Country info:Scotland - organisations
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List of organisations for Scotland
Organisation | Web site | Notes |
River Restoration Centre | | The River Restoration Centre (RRC) exists to promote, facilitate and support best practice in river, watercourse and floodplain management across the UK. It aims to provide a focal point for the exchange and dissemination of information and expertise relating to river restoration and enhancement. The Centre also provides advice on site-specific technical issues through a network of experienced river restoration practitioners. RRC is a non-profit making organisation which aims to offer impartial advice to enable practitioners and clients, to gain maximum benefit from current experiences in a variety of easily accessible ways. |
Scottish Environment Protection Agency | | The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is the environmental regulator and flood warning authority in Scotland. Its principal role is to protect and improve Scotland's environment. SEPA is responsible for administering the Water Environment Restoration Fund to support projects to help restore Scotland’s catchments from the source, down through rivers, lochs, floodplains into the estuaries and out to sea. The primary focus of the funding is to tackle impacts on the morphology or physical condition of these ecosystems. This funding from the Scottish Government seeks to restore the condition of Scotland's water environment and to support partnership projects with third parties. |
Scottish Natural Heritage | | Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is a Scottish public body, responsible for Scotland's natural heritage, especially its natural, genetic and scenic diversity. It advises the Scottish Government and acts as a government agent in the delivery of conservation designations, i.e. National Nature Reserves, Local Nature Reserves, Long Distance Routes, National Parks, Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas and the National Scenic Area. SNH offers support to improving Scotland's water environment through its Grant Programme. |
Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland | | Formed in 2005, the Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland (RAFTS) is a leading independent freshwater conservation charity representing Scotland’s national network of rivers and fisheries Trusts and Foundations. RAFTS manages a range of core policy and project-driven objectives, including representing it’s 25 member Trusts and Foundations. |
Tweed Forum | | Tweed Forum was formed in 1991 to promote the sustainable use of the whole of the Tweed catchment through holistic and integrated management and planning. Tweed Forum works to protect, enhance and restore the rich natural, built and cultural heritage of the River Tweed and its tributaries. The Forum works at both the strategic level and the project level in order to achieve tangible benefits on the ground. |
Argyll Fisheries Trust | | The work of the Argyll Fisheries Trust (AFT) is focused on migratory fish species such as salmon and sea trout. AFT has also undertaken scientific research on a range of other freshwater fish species, notably pike, brown trout, char and lamprey. There are many factors in the freshwater and marine environment that have impacted wild fish populations in the region, and AFT continue to work with the relevant bodies to improve management practices and conserve this important natural and economic resource. |
Ayrshire Rivers Trust | | The Ayrshire Rivers Trust provide advice, carry out research, and protect and enhance freshwater rivers and their surrounding habitat. |