development of a flow control structure
tightening of the minor bed
Creation of meanders
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Effacement du seuil du moulin du Bourg sur le Vicoin1 June 201131 October 2012Removal of central slab
valves and spillway
Creation of ramp
Placing of mini-treshold in order to stabilise banks
Tree planting
Planting of grass
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Effacement partiel de 14 seuils sur le Mutterbach et l’Hosterbach à Holving et Hoste1 September 200930 November 2009Creation of notches
Planting of grass
Tree planting
Laying of drinking troughs and the creation of pits to house the fish fauna.Maintenance of anchorages and other structuresFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Effacement partiel de cinq seuils sur le ruisseau du Bagas1 October 200930 November 2009Partially deletion of barriers
Building of armourstone downstream of the structure was built to consolidate the bank and create a channel preferential flow to guide the fish
The work was carried out dry by temporary diversion of the watercourse (cofferdam
pumping and return of water downstream site) to limit their impact on the environment.
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Effacement partiel du seuil Cros sur la Dunière1 August 200931 December 2009Removal of a part of the dam up to 1 m
Installation of three mini tresholdsto prevent erosion
realization of a fishery backup and dry work with the installation of a cofferdam to temporarily deflect the flows
Installation of geotextile
Bank protection
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Effacement partiel du seuil de Vas sur le Céans1 October 200731 October 2007Partially deletion of barriers
Deposition of blocks to counter erosion and create a diverse profile
Preservation of side walls to prevent erosionEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Elimination of a pond along the Erve River and conservation of the historical heritage in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes1 May 201031 August 2010Emptying reservoir
Removal of flap gate
Removal of spillway
Dam removal
Creation of side leats
Implementation of distribution structures
Planting of banksEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Environmental Restoration of Olivar-El Zaudin Metropolitan Park in Tomares21 April 2015Conditioning of the banks of the stream and lagoons.Elimination of allochthonous plant speciesGeneral cleaning of the area
removal of rubble and rubbish; Reforestation of the Park with local plant species (and equipped with an irrigation network); improve existing roads and paths (3.65 km) and new pedestrian paths were planned (3.65 km); Urban furniture; Construction of a small building located in a point of maximum elevation that allows the observation of the environment
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Environmental Restoration of the Lower Section of the Bembézar River and its River Environment (Phase 1)8 January 2019Actions to improve the natural environment: Cleaning of the riverbed and the riverbank; Removal of dead vegetation and cleaning of rubbish.Actions to improve the natural environment: Restoration of the autochthonous riverside vegetation in the sections in which the reedbed is present. It is responsible for the degradation of the autochthonous vegetation
in an area which should be a riverside forest with species closer to the ecological climax; Removal of ailanthus and other invasive exotic species.
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Environmental Restoration of the Riopudio Stream in Sevilla1 August 2008Land movement (the design of the conditioning of the riverbed has been adapted to the natural conformation of the stream with slopes to avoid erosion and facilitate its subsequent revegetation); Defense of the riverbanks ( the breakwater structures foreseen in the project have been placed in order to guarantee the structural stability and the collapses to the riverbed).shrub vegetation along the stream area
speacilly the abundant of two currently invasive plants (Arundo donax and Ricinus communis) as well as tall ruderal scrubs; Environmental restoration (eliminating invasive species and weeds by clearing them
while preserving and improving the aerial structure of those specimens and copses that are within the areas to be revegetated and which
due to their ecological value
shall be to maintained)
Landscaping and cleaning of the area (rubble removal
abandoned houses and uncontrolled dumping); construction of Canadian crossings to prevent the entry of livestock and the enclosure with livestock mesh that protects the planted area and physically delimits it; Wooden footbridges; Public footpaths; Five recreation areas for rest and lesure (equipped with parking areas next to public pathways access
rest areas with urban furniture
rustic bicycle parking and interpretive posters); staggered bollards
trees that allow activities in the shade
Environmental flows and water resources
Land use management - forestry
Spatial planning
Environmental improvement intervention in a reach Anzur River in the village of El Nacimiento, in the Municipality of Rute (Cordoba)1 January 2008Bank stabilisation
Prevent and reduce bank erosion with live stakes
Silvicultural treatmentsProtection and correction of incision problems
Improvement of channel morphology
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Environmental improvement project of the stream of Ruby1 December 2007New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Revetmens with local species
Restoring riparian vegetationHabitat and biodiversity
Environmental regeneration project in Magro river bed1 November 2009Selective removal of organic muds and sludge contaminated with toxicCleaning channels
Environmental restoration of the lower section of the river Narcea in the municipalities of Salas and Pravia (Asturias)1 January 2008Revetmens with local species
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Removal of invasive plants
Riparian planting
Silvicultural treatments
Re-instatement of old coursePromotion and management of tourism in the riverEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Environmental restoration of the river Zújar1 January 2011Recovery of channel morphologyProtecting and promoting wildlife
Assessment and monitoring program
Conditioning of recreational areas
Environmental restoration project of the Guadajoz River (Castro del Río, Andalusia)1 February 2001Bank stabilisation
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Revetmens with local species
Protection and correction of incision problems
Environmental restoration project of the river area of the Ripoll River as it passes through the municipality of Ripollet (Vallès Occidental)New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Bank stabilisation
Removal of irrigation canals
Elimination of structural elements concreted
Removal of exotic plants
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Experimental flood in the Cardener riverExperimental floodEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Experimental flood in the Ebro riverExperimental floodEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Experimental flood in the Pisuerga riverExperimental floodEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Fish pass in Las Librerías weir on the Guadiela RiverCreation of fish passesHabitat and biodiversity
Fish pass on the Najerilla RiverCreation of fish passesHabitat and biodiversity
Fish passes construction on Marta RiverCreation of fish passesHabitat and biodiversity
Flood channel creation and reconnection between riverbed and its floodplain on Vezouze riverRiverbank revegetation
Removal of bank reinforcements
Floodplain reconnection
Creation of a flood expansion area
Channel wideningSurface drainage systems improvedFlood risk managementQuantity & dynamics of flowhydrography, topography and geology of site
Floodplain recreation on the Montone River at San Tomè (Forlì)Introducing sedimentRemoval of embankments
Lowering of floodplain
Floodplain reconnection
land acquisitionFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Floodplain recreation on the Montone River at the confluence with the Rabbi StreamRemoval of embankmentsFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Fluvial improvement in Riera de Caldés1 March 2009Removal of rip-rap
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Riparian planting
Removal of exotic plants
Environmental flows and water resources
Water quality
