Property:Partner organisations
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Austria Upper Mur - River Widening Weyern (LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I 2003-2007) +
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement, resources and sustainability +
Austria Upper Mur - LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II" 2010-2015 +
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement, resources and sustainability +
Austria Upper Mur - River widening Lässer Au (LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II 2010-2015) +
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement, resources and sustainability +
Austria Upper Mur - River widening St. Peter Au (LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben II 2010-2015) +
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement, resources and sustainability +
Austria Upper Mur - Public relations in murerleben I + II LIFE III (LIFE03 NAT/A/000011) and LIFE+ (LIFE+ 08 NAT A 614) „Inner-Alpine river basin management – Upper River Mur - murerleben I+II" 2003-2015 +
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement, resources and sustainability +
Austria River Mur - Strategic river management for considerations in the power and water management sector in Styria/Austria +
Office of the Styrian Government - Department 14 Watermanagement, resources and sustainability +
Onema, AELB, Fédération départementale de pêche du Puy-de-Dôme, Gergovie Val d’Allier communauté, Les Cheires communauté, Conseil régional d’Auvergne, Conseil départemental 63, DREAL Auvergne, Direction départementale des territoires 63, Parc naturel régional des Volcans d’Auvergne, Schéma d’aménagement de gestion des eaux Allier, Conservatoire des espaces naturels d’Auvergne, Ligue de protection des oiseaux d’Auvergne, chambre d’agriculture, association Aquaveyre, sociétés locales de pêche privée. +
Onema, AERM, communauté de communes du pays de Briey, commune de Briey, Fédération de pêche 54 +
Onema, AESN, Conseil départemental des Yvelines, CCPH, Direction départementale des territoires. +
Dérivation et recréation du lit mineur du ruisseau de Bel Orient au droit de quatre plans d’eau à Gueltas +
Onema, DDTM du Morbihan, association Bretagne-Vivante, bureau d’étude Althis, entreprise Henrio +
Onema, ETRM, Burgeap, Geolithe +
Onema, partenaire technique pour la maîtrise d’ouvrage et le suivi des travaux. +
Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust, Royal HaskoningDHV +
Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust, Royal HaskoningDHV +
Penny Anderson Associates Ltd, University of Exeter, Environment Agency, Defra, JBA Consulting, JBA Trust +
Pond Conservation, York University, Oxford Brookes University, Sheffield University, Syngenta, Welland Rivers Trust, Anglian Water, Freshwater Habitats Trust, Environment Agency, Defra, Welland Rivers Trust, Welland Rivers Partnership +
Province of Antwerpen, Belgium Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (Flemish Environment Agency), Belgium +
Provincia di Vercelli – Ente Parco del Po vercellese-alessandrino +
LIFE GREENCHANGE (LIFE17 NAT/IT/000619) – Construction of green infrastructures in the Fondazione Caetani farm – Restoration of the Fosso Epitaffio +
Provincial di Latina; U-space s.r.l.; MIEMA; Poliedra +