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! Definition
{{Definition|Term= Acoperirea terenului (Land cover)|Definition= Se refera la descrierea bio-fizica a suprafetei terestre; aceasta descriere se refera la urmatoarele categorii: zone de vegetatie, soluri, suprafete dure, zone umede si cursuri de apa.
(Land cover is the material that makes up the ground. Land covers include fields, buildings, trees, bare ground, water, etc.).}}
{{Definition|Term=Acumulare / depunere (Accretion)|Definition= Proces prin care materiile in suspensie / sedimentele transportate de apa sau de vant sunt depozitate si se acumuleaza (opusul eroziunii).
{{Definition|Term=Acumulare / depunere (Accretion)|Definition= Proces prin care materiile in suspensie / sedimentele transportate de apa sau de vant sunt depozitate si se acumuleaza (opusul eroziunii).
(Process by which particles carried by the flow of water or by the wind are deposited and accumulate. The opposite is erosion).}}
(Process by which particles carried by the flow of water or by the wind are deposited and accumulate. The opposite is erosion).}}
{{Definition|Term= Management adaptativ (Adaptive management)|Definition=O Abordare in gestiunea sistemului cu incertitudini inerente care implica invatare/adaptare la raspunsile sistemului la aceste interventii si apoi insusirea si folosirea acestor lectii in vederea imbunatairii managementului sistemului.
{{Definition|Term= Albie umpluta pana la nivelul malurilor(albie minora) (Bankfull)|Definition= Nivelul suprafetei libere asociat cu debitul care umple raul pana in partea de sus a malului si punctul in care apa incepe sa se reverse pe o lunca.
(An approach to managing systems with inherent uncertainties that involves learning from the system’s responses to intervention, then using that learning to improve future management).}}
(The bankfull stage is associated with the flow that just fills the channel to the top of its banks and at a point where the water begins to overflow onto a floodplain).}}
{{Definition|Term= Albia raului (Bed)|Definition= Porțiunea unei văi acoperita permanent sau temporar cu apă.
(The area between the banks of a river ordinarily covered by water).}}
{{Definition|Term= Analiza Cost Beneficiu (Cost Effectiveness Analysis)|Definition= Instrument folosit pentru a aprecia avantajele unei intervenţiei pe baza unei valori monetare atribuite tuturor consecinţelor negative şi pozitive ale intervenţiei.
(A technique which seeks to identify the least cost option for meeting a particular objective. It enables prioritisation between options, but ultimately does not assess whether an option is economically worthwhile (cost benefit analysis would be employed to do this).}}
{{Definition|Term= Anastomozat (Anastomosis)|Definition= Curs de apa cu numeroase brate care se separa si se reunesc frecvent.
{{Definition|Term= Anastomozat (Anastomosis)|Definition= Curs de apa cu numeroase brate care se separa si se reunesc frecvent.
(This is the reconnection of two streams that previously branched out).}}
(This is the reconnection of two streams that previously branched out).}}
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{{Definition|Term= Angiosperme (Angiosperms)|Definition= Este cel mai cuprinzator si evoluat grup sistemetic cuprinzand plante superioare cu flori si seminte (inchise in fruct); unele specii sunt acvatice si reprezinta indicatori de calitate ai apei, fiind monitorizate conform Directivei Cadru Apa.  
{{Definition|Term= Angiosperme (Angiosperms)|Definition= Este cel mai cuprinzator si evoluat grup sistemetic cuprinzand plante superioare cu flori si seminte (inchise in fruct); unele specii sunt acvatice si reprezinta indicatori de calitate ai apei, fiind monitorizate conform Directivei Cadru Apa.  
(Flowering plants, a Biological Quality Element (BQE) under the Water Framework Directive)}}
(Flowering plants, a Biological Quality Element (BQE) under the Water Framework Directive)}}
{{Definition|Term=Asset|Definition=In cazul apararii impotriva inundatiilor, orice caracteristica naturala sau artificiala ca- structura de retinere, canale, statii de pompare – care indeplineste functia de aparare impotriva inundatiilor sau de drenare.  
{{Definition|Term=Asset|Definition=In cazul apararii impotriva inundatiilor, orice caracteristica naturala sau artificiala ca- structura de retinere, canale, statii de pompare – care indeplineste functia de aparare impotriva inundatiilor sau de drenare.  
(In flood defence, any man-made or natural feature – such as a raised defence, retaining structure, channel, pumping station or culvert – that performs a flood defence or land drainage function).}}
(In flood defence, any man-made or natural feature – such as a raised defence, retaining structure, channel, pumping station or culvert – that performs a flood defence or land drainage function).}}
{{Definition|Term= Atenuarea viiturilor (Attenuation)|Definition= Atenuare a debitelor de viitura. (The reduction in the peak discharge of a flood which may occur as the flood passes downriver, including the effects of any flood storage ponds and reservoirs).}}
{{Definition|Term= Atenuarea viiturilor (Attenuation)|Definition= Atenuare a debitelor de viitura. (The reduction in the peak discharge of a flood which may occur as the flood passes downriver, including the effects of any flood storage ponds and reservoirs).}}
{{Definition|Term= Canal lateral (Backwater) |Definition= Un canal/brat “mort", canal, care este de obicei o rămășiță a unui curs de apă meandrat.  
{{Definition|Term= Banc de nisip/aluviuni (Shoal)|Definition= Sedimentarea in interiorul unui rau sau ce se extinde intr-un rau/parau  sau alt corp de apa, de obicei compus din nisip, namol si/sau pietris.
(A ‘dead-end’ channel, which is typically a remnant of a previous route of a meandering watercourse).}}
(Sedimentation within or extending into a stream or other water body, typically composed of sand, silt and/or gravels).}}
{{Definition|Term= Dig din saci (Bagwork)|Definition= O forma de consolidare construita din saci uscati umpluti cu un amestec slab de nisip si ciment. Sacii sunt din panza sau din plastic. Ei sunt amplasati pe suprafata solului pentru a forma o etansare, cu rosturi decalate si compactate in loc. Amestecul de nisip-ciment se intareste in timp si cu varsta materialul sacului capata un aspect mai natural. Pot fi de asemenea utilizati pentru a forma diguri temporare.  
{{Definition|Term= Bazin/balta (Pool)|Definition= O sectiune adanca in patul raului cu un debit de suprafata foarte mic, situata la exteriorul unei curburi.
(A form of revetment constructed from dry-filled bags of a weak sand-cement mix. The bags are either hessian or plastic and are part-filled with the sand-cement mix. They are then placed on the soil surface to form a revetment, with staggered joints, and tamped into place. The sand-cement mix hardens over time and the bag material ages to give a more natural appearance. Can also be used to form low retaining walls).}}
(a deep section of stream bed with very little surface flow, typically located at the outside of a bend).}}
{{Definition|Term= Stabilitatea malului (Bank Stability)|Definition= Capacitatea malului unui râu de a contracara forțele de eroziune.
{{Definition|Term= Bazin hidrografic (River Basin)|Definition= Suprafata de teren de pe care toate scurgerile de suprafata curg printr-o succesiune de curenti, rauri si posibil lacuri, spre mare intr-un rau cu o singura gura de varsare, estuar sau delta.
(The ability of a river bank to counteract erosion or gravity forces).}}
(A river basin is the area of land from which all surface run-off and spring water flows through a sequence of streams, lakes and rivers into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta. It comprises one or more individual catchments).}}
{{Definition|Term= Albie umpluta pana la nivelul malurilor(albie minora) (Bankfull)|Definition= Nivelul suprafetei libere asociat cu debitul care umple raul pana in partea de sus a malului si punctul in care apa incepe sa se reverse pe o lunca.
{{Definition|Term= Bazin hidrografic (Catchment)|Definition= Spațiul geografic de pe care un sistem fluviatil (colector și afluenții săi) își adună apele.