Fluvial longitudinal continuity recovery in river Aguanaz, Cantabria, Spain1 November 2009Weir removalImprovement of local paths and river banksFisheries
Habitat and biodiversity
Fluvial restoration in River Carrión1 January 1996New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Creation of wooden deflectors
Creation of gravel deflectors
Bed load addition
Bank reprofiling
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Fish: AbundanceStructure & condition of riparian zones
Fluvial river restoration of Tordera in Sant Celoni1 January 2005Removal of invasive plants
Riverbank revegetation
Riparian planting
Habitat creation
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Fluvial river restoration of Tordera in TorderaHabitat creationRe-instatement of old course
Artificial wall removal
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Guadiamar Green Corridor Project1 April 1998Recovering connectivity longitudinal and transversalBuffer strips
Recovery of dynamic river system
Restoring riparian vegetation
Remove drains and pipesElimination of pollutants due to the discharge of toxic sludge
Recovering natural habitats
Recovering natural landscapes
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Channel pattern/planform
Connection to groundwaters
Structure & condition of riparian zones
Acid neutralising capacityLandscape enhancement
Guadiato Life project Model for restoring and integrating water resources in a mining area, actions for an alternative development1 November 2001Reforestation and restoration of watercourses
Restoring riparian vegetation
Install a "green filter" to treat waste waterEconomic aspects
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
HPP Blanca1 January 2009New riverbed along old channelCreation of fish passesMonitoring strategyFisheries
Fish: Abundance
Fish: Age structure
Fish: Disturbance-sensitive species
Fish: Species composition
Flow velocities
Habitat Management and Raptor Conservation in Nestos Delta and Gorge - LIFE02 NAT/GR/008489Habitat and biodiversity
Habitat improvement project in Segre river, in Alòs de BalaguerGravel barRe-instatement of old course
Channel narrowing
Channel pattern/planformFlood risk management
INTERREG MED WETNET - Membership card of the Verdier Marshes-Rhone Delta Wetland Contract1 November 201631 October 2019Maintain the South dike; Respect the natural hydrological functioning of the South basin (rain fed) to favor the installation of a vegetation characteristic of temporary low-salt marshes and vegetation of salt meadowsAdd signage and interpretation on birds in the observatoryEnsure compliance with hunting regulations (ensure guarding)Environmental flows and water resources
Social benefits
INTERREG MED WETNET - Memoradum on Participation in Wetland Conservation in Ljubljansko Barje Nature Park1 November 201631 October 2019mowing
adapted to the conservation of species and habitat types; adequate maintenance of borders and green belts (selective logging
preservation of trees
maintaining adequate width of green belts along ditches and watercourses)
building of tourist infrastructure
which will provide a targeted visit;
control of drainage of water from secondary arrester to main dams (river) with locks; control of drainage of water from tertiary arrester; coordinated maintenance of ditches; control of the use of fertilizers and preservatives on agricultural land; respect of the prohibition of the meadows plowing from the KPLB Regulation (also for organic farmers); establishing a zoning of individual subregions where priorities are defined in cooperation with land owners and managers of the protected area and NATURA 2000 (KPLB and ZRSVN); payment for the implementation of the adjusted use on agricultural landEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
INTERREG MED WETNET – Management Plan for the Cañizar Lagoon (ARAGON)1 November 201631 October 2019Conservation measures and environmental improvementEnvironmental integration measures and agricultural uses; Environmental integration measures and livestock uses; Environmental integration measures and tourism uses; Environmental integration measures and public uses (hunting
fishing ...).
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Spatial planning
INTERREG MED WETNET – Melides Lagoon Environmental Agreement for Wetland Contract1 November 201631 October 2019Breaking the dune barrier and establishing a temporary connecting channel between the lagoon and the seaRestoration of the Ribeira de MelidesMelides Lagoon Wastewater System; Melides Camping Site Wastewater Treatment; Reducing debris deposition in the Lagoon; Creation of infrastructure for nature tourism and environmental education on the banks of the lagoon and surrounding areas (walkways
bird watching shelters
resting places); Organic rice production pilot project;
Creation of a fishing reserve and legal establishment of a recreational fishing zone in the Melides Lagoon; Creation of a local multi-stakeholder association - agriculture
governance - for the commercial promotion of local products under a local trademark.
Economic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Water quality
INTERREG MED WETNET – Memorandum of Understanding for the realization of the Wetland Contract for the Vercelli rice plain1 November 201631 October 2019protecting and increasing biodiversity
improving the landscape and the quality of water resources
Custody agreementsEconomic aspects
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
INTERREG MED WETNET – Negotiated Planning Agreement “Wetland Contract of the Caorle lagoon system”1 November 201631 October 2019ensuring the hydraulic protection of the area from the risk of flooding and sediment from the canals
as well as from the upstream inputs
by stimulating and activating actions for the management
defining and recognizing a "representative institutional model" of single reference for the coordination of the various actors
ensuring and consolidating the protection
in the Caorle lagoon system; establishing an operational programme that takes account of all components of the system
promotion and development of the wetland area
through an integrated approach capable of restoring lagoon dynamics
Economic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Water quality
INTERREG MED WETNET – Odiel Marshes Wetland Contract and Action plan1 November 201631 October 2019Recovery
conservation and valorisation of Cárdenas marshes
Rehabilitation and valorisation of the Cojillas tidal mill; Connection project and use of livestock tracks and rural roads as green corridor; Enhancement of the connection marsh-city in front of 26 de Abril de 1963 square and estuary promenade; Project for the connection and use of livestock tracks and rural roads as green corridors (Odiel river border to the hanging bridge of a-49); Enhancement of the marsh-city connection in front of the San Felice de Circeo promenade and the surroundings of the Tejar streamEconomic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
INTERREG MED WETNET- Albufera de Valéncia Memorandu of Cooperation for Wetland Contract1 November 201631 October 2019Restoration and improvement of connections from natural springs; Land purchase and restoration aiming the increase of green filters and artificial wetlands around the lagoonEnsuring an additional contribution to l’Albufera of water from the Júcar-Túria system through rapid flushing technical discharges; Increase the proportion of water inputs to l’Albufera from rivers with respect to the water inputs from sewage and treatments plants; Preserve contributions from Xúquer
Turia and treatment plants
controlling water quality; Improvement of the winter flood conditions and mainteneance; Improvement of the management of the lagoon gates to maintain adequate levels; Adaptation and maintenance of public irrigation systems for the contribution of water to the wetland
Improve and adapt existing sanitation infrastructure
especially those oriented to the West Collector; Construction of storm tanks and tune up of those already constructed
Improvement of agri-environmental practices; Establish a protocol for the use of the ditches of the Sueca Irrigators Community to connect the Sueca irrigation system to the lagoon out of the rice growing season; The approval of the legal management instruments: plans related to the Water Framework Directive (Júcar River Basin Plan) and the Nature Directives (Natura 2000 SAC); the maintenance of the productivity of the agricultural system and the actions to deal with salinization and the negative effects of climate change on crops
actions of sustainable mobility.
