Country info:Ukraine - background information

Revision as of 08:01, 14 October 2014 by Miho-kiev (talk | contribs) (River restoration in Ukraine is an urgent need. Main targets are flood and nature protection including landuse management. International support in terms of knowledge exchange and financing will be crucial for success.)
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In 2013 the Ukrainian Centre for River Restoration (UCRR) was officially established at the

Institute for Water Problems and Land Reclamation, Kiev, Ukraine.

Before that date, river restoration (RR) plans in Ukraine were set up on local, regional and national level. Concrete measures did however often not follow because of lacking financing. A better chance was given for initiatives that combined projects with rural development (land consolidation, irrigation). Several bigger international (transboundary) projects (r. Tisza, Danube a.o.) were financed by the EU and ended up with the realisation of concrete measures to enhance flood protection, nature protection and others.

About UCRR

Mission The UCRR was established in 2013 aiming at organising all kind of works and coordinating initiatives connected to the restoration of Ukrainian rivers including the transboundary ones. The main reason for its foundation is related to the observation that more and more Ukrainian rivers and streams and also their catchments are impacted by humans leading to problems not only for nature but also for the whole population. This tendency needs to be stopped and replaced by sustainable water and landuse planning according to European standards. Orientation and support for this development is provided by the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR) by coordinating national initiatives, organising information exchange, conferences, expert visits from and to the EU and financial support to start with concrete projects.

Goals The UCRR will fulfil the task to stimulate, organise and coordinate RR related incentives on the national level. Potential partner organisations will be invited to work together on common projects or to contribute their expertise.