
Revision as of 16:12, 23 August 2013 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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  • In general, you should find the wiki fully compatible with recent versions of major desktop browsers. It can also be accessed with mobile browsers, older desktop browsers and limited-capability browsers (such as ones without CSS or JavaScript support), though some functionality may be reduced or unavailable.
  • If you're using Internet Explorer 6 or earlier, and you're finding the wiki slow to respond, you may experience much better performance if you upgrade to a more recent version of Internet Explorer.

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Frequently asked questions

General problems

Entering dates more than 10 years in the past

Q: When editing the project background section, how can I enter dates more than 10 years in the past (e.g. dates for old case studies from before 2002)?

A: When you select a date field in the Edit Project Background form, a calendar control is displayed to let you choose the date. The year drop-down in the calendar control only lists years up to 10 years in the past. However it is possible to enter earlier years. To do this, first select the earliest year shown in the list. Then click the year drop-down again; when the list is re-displayed, an additional 10 years will have been added to the start of the list. Repeat this process until you get back to the year you want to select.

Performance problems with Internet Explorer 6

Q: Does the wiki work with Internet Explorer 6?

A: Yes, but some users have reported that the wiki is slow to respond when using Internet Explorer 6. If you are experiencing this problem and you're using Internet Explorer 6 or earlier, then you may be able to improve your experience with the wiki by upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer, or switching to another browser such as Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari.

Error messages

Parameter locations must be one or more valid locations

Q: When I try to edit the location of a case study I see this error message:

Fatal error: Parameter locations must be one or more valid locations.

and I can't set the location. How can I fix this?

A: This is caused by invalid coordinate values that are not recognised by the mapping service. The invalid coordinates may have been entered directly on the wiki, or may have been contained in a case study imported from an Excel spreadsheet. Contact an administrator via the contacts page and request them to correct the case study. Administrators can delete the invalid co-ordinate values using Form:coordinates.

Expression error: Unexpected < operator

Q: Why is my case study showing the error message "Expression error: Unexpected < operator" in the average unit stream power field?

A: If not explicitly entered, the average unit stream power is calculated from the following three fields:

  • Average bankfull channel width (exact value)
  • Mean discharge (exact value)
  • Average channel gradient (exact value)

This error usually results from a non-numeric value in one of these fields. Verify that these three fields all contain only valid numbers. Note that decimal values must be entered using the English-language convention of a dot/period (.) for the decimal separator, not a comma.

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