if necessary
specially rice farming; promotion of active management of the cultural resources and heritage of the wetland; definition of a plan for sustainable public use and dealing
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Water quality
Improved longitudinal continuity of the Lozoya River, upstream the Pinilla dam (Madrid)1 January 2009Lowering of lateral slopes
Weir removal
Removal of sediment
Riparian planting
Conditioning access
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Improvement of ecological state of the river Pisuerga between the dam of Aguilar de Campo and Alar del Rey (Palencia) - 1st Stage.1 January 2009Bank stabilisation
Restoration of natural vegetation
Improve longitudinal connectivityFish habitat restorationEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Improvement of the Terri River in the industrial zone (Phase I and II)1 December 2008Recess side slopes
Barrier removal
Removal of exotic plants
Creation of a flood expansion area
Restoring riparian vegetation
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Improving the ecological status of the Black River and tributaries (Zamora)1 January 2009Revetments with local species
Creation of fish ladders
Develop riparian forestFisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Increased biodiversity, river Llobregat, Sallent.1 January 1994Embankment creation
Revetments with local species
Silvicultural treatments
Habitat creation
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
International recovery of the river Minho: an example of sustainable hydraulic exploitation1 November 1999Creation of fish passes
Improving fish migration
Habitat and biodiversity
Continuity for organisms
Inturia dam removal1 August 20131 January 2016Dam removalCreation of solid flow regimeEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
LIFE 06 NAT/SLO/000069 Intermittent Lake CerknicaJanuary 2007Weir construction
Bank reprofiling
Local deepening
Coves and bays construction
Construction of the overflows between individual meanders
Re-instatement of old course
Creation of backwater
late mowing and mulching on the permanently protected land
mapping of habitat types
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
LIFE Charcos - Conservação de Charcos Temporários na Costa Sudoeste de Portugal (Conservation of Med Temporary Ponds in SW Portugal)1 July 201331 December 2017conservation and restoration of pondsCTM management guidelinesEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
LIFE ECORICE - Vercelli rice fields9 January 2010Creation and/or restoration of ecological corridors; Creation and/or restoration of core areas and stepping stonesForestry management for heronry conservation; Guidelines for the sustainable management of the rice agroecosystem
Guidelines for the forest management of heronries
Integrated Action Plan for rice cultivation management
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
LIFE GREENCHANGE (LIFE17 NAT/IT/000619) – Construction of green infrastructures in the Fondazione Caetani farm – Restoration of the Fosso Epitaffio1 July 2019Remodeling and extension of the river bank; Remodeling also some sections of the riverbed for the creation of different conditions of the river flow speed and morpho-bathymetric heterogeneity functional to fauna
especially amphibious.
Creation of a riparian arboreous shrubland; Planting of hygrophilous shrub species
and a first band of elophytes (Phragmites australis
Typha latifolia) and a second with shrubby and planar shrubby and arboreal species (Salix spp
Populus spp
Ulmus minor
Quercus robur). 
Landsteward agreementEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
LIFE GREENCHANGE (LIFE17 NAT/IT/000619) – Environmental restoration of the wet ecosystem along the Ufente river10 July 2018Re-development of the area through the construction of permanent wet lentic environments.Re-naturalization of a rectified canal section replacing the infesting vegetation
thus eradicating the riparian vegetation currently consisting almost exclusively of Arundo donax and the subsequent planting of local species Quercus robur L.
Alnus glutinosa L.
Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. Oxycarpa
Ulmus minor Mill.
Crataegus monogyna Jacq.
Cornus sanguinea L.
Euonymus europea L.
Prunus spinosa L.
Rubus ulmifolius Schott
Typha latifolia L. and Phragmites australis.
Construction of two wooden observation towersManagement in coordination with livestock operatorsHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
LIFE REWETLAND - A wide-area programme for improving the quality of surface water in the agro pontino by means of natural purification techniques1 January 2010Filter ecosystem in the Circeo National Park; Buffer strips along the reclamation canalsUrban park in Marina di LatinaGood practices of water management in a farm; Environmental Restoration Programme (ERP) for the Agro PontinoHabitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Water quality
LIFE RISORGIVE – Bacino Castellaro1 October 201530 September 2020Restoration of hydraulic functionality; Morphological redevelopment: reshaping and re-profiling of the banks; Reopening of the head of the Castellaro spring systemRestoration of the bank vegetation with the planting of native species suitable for the resurgence environment; Thickening hedges; Restoration of natural habitats such as wet
temporary and permanent areas.
