Property:Image gallery image description

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The La Motte reservoir, on the Sanguèze river, in 2003, before works.  +, The La Motte reservoir, in 2004, after works. The original sinous water body was partially restored.  +, The La Motte reservoir in 2006, two years after works: the river banks were revegeteted.  +,
A pool on the Thouet River in 2004, before the lowering of the water level.  +, A pool on the Thouet River in 2006, after works: the lowering of the water level allows the diversification of flow rates (restoration of a riffle).  +
The Steinbaechlein in October 2007, two years after restoration.  +, The Steinbaechlein in summer 2007, three years after restoration.  +, Development of willows along the Steinbaechlein in summer 2008 upstream of the restored area.  +,
A stretch of the river pre-restoration  +
The straight bed of a tributary of the Clauge in 2005, prior to the remeandering works.  +, A tributary of the Clauge in January 2009 after the remeandering works.  +, Example of a watertight plug used to eliminate the straight bed which will be fi lled in naturally and progressively (June 2009).  +
The Canche at Conchy-sur-Canche before dismantling of the sluice.  +, The Canche at Conchy-sur-Canche after dismantling of the sluice. The banks made bare by the lowering of the water line were quickly vegetated.  +, A weir on the Créquoise at Lebiez before restoration of the river bed.  +,
The Manzanares River near the historical Toledo Bridge by the early 20th century, showing the characteristic patterns of the near-natural multi-thread river channel (Photo source: Madrid City Council and CEDEX).  +, The Manzanares River in the 80s after the canalization of the river and the construction of motorways along its banks (Photo source: Madrid City Council and CEDEX).  +, The Manzanares River after the full opening of the weirs and the allowance of a seminatural dynamics inside the limited space of the river (Photo source: Madrid City Council and CEDEX).  +,
A13 during works  +, A13 post works  +, Barking Creekmouth  +
Abandoned crossing acting as a partial barrier to fish  +, Removal of turf before culverts can be taken out  +, Site within 12 hours of removal  +
Aberarder - New Lower Channel  +, Aberarder - Upper Wetland  +, Aberarder - Large Wood structure  +
The pont Paillard weir, before works, in June 2008.  +, The opening of the pont Paillard weir, in June 2008.  +, About 150 meters upstream the weir, on the 30 June 2008.  +,
Un des ouvrages problématiques sur la Luire à Clos Merle (2008) (Source: SIAG).  +, Phase de recharge granulométrique avec recharge du lit mineur et étrépage de la zone humide pour maintenir ses fonctionnalités (2010) (Source: SIAG).  +, Suivi morphologique par transect, en mars 2010 après dérasement (Source: SIAG).  +,
Newly installed berm  +, Access Platform being used  +, Newly added gravels  +,
Map of the area of action  +, Action taken  +, Artificial pond created in the area  +,
Aerial view of 1956  +, Aerial view of 1999  +, Aerial view of 2009  +,
Restored channel (photo. Maria Arola)  +, Removed dam (photo. Maria Arola)  +, Added gravel (photo. Maria Arola)  +
Deflector transformed to shoulder, March 2011  +, Deflector transformed to shoulder, July 2011  +, Added sinuosity to the river, March 2011  +
River Rhine, Albruck / Dogern (D): Diversion of the discharge into two courses: rock cascade pass, vertical slot pass with collection gallery.  +, The end of the fish pass - the vertical slot and the fish way (photo: Pinja Kasvio)  +, The bypass channel (photo Pinja Kasvio)  +,
Creek and main river (photo: Arne Jørgen)  +, Largest pond on the brook (photo: Arne Jørgen)  +, Added wood material (photo: arne Jørgen)  +
Addition of woody debris to the river to significantly reduce flow velocities, October 2009  +, To avoid damage to the site in construction, a minature railway track was created to transport materials and machinery. October 2009  +, channel after restoration  +,