This is a property of type String .
Usage1007 Showing 20 pages using this property.
Creation of wetland
+ , Reedbed creation
+ , Creation of pond
+ Regeneration of alluvial forests
+ , Creation of pond
+ Creation of wetland
+ , Creation of wet woodland
+ , Creation of pond
+ ,
… Planting
+ , Creation of pond
+ Planting of helophytes at the foot of banks
+ , Seeding of work areas with a mix of herbaceous plant
+ , restoration of wooded areas by planting white willows
+ ,
… Creation of wetland
+ , Creation of ponds and scrapes
+ Riparian planting
+ , Creation of river dunes
+ , Increase water retention area
+ Creation of side channel
+ Creation of side channel
+ Creation of side channel
+ , Habitat creation
+ Tree management
+ , Creation of swales and wetland basin
+ Creation of swales and wetland basin
+ , stream allowed to find new course
+ Creation of swales and wetland basin
+ Reedbed creation
+ , Creation of two infiltration lagoons
+ Creation of two stage channel
+ Reedbed creation
+ , Creation of wetland
+ , Creation of wet woodland
+ Creation of wet woodland
+ , Creation of wetland
+ , Riparian planting
+ Creation of wet woodland
+ Creation of wet woodland
+ , Tree planting