Creation of didactic panels and signsContract of Resurgences (multilevel governance tool)
engagement of farmers (agreements of collaboration in the management of the intervention
funding by PSR)
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Water quality
LIFE RISORGIVE – Fontane Marzare1 October 201530 September 2020Restoration of hydraulic functionality; Morphological redevelopment: reshaping and re-profiling of the banks; Reopening/reactivation of the resurgence; Creation of a small pond for amphibious and other animalsRecovery and arrangement of the bank vegetation with the planting of native species suitable for the resurgence environment;Creation of didactic panels and signsContract of Resurgences (multilevel governance tool); engagement of farmers (agreements of collaboration in the management of the intervention
funding by PSR)
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Water quality
LIFE RISORGIVE – Roggia Girosa1 October 201530 September 2020Morphological redevelopment: reshaping and re-profiling of the banks; Installation of deflectors
constrictors and stones and boulders inside the resurgence
Restoration and arrangement of the bank vegetation with the planting of native species suitable for the resurgence environment; Restoration of natural habitats such as wet
temporary and permanent areas
Creation of a path and small wooden brides; Creation of didactic panels and signsContract of Resurgences (multilevel governance tool); engagement of farmers (agreements of collaboration in the management of the intervention
funding by PSR)
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
LIFE RISORGIVE – Roggia Tergola Sud1 October 201530 September 2020Restoration of hydraulic functionality; Morphological redevelopment: reshaping and re-profiling of the banks; Excavation of the isthmus to create an island used for the reproduction of target speciesRecovery and arrangement of the bank vegetation with the planting of native species suitable for the resurgence environment; Creation of lowland groves; Restoration of natural habitats such as wet
temporary and permanent areas
Creation of didactic panels and signsContract of Resurgences (multilevel governance tool); engagement of farmers (agreements of collaboration in the management of the intervention
funding by PSR)
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
LIFE Saramugo1 July 201431 December 2019Minimize the impact of cattle on watercourses
Rehabilitation of the aquatic environment and hidromorfologic requalification
Removal of exotic fish speciesImplementation of a Nature Custody network for the Saramugo
Manual of good practices for the conservation and rehabilitation of the saramugo habitat
Habitat and biodiversity
LIFE Segura Riverlink (Through rivers)1 August 201330 July 2017Planting of native species
Removal of invasive species
Structuring of shoreline
Weir removal
Creation of fish passes
Improving fish migration
Alloctone species control
Implementation of best practice land & soil management
Management of undesirable plant species
Promotion of riparian vegetation and natural re-growth of bankside
Removal of invasive species
Riparian tree planting
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Macrophytes and/or phytobenthos: Average abundance
Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zonesNutrient concentrations
Oxygen balance
Fish passage usage
Riparian vegetation
LIFE+ “Sipontine Wetlands”Riparian habitat restoration
Wetland habitat
Restoration of riparian marshes
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Water quality
LIFE08NAT/IT/000352 CRAINat1 January 201031 December 2014Habitat restoration
creation of pools
release of juvinilesHabitat and biodiversity
LIFE08NAT/IT/000352 CRAINat 2Habitat and biodiversity
La Gotera dam removal1 September 2011Dam removal
Reconnection of river
capture of fish prior to the worksEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land acquisition on the banks of the Ouche Riverland acquisitionEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Spatial planning
Langonnet river1 January 2000Creation of pools and riffles
Creation of groynes
introduction of blocks
Creation of berms
Develop riparian forest
Tree plantation
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Fish: Species compositionChannel pattern/planformTemperature
Llobregat river restoration1 January 2009Revetmens with local species
Bank stabilisation
Riparian planting
Control of invasive species
Silvicultural treatments
Remove obstacles in the riverbedEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Lower Aurino master planFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Lower Aurino river: Gatzaue riverbed widening2003creation of new branchesFloodplain reconnectionCreation of new channel
Channel widening
Fish habitat restorationFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
InvertebratesChannel pattern/planform
Connection to groundwaters
Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zones
Riparian vegetation
Lower Aurino river: Molini di Tures riverbed widening200231 December 2013Floodplain reconnectionCreation of new channel
Removal of rip-rap
Channel widening
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Spatial planning
InvertebratesChannel pattern/planform
Structure & condition of riparian/lake shore zones
Lower Aurino river: San Giorgio di Brunico riverbed widening200831 January 2008Floodplain reconnectionChannel widening
New bruch
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Lowering the weir of the Houël mill on the Leff River1 September 201030 September 2010Weir lowering
Spreading of debris
Trimming of treesHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Marsh restoration on the Merlue1 July 2008Restoration of riparian marshesChannel wideningHabitat and biodiversityFish
MediCyn1 January 2018Grand Clos” site: hydraulic isolation of 3 temporary ponds to delay the date of autumn water fill in“Relai” site: digging of 9 temporary pondsHydraulic calendars controlled by pumping and irrigation networkHabitat and biodiversitySalinityPublic perceptions
More space for the river OrbigoRemoval/retreat of embankmentsFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Natura 2000conservation in Alta Tuscia Viterbese LIFE04 NAT/IT/0001531 September 200431 August 2007Control of invasive species
Extensive planting
Restoring riparian vegetation
construction of infrastructure read to prevent the passage on lawns
meintenance of the trails network
Oasi naturale delle pittime di Cascina Oschiena6 January 2019Wetland restorationHabitat and biodiversity
Off-Channels Restauration1 February 201015 January 2013Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
PROGETTO WETLAND - Volturno1 August 2003Embankment renaturalization
Bank reprofiling
Excavation for floodplain creation
Floodplain creation
Buffer strips
Pagana canal restoration project20021 October 2004removal of cement covers
Channel wideningCreation of in-stream wetlandAdoption of new practices for aquatic vegetation management
pumping water to an adjacent newly afforested riparian buffer for nitrogen and phosphorous removal
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Spatial planning
Water quality
Partial removal of a weir on La Corrèze river in the town of TulleBed reprofiling
Weir modification
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
FishFlow velocities
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Substrate conditions
river bank vegetation
Partial removal of weir on the Sanguèze at Mouzillon1 January 2004Weir loweringTopographic and landscape restorationHabitat and biodiversity
Fish: Abundance
Public perceptions
Partial removal of weir on the Thouet at Le Tallud1 January 2004Weir loweringallowing hydromorphological diversification upstream in the previously impounded stretchHabitat and biodiversity
Fish: Abundance
Public perceptions
Proposal for landscape and environmental improvement of the canal of Sils1 March 2008Revetmens with local species
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
New small bridge made of wood
Remove the old small bridge
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
RESTORATION OF THE GORIŠKI BREŽIČEK STREAM1 January 2007excavation in the U form
coves and bays construction
Weir construction
Creation of a flood expansion areaRe-instatement of old course
Adding sinuosity
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
RESTORATION OF THE TRESENEC STREAM1 January 2007Local deepeningConstruction of the overflows between individual meandersEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Reactivating river dynamics in the Vieux-Rhône River (non-navigable section) at Cornas, Roubion and Petite Île1 September 20111 December 2011Removal of lateral dikes
Reactivating river margins
Habitat and biodiversity
Reconnection of a secondary arm of the Rhine: the Schafteu1 February 2004Lowering of dike
Removal of obstructions to flow
Introducing large woody debris
Flooding of small islands
Re-instatement of old course
Land use management - forestry
Flood risk management
Flow velocities
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Reconstitution du matelas alluvial de la Vesgre à Houdan1 October 201131 December 2012Planting
Aggregates added to riverbed
A ford is also built to facilitate the passage of animals and gear.
