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Literature used
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Monitoring encompassed HABSCORE and electro fishing surveys, which were undertaken by the Environment Agency Wales just after construction in 2004 and again in 2006. Three sites were surveyed within the project reach, and a further three upstream to act as controls. At each site two semi-quantitative and one quantitative electro fishing surveys were carried out to determine population estimates for salmon and trout fry and parr.
No marked differences were observed in fish densities between the two survey occasions, with some sites showing a reduction in fish numbers. However, it should be noted that the post-scheme surveys were undertaken just one year after the works, with the full benefits not likely to be realised until several years after implementation.
Where flow is focussed directly at the root wads, an area of localised scour has formed under the base of the exposed root ball. This provides an overhanging vegetated bank, which is a valuable new habitat feature.
Diverse bankside cover has resulted and cleaner gravels are present, with visibly less fine sediment. Overall the channel geometry is now similar to more well-vegetated reaches of the river.
Due to its rural and over-wide location maintenance of flow conveyance was not deemed to be an issue, even with the very fast growth rate of willow no post-project maintenance (coppicing) was required. +
Post-project ecological/hydromorphological monitoring assessments during 2011/12. Data should be available during 2012. +
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Most of the examples of techniques in this river have only just been put into place (the official opening of the site was 28th September 2002). It is therefore, too early to establish which are likely to provide answers in terms of best practice and whether the increase in channel diversity will have a long term benefit for fisheries objectives.
Some concerns were raised during the site visit about the use of the v weir in this particular situation and it remains to be seen how successful/sustainable this will be compared to the more ‘natural’ diversity initiatives using on site materials over the longer term.
The faggots and pegs appear already to have trapped some sediment behind them. They are, however, very experimental and their height, in this case (approx 40-50cm), may ultimately be most critical to their long term success. Nevertheless they may provide a possible alternative to places where toe boarding or similar structural support has been used along other rivers.
This is an excellent site for viewing and discussing a range of techniques, and evaluating their effectiveness and suitability along chalk streams and elsewhere. +
RRC visit notes (2008):
The new bed has enabled free passage to the upper burn and has had a dramatic impact on the visual ‘eyesore’ previously viewed by users of the popular pathway. The construction of a step-pool bedrock and boulder bed has added stability to the channel and now allows a much freer movement of bed sediment.
The concept of needing to anchor the ‘key’ boulders into the engineered bed but burying this structural element under 500mm+ of placed material allowed concerns over structural stability, morphology and aesthetics to be integrated into a common solution. +
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M.R., 2002. El hábitat de los ríos mediterráneos: Diseño de un índice de
diversidad de hábitat. Limnetica 21 (3-4), 115–133.
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