(The bankfull stage is associated with the flow that just fills the channel to the top of its banks and at a point where the water begins to overflow onto a floodplain).}}
(The land (and its area) which drains (normally naturally) to a given point on a river, drainage system or other body of water)}}
{{Definition|Term= Albia raului (Bed)|Definition= Porțiunea unei văi acoperita permanent sau temporar cu apă.
(The area between the banks of a river ordinarily covered by water).}}
{{Definition|Term= Bentic/bentonic (Benthic)|Definition= Organism (animal sau vegetal) care pe toata durata existentei sau in anumite stadii evolutive, populeaza zona profunda (bentala) a ecosistemului acvatic.
{{Definition|Term= Bentic/bentonic (Benthic)|Definition= Organism (animal sau vegetal) care pe toata durata existentei sau in anumite stadii evolutive, populeaza zona profunda (bentala) a ecosistemului acvatic.
(Relating to the bed of a water body or to the organisms that live there).}}
(Relating to the bed of a water body or to the organisms that live there).}}
{{Definition|Term= Berma (Berm) |Definition= Este un pervaz sau o terasa mica, adesea umeda la marginea taluzului construita pentru asigurarea stabilitatii si care permite dezvoltarea vegetatiei din zonele umede.
{{Definition|Term= Berma (Berm) |Definition= Este un pervaz sau o terasa mica, adesea umeda la marginea taluzului construita pentru asigurarea stabilitatii si care permite dezvoltarea vegetatiei din zonele umede.
(A low, often wet, ledge or terrace at the edge of the stream that constricts the flow and allows a vegetated wetland margin to develop).}}
(A low, often wet, ledge or terrace at the edge of the stream that constricts the flow and allows a vegetated wetland margin to develop).}}
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{{Definition|Term=Biota|Definition= Totalitatea organismelor vii.
{{Definition|Term=Biota|Definition= Totalitatea organismelor vii.
(The total collection of organisms of a geographic region or a time period).}}
(The total collection of organisms of a geographic region or a time period).}}
{{Definition|Term= Indiguire (Bund)|Definition= Indiguire, de obicei din pamant
{{Definition|Term= Bogatia speciilor (Species Richness)|Definition= Numarul de specii
(An embankment, typically earth).}}
(The number of different species in an area). }}
{{Definition|Term= Bazin hidrografic (Catchment)|Definition= Spațiul geografic de pe care un sistem fluviatil (colector și afluenții săi) își adună apele.
{{Definition|Term= Cai de trecere (Pathways)|Definition= Traseu care permite unui hazard sa se propage de la sursa la receptor la fel ca in conceptul « sursa-cale-recetor ». O cale trebuie sa existe pentru ca un hazard sa fie realizat.
(The land (and its area) which drains (normally naturally) to a given point on a river, drainage system or other body of water)}}
(Route that enables a hazard to propagate from a s ‘source’ to a ‘receptor’, as in the ‘source-pathway-receptor’ concept. A pathway must exist in order for a hazard to be realised. Pathways can be constrained in order to mitigate the risks).}}
{{Definition|Term= Fibra de cocos (Coir) |Definition= Fibre naturale extrase din coji de nuca de cocos. Sunt utilizate ca materiale pentru stabilizarea malului si a vegetatiei; au rol de a proteja impotriva eroziunii.
{{Definition|Term= Calitatea apei (Water Quality)|Definition= Se refera pa proprietatile fizice, chimice si biologice.
(a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconuts. It can be formed into mattresses and rolls for use in river bank erosion control and vegetation establishment).}}
(The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water).}}
{{Definition|Term= Canal lateral (Backwater) |Definition= Un canal/brat “mort", canal, care este de obicei o rămășiță a unui curs de apă meandrat.
(A ‘dead-end’ channel, which is typically a remnant of a previous route of a meandering watercourse).}}
{{Definition|Term= Codul corpului de apa (Water body codes)|Definition= Cod asociat fiecarui corp de apa; de exemplu, pentru Romania, codul este alcatuit din prefixul tarii “RO”, urmat de “RW” – river water (pentru rauri) si LW (pentru lacuri) si codul cadastral al raului / lacului. Ex. Pentru raul Motru codul international este RORW7.1.36.
(This unique code is given to each water body as part of delivering the Water Framework Directive). }}
{{Definition|Term= Compozitie taxonomica (Taxonomic composition)|Definition= Numarul si dispunerea specilor distincte  care se gasesc intr-o acumulare/intr-un grup
(The number and arrangement of distinct species that are found in an assemblage).}}
{{Definition|Term= Comunitati (Communities)|Definition= Doua sau mai multe populatii ce apartin unor specii diferite si ocupa aceeasi zona geografica.
{{Definition|Term= Comunitati (Communities)|Definition= Doua sau mai multe populatii ce apartin unor specii diferite si ocupa aceeasi zona geografica.
(An assemblage of two or more populations of different species occupying the same geographical area).}}
(An assemblage of two or more populations of different species occupying the same geographical area).}}
{{Definition|Term= Propagare (Conveyance) |Definition= Pentru rau, in functie de aria de curgere, forma si rugozitatea raului care poate fi folosita ca o constanta in formula ce leaga capacitatea de transport cu panta raului.
(For a channel, function of the flow area, shape and roughness of a channel, which can be used as a constant in a formula relating discharge capacity to channel gradient).}}
{{Definition|Term= Analiza Cost Beneficiu (Cost Effectiveness Analysis)|Definition= Instrument folosit pentru a aprecia avantajele unei intervenţiei pe baza unei valori monetare atribuite tuturor consecinţelor negative şi pozitive ale intervenţiei.
(A technique which seeks to identify the least cost option for meeting a particular objective. It enables prioritisation between options, but ultimately does not assess whether an option is economically worthwhile (cost benefit analysis would be employed to do this).}}
{{Definition|Term= Copilire (Coppicing)|Definition= Managementul traditional al arborilor si arbustilor pentru producerea lemnului prin taierea si eliminarea ramurilor de la baza pentru regenerarea periodica.
{{Definition|Term= Copilire (Coppicing)|Definition= Managementul traditional al arborilor si arbustilor pentru producerea lemnului prin taierea si eliminarea ramurilor de la baza pentru regenerarea periodica.
(Traditional management of trees and shrubs for wood production by cutting stems close to the base and removing regrowth periodically). }}
(Traditional management of trees and shrubs for wood production by cutting stems close to the base and removing regrowth periodically). }}
{{Definition|Term= Podet tubular/ galerie de drenaj (Culvert)|Definition= O conducta inchisa care transporta un curs de apa sub un obstacol cum ar fi un drum, cale ferata sau canal. Termenul “inchis” implica ca un podet are un plafon greu si se rastoarna. Temenul “conducta” implica transportul de apa temporar sau tot timpul, excluzand astfel tunelurile si pasajele subterane pentru vehicule, pietoni si animale
{{Definition|Term= Copilirea pomilor (Pollarding)|Definition= Similar cu procesul de copilire, diferenta constand in faptul ca copacul taiat este de inaltimea medie a unui om este pentru a preveni distrugerea copacilor de catre  animalele ierbivore. Aceasta metoda este folosita in special pentru protejarea salciilor, Copacii care au fost astfel tratati  sunt cunoscuti ca ./......
(A closed conduit carrying a watercourse beneath an obstruction such as a road, railway or canal. The term ‘closed’ implies that a culvert has a hard soffit and invert. The term ‘conduit’ implies the conveyance of water some or all of the time, thereby excluding tunnels and underpasses for vehicles, pedestrians and animals).}}
(similar to coppicing, except that the tree is cut at approximately head height to prevent damage by grazing animals. Typically done to manage willows. Trees managed in this way are known as pollards).}}
