Country info:Finland - background information
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Finland´s environmental administration Both a research institute, and a centre for environmental expertise. SYKE's research focuses on changes in the environment, and seeks ways to control these changes. Expertise is based on long-term environmental monitoring and wide-ranging research results. Undertakes and disseminates research into the natural changes in and human impact on water resources, including groundwater, and advises government.
[1] The Finnish Game and fisheries Research Institute The Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (FGFRI) undertakes and disseminates include the evaluation, projection and statistical assessment of fish and game resources. They also undertake research into maintaining the diversity of fish stocks and fostering economic activities related to fish, game and reindeer.
[2] Aalto University, School of Engineering Aalto University's School of Engineering creates new information and solutions which serve the goals of sustainable development; key focus areas both in teaching and research include global warming, energy conservation and clean energy, and the sustainable use of natural resources.