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Usage1448 Showing 20 pages using this property.
Scottish Government
+ , Scottish Environment Protection Agency
+ , West Lothian Council
+ ,
… City of Munich
+ , Free state of Bavaria
+ Coastal Communities Fund
+ , Flood Defence Grant-in-Aid
+ , Waldringfield Flood Defence Group
+ Cohesion Fund and State budget
+ Collserola Park Consortium
+ Commercial partners
+ , Local charities
+ Communauté de commune de Pontivy - Pontivy Communauté
+ , Département du Morbihan
+ , Pays de Pontivy
+ Environment Agency
+ , London Development Agency
+ , European Regional Development Fund
+ ,
… European Union
+ , Sveaskog
+ , National Forestry center
+ ,
… Developers
+ , Community Infrastructure Levy
+ , Mayors Parks Programme
+ Developers (106 agreements)
+ , Community Infrastructure Levy
+ Redevelopment of the surrounding area (106 agreements)
+ , Community Infrastructure Levy.
+ Redevelopment of the surrounding area (106 agreements)
+ , Community Infrastructure Levy.
+ Environment Agency
+ , London Borough of Enfield
+ , Community groups
+ ERDF (45%)
+ , Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse water agency (20%)
+ , Rhône-Alpes region (9%)
+ ,
… Compensation monies due to fih kill
+ , plus Rivers Agency maintenance budget
+ Coût intégré aux actions de valorisation dans le cadre du CTMA du bassin versant de Pénerf. Funding sources: Agence de l’eau Loire-Bretagne (50 %)
+ , Conseil départemental du Morbihan (30 %)
+ , huit communes de la rivière de Pénerf (20 %)
+ Ministry of the Environment
+ , Conseil supérieur de la pêche (CSP - now Onema)
+ , the départements of Calvados
+ ,
… Consejeria de medio ambiente-Xunta de Galicia
+ , EU LIFE Programme