{{Definition|Term= Excavare (Dredging)|Definition= Actiune de sapare a pamantului si de indepartare a materialului sapat.
{{Definition|Term= Coridorul unui rau (River Corridor)|Definition= Zona continuă a râurilor, malurilor și a terenurilor imediat adiacente.
(Underwater excavation, usually including removal of the excavated material).}}
(The continuous area of river, riverbanks and immediately adjacent land alongside a river and its tributaries).}}
{{Definition|Term=Dominant geology|Definition=Classifies the material that predominates in the project area: Calcarous, Organic, Siliceous
{{Definition|Term= Corp de apa (Water body)|Definition=“un element discret si semnificativ al apelor de suprafata: rau, lac, canal, sector de rau, sector de canal, ape de tranzitie, o parte din apele marine litorale” (Art. 2.10, Directiva Cadru Apa 2000/60/CE)
(Under the Water Framework Directive this is a manageable unit of surface water, being the whole (or part) of a stream, river or canal, lake or reservoir, transitional water (estuary) or stretch of coastal water). }}
{{Definition|Term= Corp de apa puternic modificat (Heavily Modified Water bodies)|Definition= Corp de apa de suprafata care, ca rezultat al unei degradari fizice cauzate de o activitate umana are un caracter substantial schimbat fata de cum a fost desemnat de Statele Membre conform prevederilor Anexei II.
(In the Water Framework Directive water bodies that have been physically altered to fulfil important 'uses' such as flood and coastal risk management are designated as Heavily Modified Waterbodies (HMWBs).  Under the Water Framework Directive these water bodies are set the alternative target of Good Ecological Potential (GEP), which is achieved when all practical GEP Mitigation Measures are in place).}}
{{Definition|Term= Curent de apa torential (Riffle)|Definition= O lungime a raului cu maluri din pietris si/sau bolovanis in patul albiei, un debit rapid si o curgere turbulenta, unde apa curge rapid pe substrat complet sau partial scufundat.
(A length of stream with a steep gravel, pebble and/or cobble dominated bed, a fast flow and a broken water surface, where the water flows swiftly over the completely or partially submerged substrate).}}
{{Definition|Term= Curgerea (Run)|Definition= Difera de curentul de apa torential, desi curgerea este turbulenta, adancimea apei este de obicei mai mare si panta talvegului este mai mica.
(Differs from a riffle in that, although the water surface is broken, the water depth is typically greater and the slope of the bed is less).}}
{{Definition|Term= Dig (Embankment)|Definition= Constructie hidrotehnica (din pamant, pietre sau beton) cu scopul de aparare la inundatii.
(A raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used especially to hold back water).}}
{{Definition|Term= Dig din saci (Bagwork)|Definition= O forma de consolidare construita din saci uscati umpluti cu un amestec slab de nisip si ciment. Sacii sunt din panza sau din plastic. Ei sunt amplasati pe suprafata solului pentru a forma o etansare, cu rosturi decalate si compactate in loc. Amestecul de nisip-ciment se intareste in timp si cu varsta materialul sacului capata un aspect mai natural. Pot fi de asemenea utilizati pentru a forma diguri temporare.
(A form of revetment constructed from dry-filled bags of a weak sand-cement mix. The bags are either hessian or plastic and are part-filled with the sand-cement mix. They are then placed on the soil surface to form a revetment, with staggered joints, and tamped into place. The sand-cement mix hardens over time and the bag material ages to give a more natural appearance. Can also be used to form low retaining walls).}}  
{{Definition|Term= District al bazinului hidrografic (River Basin District)|Definition= Suprafata de teren sau de mare, constituita dintr-unul sau mai multe bazine hidrografice vecine impreuna cu apele subterane si costiere asociate, care este identificata, conform art. 3(1) al Directivei Cadru Apa ca o unitate principala de gospodarire a bazinului hidrografic.
(A river basin or several river basins, together with associated coastal waters.  This definition is used as a description within the Water Framework Directive). }}
{{Definition|Term= Durabil (Sustainability)|Definition= Conceptul de dezvoltare care satisface nevoile prezentului fara a compromite posibilitatea generatiilor viitoare de a-si satisface propriile nevoi.
(The concept of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs).}}
{{Definition|Term= Drenarea terenului (Land drainage)|Definition= Actiune de colectare a excesului de apa cu ajutorul drenurilor.
(Limiting the effect of flooding by maintaining surface water and land drainage systems).}}
{{Definition|Term= Ecoregiune (Ecoregion)|Definition= Unitate geografica si ecologica de teren care conține caracteristic, ansambluri geografice distincte ale comunităților naturale, a speciilor și condițiile de mediu geografic și ecologic mari.
{{Definition|Term= Ecoregiune (Ecoregion)|Definition= Unitate geografica si ecologica de teren care conține caracteristic, ansambluri geografice distincte ale comunităților naturale, a speciilor și condițiile de mediu geografic și ecologic mari.
Select from: Iceland; Tundra; Borealic uplands; Fenno-Scandian Shield; Taiga; Great Britain; Ireland and Northern Ireland; Central Plains; Baltic Province; Eastern Plains; Central Highlands; Western Plains; Western Highlands; Alps; Hungarian Lowlands; Carpathians; Pontic Province; Caspic Depression; Pyrenees; The Caucasus; Eastern Balkan; Hellenic Western Balkan; Dinaric Western Balkan; Italy and Corsica; Ibero-Macaronesian  
Select from: Iceland; Tundra; Borealic uplands; Fenno-Scandian Shield; Taiga; Great Britain; Ireland and Northern Ireland; Central Plains; Baltic Province; Eastern Plains; Central Highlands; Western Plains; Western Highlands; Alps; Hungarian Lowlands; Carpathians; Pontic Province; Caspic Depression; Pyrenees; The Caucasus; Eastern Balkan; Hellenic Western Balkan; Dinaric Western Balkan; Italy and Corsica; Ibero-Macaronesian  
(This is a geographically and ecologically large unit of land containing characteristic, geographically distinct assemblages of natural communities, species and environmental conditions).}}
(This is a geographically and ecologically large unit of land containing characteristic, geographically distinct assemblages of natural communities, species and environmental conditions).}}
{{Definition|Term= Dig (Embankment)|Definition= Constructie hidrotehnica (din pamant, pietre sau beton) cu scopul de aparare la inundatii.
{{Definition|Term= Eliminarea digurilor sau barajelor (Managed realignment)|Definition= Eliminarea deliberata sau incalcarea existentei digurilor sau a barajelor in scopul de a permite apelor coastelor adiacente sau estuarelor sa inunde zonele din aval.
(A raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used especially to hold back water).}}
(The deliberate removal or breaching of existing seawalls or embankments in order to allow the waters of adjacent coasts or estuaries to inundate the land behind).}}
{{Definition|Term=Erosion|Definition=Process by which particles are removed by the action of wind, flowing water or waves (opposite is accretion)}}
{{Definition|Term= Eroziune (Erosion)|Definition= Proces prin care particulele sunt indepartate prin actiunea vantului, apei curgatoare sau valurilor (opusul acumularii)
{{Definition|Term=Estuary|Definition=An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.}}
(Process by which particles are removed by the action of wind, flowing water or waves (opposite is accretion).}}
{{Definition|Term=Faggot, fascine |Definition=A bundle of brushwood tied together into a cylindrical shape. Used to provide temporary erosion protection to a channel bank; to form flow deflectors; and to promote the deposition of sediment in marginal areas.}}
{{Definition|Term= Eroziune (Scour)|Definition= Eroziunea patului albiei  sau malurilor cursului de apa prin actiunea de miscare a apei.
{{Definition|Term=Fish pass |Definition=Structure to enable fish to gain access past a weir, sluice, dam or other structure in a river that would otherwise be impassable. There are a number of approaches to the design of fish passes, which are mostly variations on the themes of steps, slopes and lifts.}}
