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References SIVOA, 2009. Effacement de trois ouvrages hydrauliques sur l’Orge. État d’avancement et perspectives. Document powerpoint 22 p. Reuilly, L., 2015. Rapport de la qualité des eaux superficielles du bassin de l’Orge aval, 2015. Bellot, C., 2014. Thèse Évolution du fonctionnement sédimentologique et biogéochimique d’un bief de rivière suite à l’effacement d’ouvrages hydrauliques, 454 p. Chevalier G., 2011. Évaluation de l’incidence de l’abaissement d’ouvrages de régulation hydraulique sur le peuplement piscicole. Onema, 33 p. Veodis-3D, 2011. Suivi hydromorphologique après abaissement de trois clapets sur la rivière Orge en Essonne. DRIEE, 46 p.  +
References Scans of documents of the Haluzice Gorge Nature Monument (Accessed on 2 August 2014) Significant forest area Haluzice Gorge: (Accessed on 5 August 2014)  +
References Site du Département de l’Eure - Feuilleton radiophonique : accueil_eure_en_ligne/audio_eure;jsessionid=BE26FFEE3125426DA7CE1E10B2921B50 • Paris Normandie. Pages dédiées aux articles de presse sur le projet : VureQebpzoI • France 3 Normandie. Reportage :  +
References V2R, 2011. Notice d’évaluation de l’impact hydraulique de petits aménagements. Smage Aa  +
References • Agence de l’eau Rhin-Meuse. Film du projet : • Requalification du plan d’eau de la Sangsue à Briey - Avant- projet. Hydratec, Asconit Consultants, Agence Verdier-Tappia. Février 2011, 71 pages. • Réunion de présentation du projet Woigot 2013. Plan d’eau de la Sangsue. Un réaménagement de grande envergure. Syndicat CRW. 2013, 31 pages. • Étude globale de diagnostic du plan d’eau de la Sangsue à Briey. Rapport de phases 1 et 2. Fonctionnement du plan d’eau dans le bassin versant du Woigot et propositions d’aménagements. Bureau d’études Sinbio. Janvier 2009, 54 pages.  +
References • Arsento R., Bramard M. (2008). Projet de restauration hydromorphologique de la Clouère, commune d’Availles-Limouzine (86). Document de travail Onema DiR 4 » : 18. • Bilan intermédiaire travaux de restauration de la Clouère amont (à paraître) • Bardon, E. (2009). Restauration hydromorphologique des petits cours d’eau de plaine : synthèse, comparaison et choix des techniques à appliquer, Onema, Université de Poitiers : 115p.  +
References • La recharge en granulat - Premiers retours d’expériences sur les travaux menés dans le Centre-Ouest de la France sur des petits cours d’eau. M. Bramard, L. Boutet-Berry, C. Bramard, M. Martin, É. Bardon. Onema Dir Centre, unité Poitou-Charentes. 2010. 57 p. • Restauration hydromorphologique des petits cours d’eau de plaines - Synthèse, comparaison et choix des techniques à appliquer. É. Bardon. 2009.  +
References • Liste des lauréats du Grand prix 2014 du génie écologique: Ministère de l’écologie, du développement durable et de l’énergie. • Le bassin de la Souffel. Conseil départemental du BasRhin, 2011. • Évaluation de la qualité des eaux superficielles du bassin versant de la Souffel. Rapport de stage. Emilie Rozlazy, 2011.  +
References • Reméandrage d’une portion du cours d’eau « La Veyre » - Dossier de demande d’autorisation au titre des articles L.214.1 et L214.6 du Code de l’environnement. Corridor, avril 2010, 43 pages. • Reméandrage d’une portion du cours d’eau « La Veyre » - Notice technique et plans de récolement. Corridor, juin 2011, 17 pages. • Site internet du SMVVA : travaux-rivi%C3%A8res#Actions1  +
References • Répertoire d’exemples - CPIE Val de Gartempe, fiche mars 2010, Mickaël Martin, SIAG. • Présentation des travaux de la Luire - SIAG, Suivi photo, Mickaël Martin. • Retour d’expériences des contrats territoriaux en Loire-Bretagne – 2007-2011. Volet restauration des milieux aquatiques. Mai 2012.  +
References • (4 mai 2015) • Plan de gestion 2008-2012 - Marais des étangs de Contes. Conservatoire des sites naturels du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais, FDAAPPMA du Pas-de-Calais. 2008, 200 p. • Suivi des travaux - Présentation. FDAAPPMA du Pasde-Calais. 2015, 26 pages.  +
