This is a property of type String.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
Barrier removal
+, Channel realignment
+, Connection to wider floodplain
+Floodplain lowering
+, scrape added
+, floodplain roughening
…Bed raising
+, floodplain lowering and floodplain roughening.
+Bigger diameter pipe under way
+Buffer strips
+, Creation of backwaters
+, Creation of terraces
…Excavation for floodplain creation
+, Floodplain creation
+, Buffer strips
+Floodplain reconnection
+, Floodplain creation
+, Buffer strips
+Buffer strips
+, Recovery of dynamic river system
+, Restoring riparian vegetation
+Floodplain reconnection
+, Floodplain creation
+, Buffer strips
+Floodplain reconnection
+, Floodplain creation
+, Buffer strips
+Floodplain reconnection
+, Floodplain creation
+, Buffer strips
+Creation of wet woodland
+, Buffer strips
+Tree planting
+, Fencing
+, Buffer strips
+Riparian planting
+, Buffer strips
+Creation of a flood expansion area
+, Creation of pond
+, Buffer strips
+Buffer strips
+, Tree planting