This is a property of type String.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Cattle drinkers
+, Livestock fencing
+Channel modification
+, Gravel added
+, Tree Hinging
+Channel realignment
+, embankment removal
+, channel reprofiling
…Morphological diversification
+, Channel reprofiling
+Channel reprofiling
+, Recovery of channel morphology
+Channel reprofiling
+, Riffle creation
+, Habitat restoration
+Creation of wooden deflectors
+, Habitat diversification
+, Cleaning of spawning gravels
+Creation of wooden deflectors
+, Cleaning of spawning gravels
+Cleaning of spawning gravels
+, Creation of pools and riffles
+Habitat restoration
+, Cleaning of spawning gravels
+, Creation of backwaters
+Conditioning of the banks of the stream and lagoons.
+Natural erosion embankments
+, Connection between river channel and former side branches
+, Gravel bar
+Connection between river channel and former side branches
+, Riverbed dug out