(Erosion of the bed or banks of a watercourse by the action of moving water).}}  
{{Definition|Term=Flood Risk Management|Definition=The activity of understanding the probability and consequences of flooding, and seeking to modify these factors to manage flood risk to people, property and the environment in line with agreed policy objectives.}}
{{Definition|Term= Excavare (Dredging)|Definition= Actiune de sapare a pamantului si de indepartare a materialului sapat.
{{Definition|Term=Floodplain|Definition=Area of land bordering a river that is prone to flooding.}}
(Underwater excavation, usually including removal of the excavated material).}}
{{Definition|Term=Geomorphology|Definition=The scientific study of the evolution and configuration of landforms (earth's land surface features).}}
{{Definition|Term= Fascine (Faggot, fascine) |Definition= Impletitura de fibre, in forma cilindrica folosita pentru protectia malurilor impotriva eroziunii.
{{Definition|Term=Glide|Definition=A section of stream characterised by moderately shallow water with an even flow that lacks pronounced turbulence. Although most frequently located immediately downstream of pools, glides are occasionally found in long, low gradient streams with stable banks and no major flow obstructions. The typical substrate is gravel and cobbles.}}
(A bundle of brushwood tied together into a cylindrical shape. Used to provide temporary erosion protection to a channel bank; to form flow deflectors; and to promote the deposition of sediment in marginal areas).}}
{{Definition|Term=Groyne|Definition=A structure projecting in to the river which is designed to constrict water flow and promote scouring and deposition of sediment}}
{{Definition|Term= Fibra de cocos (Coir) |Definition= Fibre naturale extrase din coji de nuca de cocos. Sunt utilizate ca materiale pentru stabilizarea malului si a vegetatiei; au rol de a proteja impotriva eroziunii.
{{Definition|Term=Heavily Modified Water bodies|Definition=In the Water Framework Directive water bodies that have been physically altered to fulfil important 'uses' such as flood and coastal risk management are designated as Heavily Modified Waterbodies (HMWBs). Under the Water Framework Directive these water bodies are set the alternative target of Good Ecological Potential (GEP), which is achieved when all practical GEP Mitigation Measures are in place.}}
(a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconuts. It can be formed into mattresses and rolls for use in river bank erosion control and vegetation establishment).}}
{{Definition|Term=Holt|Definition=a resting or breeding site for otters. Often found in the root system of large trees, but can also be constructed using large woody debris.}}
{{Definition|Term= Fitoplancton (Phytoplankton)|Definition= Totalitatea organismelor vegetale (alge unicelulare sau colonii
{{Definition|Term=Hydromorphology|Definition=Hydromorphology describes the characteristics of a water body. The hydrological and geomorphological elements and processes of water body systems (i.e. Lakes, Rivers, Transitional Waters and Coasts). }}
mici) din plancton
{{Definition|Term=Hydrology|Definition=Hydrology is the science of water movement}}
(The photosynthetic or plant constituent of plankton).}}
{{Definition|Term=Invasive Species|Definition=Indicates wheter invasive non-native species are present in the project site, this should be marked in particular when these species cause ecological problems.}}
{{Definition|Term= Fitoplancton (Phytobenthos)|Definition= Totalitatea organismelor vegetale din bentos
{{Definition|Term=Invertebrates|Definition=An animal without a skeletal structure.}}
(The plants that live on the bed of the sea, lake or river).}}
{{Definition|Term=Land drainage|Definition=Limiting the effect of flooding by maintaining surface water and land drainage systems.}}
{{Definition|Term= Fizico-chimic (Physio-chemical)|Definition= Se refera la proprietatile fizico-chimice, modificari si reactii.  
{{Definition|Term=Land cover|Definition=Land cover is the material that makes up the ground. Land covers include fields, buildings, trees, bare ground, water, etc. }}
(relating to both physical and chemical properties, changes, and reactions).}}
{{Definition|Term=Macroinvertebrates|Definition=Organisms that do not have a backbone and are visible without a microscope.}}
{{Definition|Term= Geomorfologia (Geomorphology)|Definition= Stiința care se ocupa cu studiul formelor de relief, cuprinzând originea, evoluția și procesele care le modelează.
{{Definition|Term=Macrophytes|Definition=Large vascular aquatic plants that grow in shallow water along the shorelines of lakes or in the slow-moving reaches of river}}
(The scientific study of the evolution and configuration of landforms (earth's land surface features).}}
{{Definition|Term=Maintenance|Definition=Work that sustains the desired condition and intended performance of an asset}}
{{Definition|Term=Glide|Definition= Un sector de rau caracterizat prin ape de mici adancimi cu un debit constant lipsit de turbulente majore. Desi localizat cel mai frecvent in aval de un bazin/balta, sunt gasite ocazional in rauri lungi, cu panta mica, maluri stabile si fara ingustari/largiri de sectiune. Substartul este format din pietris si bolovanis.  
{{Definition|Term=Managed realignment|Definition=The deliberate removal or breaching of existing seawalls or embankments in order to allow the waters of adjacent coasts or estuaries to inundate the land behind.}}
(A section of stream characterised by moderately shallow water with an even flow that lacks pronounced turbulence. Although most frequently located immediately downstream of pools, glides are occasionally found in long, low gradient streams with stable banks and no major flow obstructions. The typical substrate is gravel and cobbles).}}
{{Definition|Term=Meander|Definition=A meander is a bend in a watercourse formed as water erodes the outer bank and deposits the eroded sediments on the inside of the bank.}}
{{Definition|Term= Hidrologia (Hydrology)|Definition= Știinta care studiază proprietățile generale ale apelor de la suprafața scoarței terestre, legile generale care dirijează procesele din hidrosferă, influența reciprocă dintre hidrosferă, atmosferă, litosferă și biosferă, precum și prognoza evoluției elementelor hidrologice, în vederea folosirii lor raționale în economie
{{Definition|Term=Mean discharge category|Definition=The average discharge of the river over the period of a year}}
(Hydrology is the science of water movement).}}
{{Definition|Term=Mean annual discharge (m3/s)|Definition=The average discharge of the river over the period of a year}}
{{Definition|Term= Hidromorfologia (Hydromorphology)|Definition= Se refera la caracteristicile si procesele hidrologice si morfologice ale corpurilor de apa (rauri, lacuri, ape tranzitorii etc.).
{{Definition|Term=Mitigation of a pressure|Definition=The pressure (in DPSIR terms) that was (one of the) reason(s) for starting this project.}}
(Hydromorphology describes the characteristics of a water body. The hydrological and geomorphological elements and processes of water body systems (i.e. Lakes, Rivers, Transitional Waters and Coasts). }}
{{Definition|Term=Morphology|Definition=The form and structure of the land surface (of relevance being formed by fluvial, coastal or estuarine processes)}}
{{Definition|Term= Indiguire (Bund)|Definition= Indiguire, de obicei din pamant
{{Definition|Term=Pathways|Definition=Route that enables a hazard to propagate from a s ‘source’ to a ‘receptor’, as in the ‘source-pathway-receptor’ concept. A pathway must exist in order for a hazard to be realised. Pathways can be constrained in order to mitigate the risks}}
(An embankment, typically earth).}}
{{Definition|Term=Phytobenthos|Definition=The plants that live on the bed of the sea, lake or river}}
{{Definition|Term= Limita albie-mal (Toe of the riverbank): |Definition= Locul in care albia raului intalneste malul.
