Template:Case study query comprehensive

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This is the "Case study query comprehensive" template. It should be called in the following format:

{{Case study query comprehensive
|Approval status=
|Main contact forename=
|Main contact surname=
|Contact organisation=
|Has contact organisation url=
|Parent project=
|Has project summary=
|River basin district=
|River basin=
|River name=
|Subcatchment area category=
|Subcatchment area from=
|Subcatchment area to=
|Subcatchment maximum altitude category=
|Subcatchment maximum altitude from=
|Subcatchment maximum altitude to=
|Subcatchment dominant geology=
|Subcatchment dominant land cover=
|Site name=
|WFD water body code=
|WFD national typology=
|WFD water body name=
|Pre-project morphology=
|Reference morphology=
|Desired post project morphology=
|Heavily modified water body=
|Site designation=
|Local site designation=
|Invasive species present=
|Protected species present=
|Dominant hydrology=
|Dominant substrate=
|River corridor land use=
|Average channel width category=
|Average channel width from=
|Average channel width to=
|Average channel depth category=
|Average channel depth from=
|Average channel depth to=
|Mean discharge category=
|Mean discharge from=
|Mean discharge to=
|Average channel gradient category=
|Average channel gradient=
|Average unit stream power from=
|Average unit stream power to=
|Reach length affected from=
|Reach length affected to=
|Project started from=
|Project started to=
|Works started from=
|Works started to=
|Works completed from=
|Works completed to=
|Project completed from=
|Project completed to=
|Total cost category=
|Total cost from=
|Total cost to=
|Benefit to cost ratio
|Funding source=
|Investigation and design cost category=
|Investigation and design cost from=
|Investigation and design cost to=
|Lead organisation=
|Other contact forename=
|Other contact surname=
|Stakeholder engagement cost category=
|Stakeholder engagement cost from=
|Stakeholder engagement cost to=
|Works and supervision cost category=
|Works and supervision cost from=
|Works and supervision cost to=
|Post-project management and maintenance cost category=
|Post-project management and maintenance cost from=
|Post-project management and maintenance cost to=
|Monitoring cost category=
|Monitoring cost from=
|Monitoring cost to=
|Hydromorphological quality motivation=
|Biological quality motivation=
|Physico-chemical quality motivation=
|Specific mitigation motivation=
|Other motivation=
|Bank and bed modifications measure=
|River corridor measure=
|Channel pattern measure=
|Other technical measure=
|Management interventions=
|Social measure=
|Wider engagement measure=
|Biological quality element monitored=
|Any biological quality element monitored=
|Hydromorphological quality element monitored=
|Any hydromorphological quality element monitored=
|Physico-chemical quality element monitored=
|Any physico-chemical quality element monitored=
|Other response monitored=
|Any other response monitored=
|Biological monitoring result=
|Hydromorphological monitoring result=
|Physico-chemical monitoring result=
|Other monitoring result=
|Result type=
|Monitoring document exists=

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