Drinking troughs and fences are placed to limit trampling in the stream
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Water quality
Recovery "CañoTravieso"1 May 2003Habitat restorationModification or removal of existing defenses
Channel naturalisation
Improvement of channel morphology
Environmental restoration of the area integral transformed by agricultureEnvironmental flows and water resources
Water quality
Recovery of riparian vegetation affected by fire in Canaletes River and tributaries. Horta de San JoanNew bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksRestoring riparian vegetation
Removal of exotic plants
Maintenance plan for revegetation of burned areaEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Recovery of the functionality of Brazo de la Torre1 October 2003Revetmens with local species
Removal of sediment
Partial dredging of the channel to allow tidal flow
Habitat restoration
Dam removal
Environmental flows and water resources
Water quality
Continuity of sediment transport
Recreation of a low-flow sinuous channel in an urban stretch of the Montvaux stream1 October 1999Extensive planting
Introduction of gravel
Adding sinuosityHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Fish: Abundance
Channel pattern/planform
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Width & depth variation
Public awareness of river
Recreation of a sinuous low-flow channel in the Merloz1 September 2008Deflectors
Bank reprofiling
Adding sinuosityHabitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Fish: Abundance
Fish: Species composition
Channel pattern/planform
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Refilling the meanders of the Colostre1 January 1996Weir removalRemoval of poplars in old meanders
Fish: Species composition
Macrophytes & phytobenthos: Taxonomic composition
Presence of beavers
Regeneration of the banks of the river Mape1 January 2008Revetmens with local speciesRemoval of exotic plantsCustody of territoryEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Remeandering of the Drugeon and integrated management of its catchmentadding roughnessRe-meandering
Reconnection of cutoff meander
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
FishFlow velocities
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Oxygen balance
Remeandering of the Drésine and of the Remoray streamRe-meandering
Adding sinuosity
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Connection to groundwaters
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Riparian vegetation
Remeandering of the Mardereau stream at SorignyRiverbank revegetation
Introducing stones
Re-meanderingFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Water quality
Public opinion
Removal and opening of sluice gates on the Vence Riversluice gate removalFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Substrate conditions
Removal of Maisons-Rouges dam over the River Vienne1 January 1994Dam removalFisheries
Fish: Species compositionContinuity for organisms
Continuity for sediment
Removal of a dam on the Allier river in Saint-Etienne-du-ViganDam removalHabitat and biodiversity
FishChannel pattern/planform
Substrate conditions
Removal of a pond weir in a tributary of PetersbachWeir removal
Pond drainage
Removal of five Lakes on the Val des Choues streamRemoval of impoundments
Removal of derivation of watercourse
Fish: Abundance
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Removal of the Brosses weir on the Soanan River1 September 201030 September 2010Weir removalRescue fishing campaign
temporary diversion of river
Habitat and biodiversity
Removal of the Coupeau impoundment on Vicoin River and riverbed restoration1 June 2004Weir removal
Barrier removal
Riverbed restoration
Creation of wetlandCreation of new channelconstruction of recreational facilities (trails and footbridges)Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Removal of the Cussy weir on the Maria streamWeir removalHabitat and biodiversity
Removal of the Fatou dam on the Beaume riverDam removal
Dredging of sediment (mud)
Removal of sediment
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Fish: Abundance
Fish: Species composition
Removal of the Kernansquillec dam over the River Léguer1 September 1996Dam removalRemoval of impoundmentsHydropowerFish: Species compositionContinuity for organisms
Removal of the Retuerta dam in the Aravalle river:Dam removalHabitat and biodiversity
Removal of the Stalapos weir over the river AlagnonBank improvement
Weir removal
Bed reprofiling
Riverbank revegetation
Habitat and biodiversity
Removal of the Ver mill weir on the Sienne River1 October 201031 October 2010Weir removal
Creation of groynes
Maintenance of riparian vegetation
Restoration of pond
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Removal of the pont Paillard weir on a secondary arm of the Aume1 June 2008Planting
Weir removal
Flood risk management
Fish: Abundance
Fish: Species composition
Removal of twenty small structures and diversification of the Main Channel of the River CouasnonRemoval of 22 flaps
Introducing sediment
Creation of a flood expansion areaProhibition of pumping of waterFish: Species composition
Invertebrates: Abundance
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Channel pattern/planform
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Removing a weir and renaturalising the Iton River on the Plis industrial site in Hondouville1 January 201431 December 2014Dam removal
Dredging of channel
Removal of island
Riverbed dug out
Replanting of banks
removal of bunds
Reinforcing of banks
extension of water treatment outletEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Reméandrage de la Veyre en amont du lac d’Aydat1 September 201030 April 2011Construction of weak and identical slopes on straight sections
Construction of steep slopes to promote erosion and natural deposits in meandering sections
Restoring riparian vegetation
Creation of pools
Creation of meandersFences
troughs and pontoons are placed.