{{Definition|Term=Phytoplankton|Definition=The photosynthetic or plant constituent of plankton}}
(Where the riverbed meets the bank).}}
{{Definition|Term=Physio-chemical|Definition=relating to both physical and chemical properties, changes, and reactions.}}
{{Definition|Term= Lunca inundabila (Floodplain)|Definition= Zona de ecoton ripariana care este influentata de regimul hidrologic al cursului de apa.
{{Definition|Term=Planform|Definition=The planform is the view of the river channel from above. Rivers are traditionally divided into a number of different planforms such as straight, meandering and braided planforms. For a diagram see:}}
(Area of land bordering a river that is prone to flooding).}}
{{Definition|Term=Poaching|Definition=River bank damage caused by the hooves of livestock which results in the loss of vegetation and soil erosion.}}
{{Definition|Term= Macrofite (Macrophytes)|Definition= Macrofite acvatice emergente (heliofite) – plante a caror tulpina si frunze sunt partial aeriene, iar radacina este fixata in sol, care se dezvolta in zonele de mal cu adancimi <1,5 m (papura, pipirigul si stuful);
{{Definition|Term=Pollarding|Definition=similar to coppicing, except that the tree is cut at approximately head height to prevent damage by grazing animals. Typically done to manage willows. Trees managed in this way are known as pollards.}}
Macrofite acvatice plutitoare (hidrofite) - plante ale caror frunze plutesc la suprafata apei sau sunt semiaeriene, inradacinate in sedimentele zonei in care adancimea apei este de 2 -3 m (nuferii);
{{Definition|Term=Pool|Definition=a deep section of stream bed with very little surface flow, typically located at the outside of a bend.}}
Macrofite acvatice submerse - plante care se gasesc la diferite adancimi.
{{Definition|Term=Protected species|Definition=Plants and animals that have been designated as requiring special protection under legislation.}}
(Large vascular aquatic plants that grow in shallow water along the shorelines of lakes or in the slow-moving reaches of river).}}
{{Definition|Term=Revetment|Definition=Works to protect the bed or banks of a channel against erosion.}}
{{Definition|Term= Macronevertebrate (Macroinvertebrates)|Definition= Organisme vizibile cu ochiul liber care nu au coloana vertebrala.
{{Definition|Term=Riffle|Definition=A length of stream with a steep gravel, pebble and/or cobble dominated bed, a fast flow and a broken water surface, where the water flows swiftly over the completely or partially submerged substrate.}}
(Organisms that do not have a backbone and are visible without a microscope).}}
{{Definition|Term=Riparian|Definition=Along the banks of a watercourse. Riparian zones support riparian vegetation and are of environmental importance, providing diverse habitats and supporting a range of ecological communities}}
{{Definition|Term= Management adaptativ (Adaptive management)|Definition=O Abordare in gestiunea sistemului cu incertitudini inerente care implica invatare/adaptare la raspunsile sistemului la aceste interventii si apoi insusirea si folosirea acestor lectii in vederea imbunatairii managementului sistemului.
{{Definition|Term=River Basin|Definition=A river basin is the area of land from which all surface run-off and spring water flows through a sequence of streams, lakes and rivers into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta. It comprises one or more individual catchments.}}
(An approach to managing systems with inherent uncertainties that involves learning from the system’s responses to intervention, then using that learning to improve future management).}}
{{Definition|Term=River Basin District|Definition=A river basin or several river basins, together with associated coastal waters. This definition is used as a description within the Water Framework Directive. }}
{{Definition|Term= Managementul Riscului la Inundatii (Flood Risk Management)|Definition= Aplicarea unor politici, proceduri şi practici având ca obiective identificarea riscurilor, analiza şi evaluarea lor, tratarea, monitorizarea şi reevaluarea riscurilor în vederea reducerii acestora, astfel încât comunităţile umane, toţi cetăţenii să poată trăi, munci şi să-şi satisfacă nevoile şi aspiraţiile într-un mediu fizic şi social durabil.
{{Definition|Term=River Corridor|Definition=The continuous area of river, riverbanks and immediately adjacent land alongside a river and its tributaries}}
(The activity of understanding the probability and consequences of flooding, and seeking to modify these factors to manage flood risk to people, property and the environment in line with agreed policy objectives).}}
{{Definition|Term=Run|Definition=Differs from a riffle in that, although the water surface is broken, the water depth is typically greater and the slope of the bed is less.}}
{{Definition|Term= Maree  (Tidal)|Definition= Partea de jos a raului care va fi supusa fluxului si refluxului de nivel al apei, insa raul inca detine apa dulce si nu a devenit un estuar.
{{Definition|Term=Scour|Definition=Erosion of the bed or banks of a watercourse by the action of moving water.}}
(The bottom of the river will be subject to tidal movements in the water level, however the river is still fresh water and has not become an estuary).}}
{{Definition|Term=Sediment|Definition=Material ranging from clay to gravel (or even larger) that is transported in flowing water and that settles or tends to settle in areas where the flow slows down}}
{{Definition|Term= Meandru (Meander)|Definition= Se refera la sinuozitatea cursurilor de apa.
{{Definition|Term=Sedimentation|Definition=The deposition of sediment in the bed of a channel or within a hydraulic structure}}
(A meander is a bend in a watercourse formed as water erodes the outer bank and deposits the eroded sediments on the inside of the bank).}}
{{Definition|Term=Shoal|Definition=Sedimentation within or extending into a stream or other water body, typically composed of sand, silt and/or gravels.}}
{{Definition|Term= Mentenanta (Maintenance)|Definition= Totalitatea operațiilor de întreținere și reparație ale unui sistem ethnic.
{{Definition|Term=Sinuous|Definition=Sinuosity is a measure of deviation of a path between two points from the shortest possible path.  A river that meanders is not taking the shortest path downstream and it therefore sinuous.}}
(Work that sustains the desired condition and intended performance of an asset).}}
{{Definition|Term=Site designation|Definition=}}
{{Definition|Term= Morfologia albiei (Morphology)|Definition= Se refera la forma si structura suprafetei terestre
{{Definition|Term=Sluice|Definition=An artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or gate to regulate the flow}}
(The form and structure of the land surface (of relevance being formed by fluvial, coastal or estuarine processes).}}
{{Definition|Term=Species Richness|Definition=The number of different species in an area. }}
{{Definition|Term= Nevertebrate (Invertebrates)|Definition= Încrengătură a regnului animal, care cuprinde viețuitoarele fără coloană vertebrală și schelet intern.
{{Definition|Term=Spiling|Definition=The use of thin branches to create a woven ‘fence’ that protects the bank from erosion.}}
(An animal without a skeletal structure).}}
{{Definition|Term= Pinten (Groyne)|Definition= O structura care intra in rau cu scopul de a ingusta sectiunea de curgere si ajuta rata de eroziune si de depunere a sedimentelor.
{{Definition|Term=Substrate|Definition=The material (e.g. rocks, sand, gravel) that forms the bed of a river or estuary.}}
(A structure projecting in to the river which is designed to constrict water flow and promote scouring and deposition of sediment).}}
{{Definition|Term=Subtidal|Definition=Continuously submerged areas of coastal areas}}
{{Definition|Term=Planform|Definition= Raurile sunt impartite in mod traditional intr-un numar de diferite planforme cum ar fi drepte, serpuite si impletite. see:
{{Definition|Term=Sustainability|Definition=The concept of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs}}
(The planform is the view of the river channel from above. Rivers are traditionally divided into a number of different planforms such as straight, meandering and braided planforms. For a diagram see:}}
