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Usage1448 Showing 20 pages using this property.
Conseil général (30 %)
+ , Agence de l’eau Seine-Normandie (50 %)
+ General Council of the Eure
+ , Agency of Seine-Normandy Water
+ Danish Ministry of Food
+ , Agriculture and Fisheries; Vejle Kommune
+ Ajuntament de Palau-Solità i Plegamans
+ European Union
+ , Slovenian Ministry for environment and spatial planning
+ , Municipality of Cerknica
+ ,
… Regeling Actief Bodembeheer de Kempen paid for most of the pollution clean up
+ , RRestoration works was paid for by a number of nature funds: SGB-regeling
+ , ILG-regeling
+ ,
… Artois-Picardie water agency (51%)
+ , European Regional Development Fund (48%)
+ , Arras urban area (1%)
+ Natural England
+ , Environment Agency
+ , Local levy council tax funding
+ ,
… Swiss Contribution to the Enlarged European Union
+ , Association own sources
+ European Commission
+ , State
+ , Communities
+ ,
… WWF Austria
+ , Austrian Ministry of Economy
+ Natural England
+ , Big Lottery
+ , Environment Agency
+ ,
+ , BW
+ , Environment Agency
+ ,
… Ballangen Energi AS
+ , The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE)
+ Ballymoney Council; DCAL Inland Fisheries (NASCO money); DARD Rivers
+ Defra
+ , Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Risk Management
+ , Thames Water
+ ,
… Barking Riverside Ltd Section 106 agreement
+ Seine-Normandie Water agency (90%)
+ , Basse-Normandie Regional council (5%)
+ , Sienne AAPPMA (certified association for fishing and protection of aquatic environments) (5%)