This is a property of type String .
Usage1642 Showing 20 pages using this property.
Creation of groynes
+ , Deflectors
+ Deflectors
+ , Creation of groynes
+ , Riffle creation
+ ,
… Weir removal
+ , Creation of groynes
+ Installation of damming valves
+ , Creation of islands
+ , Creation of irregular shaped shore line
+ Creation of low flow channel
+ Cut back of plants
+ , Introduction of spawning gravels
+ , Creation of mini-treshold
+ ,
… Creation of notches
+ , Planting of grass
+ , Tree planting
+ Dredging
+ , Weir modification
+ , Creation of pipelines
+ The old arm is preserved and a rockfill merlon is set up at the junction of the two beds for divert the waters to the new route
+ , Creation of ponds
+ , Riverbed restoration
+ Creation of shoulders
+ , Embankment creation
+ , Creation of pools
+ Creation of pools
+ , Fish habitat restoration
+ , Introducing large woody debris
+ ,
… Morphological diversification
+ , Restoration of side channels
+ , Reopening of side channels
+ ,
… Planting
+ , Creation of pools and riffles
+ , Introduction of spawning gravels
+ Creation of pools and riffles
+ Creation of pools and riffles
+ Installation of cascades
+ , Creation of pools and riffles
+ Creation of pools and riffles
+ Long-reach excavator
+ , Creation of pools and riffles
+ Creation of pools and riffles
+ , Introduction of gravel
+ Reopening of culverted river
+ , Habitat restoration
+ , habitat creation
+ ,