{{Definition|Term=Taxonomic composition|Definition=The number and arrangement of distinct species that are found in an assemblage}}
{{Definition|Term=Poaching|Definition= Deteriorarea malurilor de catre copitele animalelor ce conduce la distrugerea vegetatiei si eroziunea solului.
{{Definition|Term=Tidal|Definition=The bottom of the river will be subject to tidal movements in the water level, however the river is still fresh water and has not become an estuary.}}
(River bank damage caused by the hooves of livestock which results in the loss of vegetation and soil erosion).}}
{{Definition|Term=Toe (of the riverbank): |Definition=Where the riverbed meets the bank.}}
{{Definition|Term= Podet tubular/ galerie de drenaj (Culvert)|Definition= O conducta inchisa care transporta un curs de apa sub un obstacol cum ar fi un drum, cale ferata sau canal. Termenul “inchis” implica ca un podet are un plafon greu si se rastoarna. Temenul “conducta” implica transportul de apa temporar sau tot timpul, excluzand astfel tunelurile si pasajele subterane pentru vehicule, pietoni si animale
{{Definition|Term=Unit stream power|Definition=This is the rate of energy dissipation against the bed and banks of a river per unit downstream length. You need values for the channel width, mean discharge and channel gradient, to calculate this value.}}
(A closed conduit carrying a watercourse beneath an obstruction such as a road, railway or canal. The term ‘closed’ implies that a culvert has a hard soffit and invert. The term ‘conduit’ implies the conveyance of water some or all of the time, thereby excluding tunnels and underpasses for vehicles, pedestrians and animals).}}
{{Definition|Term=Water body|Definition=Under the Water Framework Directive this is a manageable unit of surface water, being the whole (or part) of a stream, river or canal, lake or reservoir, transitional water (estuary) or stretch of coastal water. }}
{{Definition|Term= Propagare (Conveyance) |Definition= Pentru rau, in functie de aria de curgere, forma si rugozitatea raului care poate fi folosita ca o constanta in formula ce leaga capacitatea de transport cu panta raului.
{{Definition|Term=Water body codes|Definition=This unique code is given to each water body as part of delivering the Water Framework Directive }}
(For a channel, function of the flow area, shape and roughness of a channel, which can be used as a constant in a formula relating discharge capacity to channel gradient).}}
{{Definition|Term=Water Quality|Definition=The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water}}
{{Definition|Term= Putere specifica a raului (Unit stream power)|Definition= Aceasta este rata de disipare a energiei in patul albiei  si malurile raului pe unitatea de lungime in aval. Avem nevoie de valori pentru latimea raului, debitul mediu si panta pentru a calcula aceasta valoare.
{{Definition|Term=Weir|Definition=A low dam built across a river to raise its water level or divert its flow}}
(This is the rate of energy dissipation against the bed and banks of a river per unit downstream length. You need values for the channel width, mean discharge and channel gradient, to calculate this value).}}
{{Definition|Term=Riparian|Definition= Zona asociata cursului de apa fiind influentata de inundatii, fluctuatii de nivel ale apei; are rol de filtru natural impotriva poluarii difuze, in controlul fluxurilor de apa si al eroziunii, in exportul de biomasa, in acumularea si transformarea diferitilor compusi chimici, in controlul biodiversitatii reprezentand habitat pentru diferite specii de plante si animale.
(Along the banks of a watercourse. Riparian zones support riparian vegetation and are of environmental importance, providing diverse habitats and supporting a range of ecological communities).}}
{{Definition|Term= Rizberma (Revetment)|Definition= Lucrari de protectie a patului albiei sau a malurilor raului impotriva eroziunii.
(Works to protect the bed or banks of a channel against erosion).}}
{{Definition|Term= Specii ivazive (Invasive Species)|Definition= Specie indigena sau alohtona, care si-a extins arealul de distributie sau au fost introdusa accidental ori intentionat intr-o arie si/sau s-a reprodus intr-o asemenea masura si atat de agresiv incat influenteaza negativ/domina/inlocuiesc unele dintre speciile indigene, determinand modificarea structurii cantitative si/sau calitative a biocenozei naturale, caracteristica unui anumit tip de biotop;
(Non-native organisms that successfully establish themselves in native ecosystems).}}
{{Definition|Term= Specii protejate (Protected species)|Definition= Plante și animale care au fost desemnate ca necesitând o protecție specială în conformitate cu legislația.
(Plants and animals that have been designated as requiring special protection under legislation).}}
{{Definition|Term= Stabilitatea malului (Bank Stability)|Definition= Capacitatea malului unui râu de a contracara forțele de eroziune.
(The ability of a river bank to counteract erosion or gravity forces).}}
{{Definition|Term= Structuri pentru migrarea ihtiofaunei (Fish pass) |Definition= Structuri care permit migrarea ihtiofaunei pe lângă un baraj, ecluză, dig sau altă structură din albia raului, care altfel ar fi de netrecut. Există o serie de termeni utilizati la nivel mondial si anume: scari de pesti, trecatori pentru pesti, trepte, cai/culoare de acces pentru fauna piscicola.
(Structure to enable fish to gain access past a weir, sluice, dam or other structure in a river that would otherwise be impassable. There are a number of approaches to the design of fish passes, which are mostly variations on the themes of steps, slopes and lifts).}}
{{Definition|Term= Sedimentare (Sediment)|Definition= Procesul de depunere a sedimentelor.
(Material ranging from clay to gravel (or even larger) that is transported in flowing water and that settles or tends to settle in areas where the flow slows down).}}
{{Definition|Term= Sedimentare (Sedimentation)|Definition= Procesul de depunere a sedimentelor.
(The deposition of sediment in the bed of a channel or within a hydraulic structure).}}
{{Definition|Term= Sinuozitatea (Sinuous)|Definition= Sinuozitatea este o masura a devierii  unui rau intre doua puncte de la drumul cel mai scurt. Un rau meandrat nu urmeaza cel mai scurt drum spre aval, asadar are sinuozitate.
(Sinuosity is a measure of deviation of a path between two points from the shortest possible path.  A river that meanders is not taking the shortest path downstream and it therefore sinuous).}}  
{{Definition|Term= Stavilar (Sluice)|Definition= Un canal artificial cu o vana sau stavila care serveste la reglarea nivelului apelor din amonte.
(An artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or gate to regulate the flow).}}
{{Definition|Term= Stavilar (Weir)|Definition= Construcție de lemn, de beton sau de fier înălțată transversal pe cursul unei ape curgătoare, servind la reglarea nivelului apelor din amonte.
(A low dam built across a river to raise its water level or divert its flow)}}
{{Definition|Term=Spiling|Definition= Utilizarea de ramuri subtiri pentru a crea un gard tesut care protejeaza malurilie impotriva eroziunii.
(The use of thin branches to create a woven ‘fence’ that protects the bank from erosion).}}
{{Definition|Term=Subtidal|Definition= Zone scufundate continuu din zonele de coasta.
(Continuously submerged areas of coastal areas).}}  
{{Definition|Term= Substrat (Substrate)|Definition= Materialul (pietre, pietris, nisip etc.) care formeaza patul albiei.
(The material (e.g. rocks, sand, gravel) that forms the bed of a river or estuary).}}  
{{Definition|Term= Vizuina (Holt)|Definition= Loc de odihnă sau de reproducere pentru vidre adesea găsit la nivelul sistemului radicular al copacilor, dar poate fi, de asemenea, construit folosind resturi lemnoase.
(a resting or breeding site for otters. Often found in the root system of large trees, but can also be constructed using large woody debris).}}
{{Other languages}}
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Latest revision as of 13:46, 14 May 2013