An electric rescue fishing is carried out
Before the works
The stream is temporarily diverted to a reach at proximity in order to work "out of water" and cross the old meanders with the current course
a selective management of riparian forest and the removal of fences are necessary to facilitate access to the machines
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Water quality
Renaturation of Stržen's riverbed on intermittent Cerknica Lake1 September 201731 December 2023Riverbed restorationEstablishing of quiet zonesRe-instatement of old course – double meanderMowing management
Quiet zone establishment (fishing is forbiden
plan for quiet zone management
visiting discouraged)
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Invertebrates: Abundance
Invertebrates: Diversity
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Macrophytes and/or phytobenthos: Average abundance
Macrophytes and/or phytobenthos: Taxonomic composition
Channel pattern/planform
Flow velocities
Quantity & dynamics of flow
Width & depth variation
Oxygen balance
Habitat mapping
Reopening of a section of the River Bièvre in an urban environmentDeculvertingPlantingRe-meanderingCreation of a park
Elimination of wastewater connections
Management of vegetationFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Fish: Species composition
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Macrophytes & phytobenthos: Taxonomic composition
Presentation of project at World Water Forum of Kyoto 2003
Reopening of the culverted Redon river1 September 20061 January 2007Reopening of culverted river
Bank stabilisation
Meandering channelEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Reopening side channels along the Saône in Jassans-Riottier1 September 20071 April 2008Restoration of the connection of side arms
reconnection of ponds
installation of bio-engeneering bank protection
instalation of a sluice
Helophytes planted
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Restauration du matelas alluvial de la Clouère par recharge granulométrique1 June 200831 August 2008excavation and embankment
Two microstrings and a ribbed side ramp are made to ensure the passability of the upstream structure
Big rocks are placed in the stream
Aggregates added to riverbed
An electric rescue fishing is carried out just before the workEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Restauration du matelas alluvial du ruisseau de Trémeret à Ambon1 September 201131 October 2011highten the bottom of the stream to reconnect alluvial wetlands
Aggregates added to riverbed
Bending and extension of the drains so that the rejection is further downstream
Replacement of nozzles of greater diameter and calibration of them to ensure continuity of the slope and reloaded in coarse aggregates
Restoration and environmental interpretation of the Riparian Forest of Nestos DeltaRiparian plantingHabitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Restoration in river Tajo and tributaries after kaolin spillageInstallation of bioengineering elements
Creation of fish passes
Removal of sediments from the mines
Vegetation management
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Restoration in the lower reach of the Cinca RiverDisplacement of flood defenses
Elimination of secondary speck to increase the floodplain
Restoring riparian vegetation
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Restoration of R. Odelouca1 January 201131 December 2014rehabilitate highly eroded and degraded river banks
Construction of a crib wall and placement of stone filled gabions to stabilise river banks
collected from cuttings and seeds in the area and grown on in local nurseries
Construction of artificial islands in the river channel to augment habitat heterogeneity
Removal of invasive plants
Installation of geotextile
Planting of native species
Environmental flows and water resources
Restoration of R. Odelouca 2Bank stabilisationRiparian habitat restoration
Control of invasive species
Environmental flows and water resources
Restoration of Viejas River from the outlet of the fish farm to its mouth1 January 2008Dam removalRevegetationEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Restoration of a section of Torrente de Can Sunyer passing through Martorelles1 January 2008New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksRemoval of exotic plants
Restoring riparian vegetation
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Restoration of a stream of the Jarama River, Valdetorres de Jarama1 January 2000Lowering of lateral slopesRiparian planting
Restoration of a stretch of the river of Santa Coloma1 April 2010New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksRemoval of exotic plants
Restoring riparian vegetation
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoration of riparian zone in Aragon River1 August 2005New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksHabitat creation
Restoring riparian vegetation
Improve forest management and agriculturalHabitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Channel pattern/planform
Structure & condition of riparian zones
High quality habitat for European mink (Mustela lutreola)
Restoration of side channels of the Loire and its tributaries1 January 19951 January 2005treating riverside vegetation
Weir modification
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoration of streams Chico Soto, Soto Grande and Arroyo de la Laguna de los Reyes1 January 2005Restoration of natural vegetationTopographic and landscape restoration
Decrease sedimentation
Restoring the natural hydrological regimeEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Restoration of the Bellegarde hydraulic annex and sediment recharge of the Ain RiverEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
FishConnection to groundwatersRiparian vegetation
Restoration of the Cassaire wetland (Rhôle delta)1 January 2010Installing typical temporary marshes and grassland vegetations of Mediterranean wetlands.Installation of a pumping station powered by a wind turbine.Hydraulic management and grazing; Horse grazing from February to August helps to maintain vegetations open; MonitoringHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Restoration of the Charentonne in the Serquigny public garden1 January 2001Coir rolls
Bank reprofiling
Riparian planting
Protect/restore riparian zone
Re-meanderingHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Restoration of the Pantanello wetland area (Fondazione Caetani)Morphological remodeling
Realization of the new hydraulic structure of the area
Complete conversion to a natural layout of the riparian strip of the Ninfa River; completion of the planting of plants
Creation of structures to attract wildlife
Creation of facilities for the visit and educational use of the area
restoration of Podere Pantanello
restoration of the Podere Ninfa II
Economic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Restoration of the longitudinal continuity along the Canche and its classified tributaries1 January 2006Removal of obstructions to flowCreation of fish passesHabitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Fish: Abundance
Fish: Disturbance-sensitive species
Fish: Species composition
Restoration of the marsh "Gallega"1 January 2005Improvement of channel morphology
Habitat restoration
Permeabilize the side wall of the FAOEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoration of the original riverbed of the SteinbaechleinRestoring riparian vegetationCreation of wetlandRe-instatement of old courseEconomic aspects
Water quality
Restoration of the previous riverbed of the Dadon1 May 2004Implementation of rip rap
Habitat diversification
Implementation of vegetated boxes
Depth variation
Riverbed restoration
Creation of meanders
Adding sinuosity
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Fish: Abundance
Fish: Species composition
Channel pattern/planform
Width & depth variation
Restoration of the river area of the section of Betzuca stream1 November 2007Landscape integration of the breakwater
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Creation of pondEnvironmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoration of the river continuity on the Touques Basinremoval of sluices
removal of dams
Creation of fish passes
Weir removal
Weir lowering
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoration of the stream of Vallicrosa in the section of the source of Pic1 June 2009New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Removal of concrete banks and bed