SEGURA RIPISILVANATURA LISTENS TO YOU! To contact us with any questions, suggestions or for more information please send an email to or do it through social networks: Ripisilvanatura on Facebook : Ripisilvanatura Ripisilvanatura on Twitter : @ripisilvanatura  +
THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THIS PROJECT! To contact us with any questions, suggestions or for more information please send an email to or do it through social networks: Ripisilvanatura on Facebook : Segurariverlink Ripisilvanatura on Twitter : @segurariverlink  +
Thames21 website for more information on their work:  +
The River Irwell rises at Deerplay Moor, Cliviger (Lancashire) and runs south through Bacup, Rawtenstall, Ramsbottom, Bury and Kearsley before joining the Manchester Ship Canal in Salford, south of Irlam. Major tributaries include the Roch, the Croal, the Irk and the Medlock. This phase of the RRC‟s work (Phase 1) concentrated on the Irwell between Rawtenstall and Salford, and the Kirklees Brook between Hawkshaw and its confluence with the Irwell. The Croal and the Roch will be the subject of a similar study in the future (Phases 2 and 3). The upper region is largely rural and fairly steep whereas the lower region is mostly urban and less steep. More than 30% of the catchment is urban including Manchester, Salford and Oldham in the south and Bury, Bolton and Rochdale in the centre (Environment Agency, 2008). The river has a long history of modification dating back to the industrial revolution, which includes walling, deepening, re-alignment, culverting, widening, dredging, straightening, and the construction of weirs. Many of these structures are now in poor condition and are crumbling or collapsing into the river channel, contributing to the supply of coarse, but unnatural, bedload material. Artificial structures such as weirs and culverts can also obstruct flow and result in accumulations of sediment within the channel, which in the past has been removed by channel dredging at some locations. Many of these structures were constructed as part of historical industrialisation of the area, and where they have collapsed there is evidence that the river has begun to naturally adjust, often with riffle features occurring downstream. In most cases there was little or no evidence (from the walkover survey) of any negative impacts in terms of additional fine sediment accumulation downstream.  +
The project received a Special Mention in the 2nd Edition of the Andalusian Town Planning Awards, awarded by the Regional Government of Andalusia in 2017.  +
The project was named as the winner of the Professional Category at the 2007 Wild Trout Trust and Orvis Conservation Awards, reinforcing it's position as a good example of a successful river restoration project.  +
The works in this particular river stretch was initiated to test different restoration techniques in a rather high gradient river (part of the river section has a gradient of 1,5%). Two days after completion of the in-river works, a large flood (estimated to be a 1:50-year return flood) destroyed part of the constructions. Not very encouraging for the local angling club, because the project was meant to be part of a larger project. Funding however stopped after the trial, and there has not been any attempt to restart the project.  +
This is a partnership project, involving government departments and the local council. The project was opportunistic in nature, being developed due to the maintenance costs of the current situation. The benefits are as much social and educational as environmental. Monitoring using RHAT and fish surveys will commence next year, once the project has "settled". It will be used as a demonstration site for urban restoration  +
This page is only a test page, used to make a webinar by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), for the Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet). The page will be deleted after the webinar (Feb 2021). For questions, please contact Therese Fosholt Moe:  +