Subcatchment:Aa (Noord-Brabant)

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River basin district Meuse
River basin Maas


River name Aa (Noord-Brabant)
Area category 100 - 1000 km²
Area (km2)
Maximum altitude category Less than 100 m
Maximum altitude (m)
Dominant geology Siliceous
Ecoregion Western plains"Western plains" is not in the list (Iceland, Tundra, Borealic uplands, Fenno-Scandian Shield, Great Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland, Ibero-Macaronesian, Taiga, Central Plains, Baltic Province, ...) of allowed values for the "Ecoregion" property.
Dominant land cover Grassland, Intensive agriculture (arable), Broadleaf/mixed woodland (semi natural), Urban
Waterbody ID NL38_1H

Location: 51° 35' 19.73" N, 5° 38' 59.14" E

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List of case studies in this subcatchment

Project titleThemeProject status
Snelle LoopEnvironmental flows and water resources
Habitat and biodiversity
VlierHabitat and biodiversity
Water quality
In progress