Revetments with local species
Restoring riparian vegetationEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoration of the stream of the Partido1 January 1998Elimination of the pipeline on the left bank
Removal of sediment
Revetmens with local species
Habitat restorationImprovement of channel morphologyFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Restoration of the surface flows of two temporary tributaries of the upstream Clauge1 January 2005Re-meandering
Re-meandering of tributaries
Fish: Species composition
Invertebrates: Taxonomic composition
Connection to groundwaters
Restoration project in Serpis River in the Lorcha (Alicante province) and Villalonga (Valencia province)Revetments with local species
Weir removal
Removal of invasive plants
Creation of fish ladders
Removal of invasive plantsRe-instatement of old courseEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Restoration project in Turia River1 March 2015Revetmens with local species
Weir removal
Removal of exotic plants
Elimination of structural elements concreted
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Restoration project in Verde River1 January 2008Recess side slopes
Barrier removal
Removal of exotic plants
Elimination of structural elements concreted
Removal of specklesImprove forest management and agriculturalEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Restoration project in the stream of the Vall d'Horta and surrounds. Natural Park of Sant Llorenç del Munt i l'Obac.New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Creation of fish ladders
Removal of exotic plants
Tree management
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Restoration project of riparian buffer of the Sesia riverControl of invasive species; planting riparian vegetationFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Restoration project of the degraded area of the Molí source environment and improvement of river areas and adjacent riparian formations1 January 2008New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Bank stabilisation
Bank protection
Restoring riparian vegetationHabitat and biodiversity
Restoration project of the river area of the streams of Vallmanya and Reixac1 December 2008New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Revetmens with local species
Removal of exotic plants
Restoring riparian vegetation
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoring the River Doquette to its original bedIntroducing sedimentRe-instatement of old course
Adding sinuosity
Promoting riparian vegetation
Restoring the natural dynamics of the upper Adour1 January 19971 January 2004Restoration of side channels
Removal of bunds by regrading the banks
Creation of secondary channels
Bank protection
Change in debris and dead wood management to minimum intervention
Countering the development of Japanese knotweed
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Restoring the river continuity of the Bresle River by returning it to its original bed in Sénarpont1 November 20131 May 2015New riverbed along old channelPutting up fences and drinking points for livestockAdjusting discharges and creating a monophogenetic discharge
Management regarding letting the river draw a natural river bed
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Retour dans son talweg d’origine de la Souffel à Reichstett et création de mares1 December 201031 March 2011The old arm is preserved and a rockfill merlon is set up at the junction of the two beds for divert the waters to the new route
Creation of ponds
Riverbed restoration
Creation of meandersThe banks are not not stabilized in order to let the stream create its preferential flow channel and facilitate overflows in the meadow with each rising waterFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Returning the Fontenelle to its original bed at Saint-Wandrille-Rançon1 August 20101 June 2011Banks were sloped
Returning of water to the river
Tree planting
Weir removal
Riverbed restoration
Helophytes planted
Bridges built
Fences and animal feeders were installed
Fish were caught before the work beganFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Rio Mareta restoration at Stanghe (Sterzing-Vipiteno)Dam removalChannel wideningFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Channel pattern/planform
Continuity of sediment transport
Width & depth variation
river bank vegetation
Rio San Martino and Piovega di Scandolara restoration project2005Floodplain reconnection
Floodplain creation
Buffer strips
Channel naturalisation
Channel widening
Meandering channel
Creation of in-stream and out-stream wetlandAdoption of new practices for aquatic vegetation managementFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Nutrient concentrations
Rio Sant'Ambrogio restoration project20051 March 2009Floodplain reconnection
Floodplain creation
Buffer strips
Channel naturalisation
Channel widening
Meandering channel
Creation of in-stream wetlandAdoption of new practices for aquatic vegetation managementFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Rio Tepice urban restoration1 March 19931 December 1997Bank improvementRiparian plantingManagement of pathsHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Structure & condition of riparian zonesEx ante status "Il Rio Tepice nel suo Viaggio verso il Po" Ass. Il tuo Parco
Riparia-Ter - Recovery of riparian habitats of the Ter River1 January 2010Revetmens with local species
Control of invasive species
Improve forest management and agriculturalEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
River Tesina restorationHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
River restoration in the irrigation area Lobón (Badajoz)1 January 2008Revetmens with local speciesRemoval of sediments
Silvicultural treatments
Legal advice
Monitoring strategy
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
River restoration project in Congost between the torrent of Malhivern and end of the municipality of La Garriga1 November 2009New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Removal of rip-rap
Removal of exotic plantsHabitat and biodiversity
Water quality
River restoration project in Sella, Asturias1 January 2009Revetmens with local species
New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Removal of rip-rap
Removal of sediments
Removal of exotic plants
Remove obstacles in the riverbedPromotion and management of tourism in the riverEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
River restoration project of the stream of Vallvidrera1 August 2010New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksRemoval of exotic plants
Restoring riparian vegetation
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Robledo de Chavela dam removal29 September 201429 September 2014Dam removal
extraction and relocation of sediments
Delimitation of the channel with riprap
slope profiling
Reforestation of the riverbank
Capture and transfer of fishSocial benefits
Water quality
Route water: environmental restoration project for tourist use1 January 2010Removal of exotic plants
Restoring riparian vegetation
Morphology of the bed alteredRecovery of the old millHabitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Réduction de l’impact de trois étangs sur cours d’eau dans le bassin du Cousin1 January 200631 December 2008Construction of a bypass channel
Installation of metal sheet piles
Structures were improved for fish continuity
Plots adjacent to streams are managed extensively. Farmers have contracted agri-environmental measures prohibiting the amendments.Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Social benefits
Rétablissement de la continuité écologique sur la Luire1 March 201030 June 2010Removal of hydrological structures
Draining of the brooks
Reconstitution of the alluvial mattress
Scattering of blocks
Creation of three fording and two water troughs
Riparian planting
Meanders are conserved favouring sinousity600 m of electric fences
Laying of 2
adjustments are made to keep a flooding of the wet micro-wetlands which had developed upstream of the works;
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Water quality
Río Sequillo tramo Belver de los Montes
SCI Parga-Ladra-Támoga: recovery of bog woodland and dystrophic lake1 April 2001Removal of revetments
Depth variation
Revetmens with local species
Invertebrates: Taxonomic compositionStructure & condition of riparian zones