Term Definition
Acoperirea terenului (Land cover) Se refera la descrierea bio-fizica a suprafetei terestre; aceasta descriere se refera la urmatoarele categorii: zone de vegetatie, soluri, suprafete dure, zone umede si cursuri de apa.

(Land cover is the material that makes up the ground. Land covers include fields, buildings, trees, bare ground, water, etc.).

Acumulare / depunere (Accretion) Proces prin care materiile in suspensie / sedimentele transportate de apa sau de vant sunt depozitate si se acumuleaza (opusul eroziunii).

(Process by which particles carried by the flow of water or by the wind are deposited and accumulate. The opposite is erosion).

Albie umpluta pana la nivelul malurilor(albie minora) (Bankfull) Nivelul suprafetei libere asociat cu debitul care umple raul pana in partea de sus a malului si punctul in care apa incepe sa se reverse pe o lunca.

(The bankfull stage is associated with the flow that just fills the channel to the top of its banks and at a point where the water begins to overflow onto a floodplain).

Albia raului (Bed) Porțiunea unei văi acoperita permanent sau temporar cu apă.

(The area between the banks of a river ordinarily covered by water).

Analiza Cost Beneficiu (Cost Effectiveness Analysis) Instrument folosit pentru a aprecia avantajele unei intervenţiei pe baza unei valori monetare atribuite tuturor consecinţelor negative şi pozitive ale intervenţiei.

(A technique which seeks to identify the least cost option for meeting a particular objective. It enables prioritisation between options, but ultimately does not assess whether an option is economically worthwhile (cost benefit analysis would be employed to do this).

Anastomozat (Anastomosis) Curs de apa cu numeroase brate care se separa si se reunesc frecvent.

(This is the reconnection of two streams that previously branched out).

Anastomozare (Anastomosing) See page: Anastomosing
Angiosperme (Angiosperms) Este cel mai cuprinzator si evoluat grup sistemetic cuprinzand plante superioare cu flori si seminte (inchise in fruct); unele specii sunt acvatice si reprezinta indicatori de calitate ai apei, fiind monitorizate conform Directivei Cadru Apa.

(Flowering plants, a Biological Quality Element (BQE) under the Water Framework Directive)

Asset In cazul apararii impotriva inundatiilor, orice caracteristica naturala sau artificiala ca- structura de retinere, canale, statii de pompare – care indeplineste functia de aparare impotriva inundatiilor sau de drenare.

(In flood defence, any man-made or natural feature – such as a raised defence, retaining structure, channel, pumping station or culvert – that performs a flood defence or land drainage function).

