This is a property of type String .
Usage1642 Showing 20 pages using this property.
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ , Removal of fish barriers
+ ,
… Blocking of certain grips
+ , Tree planting
+ Blocking of certain grips
+ , Tree planting
+ Blocking of certain grips
+ , Tree planting
+ Creation of fish refuge areas
+ , Construction of dams
+ , Providing of continuity
+ ,
… Breaking the dune barrier and establishing a temporary connecting channel between the lagoon and the sea
+ Building nature-like bypass channel
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Building nature-like bypass channel
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Building nature-like bypass channel
+ Partially deletion of barriers
+ , Building of armourstone downstream of the structure was built to consolidate the bank and create a channel preferential flow to guide the fish
+ Building of submerged weirs and pits
+ , Introduction of gravel
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Building of submerged weirs and pits
+ , Introduction of gravel
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Building of submerged weirs and pits
+ , Introduction of gravel
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Building of submerged weirs and pits
+ , Introduction of gravel
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Building of submerged weirs and pits
+ , Re-introducing stones
+ , Introduction of gravel
+ ,
… Building submerged weir
+ , Removal of old logs
+ , Re-introducing spawning gravel
+ ,
… Re-introducing stones
+ , Building submerged weir
+ , Creation of fish passes
+ Weir removal/modification for easement of fish passage
+ , Cattle drinkers
+ Channel reprofiling
+ , Re-introducing gravel
+ , Cattle drinkers