RESTORE partnership
RESTORE is a partnership for sharing knowledge and promoting best practice on river restoration in Europe. It is supported by LIFE+ funding from the European Commission and works closely together with the European Centre for River Restoration (ECRR).
The RESTORE website ( is managed on behalf of the RESTORE partnership by Wetlands International. The RESTORE River Wiki ( is managed on behalf of the RESTORE partnership by the Environment Agency.
RESTORE encourages the restoration of European rivers towards a more natural state. This delivers increased ecological quality, flood risk reduction, and social and economic benefits.
Partnership organisations
RESTORE is a partnership between the Environment Agency (EA – England), River Restoration Centre (RRC - UK), Wetlands International (WI - International), Government Service for Land and Water Management (DLG - Netherlands), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE - Finland) and Italian Centre for River Restoration (CIRF - Italy).