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RESTORE partnership

RESTORE is a partnership for sharing knowledge and promoting best practice on river restoration in Europe. It is supported by LIFE+ funding from the European Commission and works closely together with the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR). The project finished in 2013 and is now supported through the ECRR.

The RESTORE website ( is managed on behalf of the RESTORE partnership by Wetlands International on behalf of the European Centre for River Restoration. The RESTORE River Wiki ( is managed on behalf of the RESTORE partnership by the RRC and funding is provided by the Environment Agency.


RESTORE encourages the restoration of European rivers towards a more natural state. This delivers increased ecological quality, flood risk reduction, and social and economic benefits.

Partnership organisations

RESTORE is a partnership between the Environment Agency (EA – England), River Restoration Centre (RRC - UK), Wetlands International (WI - International), Government Service for Land and Water Management (DLG - Netherlands), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE - Finland) and Italian Centre for River Restoration (CIRF - Italy).