SEE River Project1 September 20121 October 2014harmonise development and conservationFlood risk management
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Spatial planning
Salzano wetland and Marzenego river restoration project20071 October 2009Reshaping the net of canals
Ponds and pools inside the wetland
Hydraulic connection between the river and an outflow wetlandre-establish rare and endangered aquatic vegetation typesFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Water quality
Nutrient concentrations
San Giovanni stream restoration upstream San Matteo della DecimaSediment trap buildingVegetation management
Removal of sediments from sediment trap
Scolo Desolino restoration project20051 January 2009Floodplain reconnection
Floodplain creation
Buffer strips
Channel naturalisation
Channel widening
Meandering channel
Creation of in-stream and out-stream wetlandAdoption of new practices for aquatic vegetation managementFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Water quality
Segura's River BioremediationEnvironmental flows and water resources
Social benefits
Strengthening associated biodiversity of habitat 92A0 and control of Invasive Alien Species in the Segura River (LIFE + Ripisilvanatura)1 September 201431 August 2019Planting of native species
Removal of invasive plants
Restoring riparian vegetation
Structuring of shoreline
Alloctone species control
Vegetation management
Implementation of best practice land & soil management
Management of undesirable plant species
Promotion of riparian vegetation and natural re-growth of bankside
Removal of invasive species
Riparian tree planting
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
InvertebratesStructure & condition of riparian/lake shore zonesBat Survey
Connectivity [Lateral & Vertical]
Habitat mapping
Macroinvertebrates (IBMWP)
Mammel survey
Terrestrial mollusks
Water Quality (Conductivity, Total suspended solids (TSS), Nitrates)
Suppression de l’étang de Condé-sur-Iton et restauration de zones humides1 May 201431 March 2015Removal of woody vegetation
Creation of wetlands
Removal of structures
Filling of pits
Tightening of the bed
Implementation of blocks
Creation of fish pass
Bank protection
Installation of geotextile
Creation of meandersFlood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Sustainable management, at local level, of the alluvial aquifer of the River Tordera, through the reuse of waste water1 July 2001Creation of an infiltration lagoon
Habitat creation
Environmental flows and water resources
Social benefits
Water quality
TerraSeixe4 December 201728 February 2019definition and implementation of good management practices that ensure the conservation of biodiversity and the restoration of ecosystems in the context of emerging global changeEconomic aspects
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - forestry
The Manzanares River Restoration: Demolition of an obsolete dam and riverine ecosystem rehabilitation1 January 2008Bank stabilisation
Dam removal
Riparian plantingEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Channel pattern/planform
Structure & condition of riparian zones
The San Marcos weir removal1 July 20131 October 2013Creation of fish pass
Partial weir removal
Materials removed from the weir were used to fill the pool produced downstream the weir
diminishing the erosion of the river bed
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
The Verdier marshesA move from water management for fish farming to a more natural management respecting the Mediterranean seasonal calendar.Habitat and biodiversity
Social benefits
Toce River: conservation of riparian habitats for breeding and migratory birds - LIFE02 NAT/IT/0085721 January 200331 December 2006Morphological diversificationControl of invasive species
Riparian planting
Limitation of access to the river; conservation of mobility areaBirds
Transboundary Management Programme for the planned 5-country Biosphere Reserve “Mura-Drava-Danube” - COOP MDD1 January 201730 June 2019Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Spatial planning
Updated project for the “Environmental Restoration and Urban and Landscape Planning of Cabra River’s High Section (Cordoba)19 December 2018hydrological recovery actions (stabilization of slopes and recovery of margins witch present erosion problems).planting of autochthonous vegetation (elms
figs ...) along the most degraded banks; silvicultural treatments of riverside vegetation and plantations; cleaning and removal of waste; improve the longitudinal and transverse continuity of the river
extending the width of the banks and creating a fluvial corridor
and also recreational areas integrated into the river area
improving the population education and connection with their environmental heritage)
promenades and footbridges
recreational use (construction of footpaths
Social benefits
Spatial planning
VALAGUA (Valorização ambiental e gestão integrada da água e dos habitats no Baixo Guadiana transfronteiriço)1 January 201530 September 2019Implementation of functional and demonstrative actions for ecological restoration of riverine and riverine habitatsDevelopment of integrated proposals for transboundary water and biodiversity management and their dissemination to policy makers
managers and other stakeholders.
Economic aspects
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Vallacuera Ravine. Removal of a dyke1 September 2006New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banksRemoval of exotic plants
Conditioning access to properties and pedestrian paths
Habitat creation
Removal of a dykeReduce the risk of flooding downstreamFisheries
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Channel pattern/planform
Width & depth variation
Flood defense
Valtellina 2005 – New green system1 June 2006reforestation
Reduction of bank slope
Excavation for floodplain creation
Requalification and improvement of forestal cover along corridor
Alloctone species control
Monitoring strategy
Water is Environmental Pearl (WEP) - SLO-HU ETE 2007-20131 September 2009Providing of continuity
Creation of fish spawn nursing places
Restoration of the connection of side arms
Creation of fish refuge areas
Removal of exotic plants
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Fish: Species composition
Channel pattern/planform
Continuity for organisms
Weir demolition in river Nansa, Cantabria1 January 2010Weir removalEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Widening and sediment reloading of the Drac riverbed in Saint-Bonneten-Champsaur1 November 20131 June 2014Seeding of willows and helophytes
Creation of wetlands
Creation of parallel streams
Creation of fish pass
Bank stabilisation
Bed load addition
Channel wideningClearing of alluvial terraces
Maintaining burying and raising of weir
maintaining of islands
Environmental flows and water resources
Flood risk management
Social benefits
Works of improvement in final stretch of the Riera of Vallcorba, Sant Quirze del Vallès1 June 2009New bioengineering elements in order to stabilize slope banks
Removal of concrete banks and bed
Bank reprofiling
Gabion bed
Environmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
Water quality
Zero river restoration project19991 January 2004Floodplain reconnection
Floodplain creation
Buffer strips
Channel wideningCreation of in-stream and out-stream wetlandAdoption of new practices for aquatic vegetation management
pumping water to an adjacent newly afforested riparian buffer for nitrogen and phosphorous removal
Flood risk management
Habitat and biodiversity
Land use management - agriculture
Land use management - forestry
Social benefits
Water quality
FishNutrient concentrations
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the Chapel of St Mary of Zújar and the ford of "Entrerríos", Badajoz.1 January 2011DPH recovery by removal of fences and barriers that restrict access to the river
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the dam and the ford of "El Espolón" , Badajoz.1 January 2011Creation of wetlandRecovering natural landscapesDPH recovery by removal of fences and barriers that restrict access to the river
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the ford of "El Espolón" and the Chapel of St Mary of Zújar , Badajoz.1 January 2011DPH recovery by removal of fences and barriers that restrict access to the river
Zújar river restoration in the reach between the ford of "Entrerríos" and its mouth, Badajoz.1 January 2011Creation of wetlandRecovering natural landscapes