Atenuarea viiturilor (Attenuation) Atenuare a debitelor de viitura. (The reduction in the peak discharge of a flood which may occur as the flood passes downriver, including the effects of any flood storage ponds and reservoirs).
Banc de nisip/aluviuni (Shoal) Sedimentarea in interiorul unui rau sau ce se extinde intr-un rau/parau sau alt corp de apa, de obicei compus din nisip, namol si/sau pietris.

(Sedimentation within or extending into a stream or other water body, typically composed of sand, silt and/or gravels).

Bazin/balta (Pool) O sectiune adanca in patul raului cu un debit de suprafata foarte mic, situata la exteriorul unei curburi.

(a deep section of stream bed with very little surface flow, typically located at the outside of a bend).

Bazin hidrografic (River Basin) Suprafata de teren de pe care toate scurgerile de suprafata curg printr-o succesiune de curenti, rauri si posibil lacuri, spre mare intr-un rau cu o singura gura de varsare, estuar sau delta.

(A river basin is the area of land from which all surface run-off and spring water flows through a sequence of streams, lakes and rivers into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta. It comprises one or more individual catchments).

Bazin hidrografic (Catchment) Spațiul geografic de pe care un sistem fluviatil (colector și afluenții săi) își adună apele.

(The land (and its area) which drains (normally naturally) to a given point on a river, drainage system or other body of water)

Bentic/bentonic (Benthic) Organism (animal sau vegetal) care pe toata durata existentei sau in anumite stadii evolutive, populeaza zona profunda (bentala) a ecosistemului acvatic.

(Relating to the bed of a water body or to the organisms that live there).

Berma (Berm) Este un pervaz sau o terasa mica, adesea umeda la marginea taluzului construita pentru asigurarea stabilitatii si care permite dezvoltarea vegetatiei din zonele umede.

(A low, often wet, ledge or terrace at the edge of the stream that constricts the flow and allows a vegetated wetland margin to develop).

Biodiversitate (Biodiversity) Totalitatea organismelor vii care ocupa un anumit areal.

(All the species living in a particular area).

Biologic (Biological) Se refera la organisme.

(Relating to life or living organisms).

Biota Totalitatea organismelor vii.

(The total collection of organisms of a geographic region or a time period).

Bogatia speciilor (Species Richness) Numarul de specii

(The number of different species in an area).

Cai de trecere (Pathways) Traseu care permite unui hazard sa se propage de la sursa la receptor la fel ca in conceptul « sursa-cale-recetor ». O cale trebuie sa existe pentru ca un hazard sa fie realizat.

(Route that enables a hazard to propagate from a s ‘source’ to a ‘receptor’, as in the ‘source-pathway-receptor’ concept. A pathway must exist in order for a hazard to be realised. Pathways can be constrained in order to mitigate the risks).

Calitatea apei (Water Quality) Se refera pa proprietatile fizice, chimice si biologice.

(The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water).

Canal lateral (Backwater) Un canal/brat “mort", canal, care este de obicei o rămășiță a unui curs de apă meandrat.

(A ‘dead-end’ channel, which is typically a remnant of a previous route of a meandering watercourse).

Codul corpului de apa (Water body codes) Cod asociat fiecarui corp de apa; de exemplu, pentru Romania, codul este alcatuit din prefixul tarii “RO”, urmat de “RW” – river water (pentru rauri) si LW (pentru lacuri) si codul cadastral al raului / lacului. Ex. Pentru raul Motru codul international este RORW7.1.36.

(This unique code is given to each water body as part of delivering the Water Framework Directive).

Compozitie taxonomica (Taxonomic composition) Numarul si dispunerea specilor distincte care se gasesc intr-o acumulare/intr-un grup

(The number and arrangement of distinct species that are found in an assemblage).

Comunitati (Communities) Doua sau mai multe populatii ce apartin unor specii diferite si ocupa aceeasi zona geografica.

(An assemblage of two or more populations of different species occupying the same geographical area).

Copilire (Coppicing) Managementul traditional al arborilor si arbustilor pentru producerea lemnului prin taierea si eliminarea ramurilor de la baza pentru regenerarea periodica.

(Traditional management of trees and shrubs for wood production by cutting stems close to the base and removing regrowth periodically).

Copilirea pomilor (Pollarding) Similar cu procesul de copilire, diferenta constand in faptul ca copacul taiat este de inaltimea medie a unui om este pentru a preveni distrugerea copacilor de catre animalele ierbivore. Aceasta metoda este folosita in special pentru protejarea salciilor, Copacii care au fost astfel tratati sunt cunoscuti ca ./......

(similar to coppicing, except that the tree is cut at approximately head height to prevent damage by grazing animals. Typically done to manage willows. Trees managed in this way are known as pollards).

Coridorul unui rau (River Corridor) Zona continuă a râurilor, malurilor și a terenurilor imediat adiacente.

(The continuous area of river, riverbanks and immediately adjacent land alongside a river and its tributaries).

Corp de apa (Water body) “un element discret si semnificativ al apelor de suprafata: rau, lac, canal, sector de rau, sector de canal, ape de tranzitie, o parte din apele marine litorale” (Art. 2.10, Directiva Cadru Apa 2000/60/CE)

(Under the Water Framework Directive this is a manageable unit of surface water, being the whole (or part) of a stream, river or canal, lake or reservoir, transitional water (estuary) or stretch of coastal water).

Corp de apa puternic modificat (Heavily Modified Water bodies) Corp de apa de suprafata care, ca rezultat al unei degradari fizice cauzate de o activitate umana are un caracter substantial schimbat fata de cum a fost desemnat de Statele Membre conform prevederilor Anexei II.

(In the Water Framework Directive water bodies that have been physically altered to fulfil important 'uses' such as flood and coastal risk management are designated as Heavily Modified Waterbodies (HMWBs). Under the Water Framework Directive these water bodies are set the alternative target of Good Ecological Potential (GEP), which is achieved when all practical GEP Mitigation Measures are in place).

Curent de apa torential (Riffle) O lungime a raului cu maluri din pietris si/sau bolovanis in patul albiei, un debit rapid si o curgere turbulenta, unde apa curge rapid pe substrat complet sau partial scufundat.

(A length of stream with a steep gravel, pebble and/or cobble dominated bed, a fast flow and a broken water surface, where the water flows swiftly over the completely or partially submerged substrate).

Curgerea (Run) Difera de curentul de apa torential, desi curgerea este turbulenta, adancimea apei este de obicei mai mare si panta talvegului este mai mica.

(Differs from a riffle in that, although the water surface is broken, the water depth is typically greater and the slope of the bed is less).

Dig (Embankment) Constructie hidrotehnica (din pamant, pietre sau beton) cu scopul de aparare la inundatii.

(A raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used especially to hold back water).

Dig din saci (Bagwork) O forma de consolidare construita din saci uscati umpluti cu un amestec slab de nisip si ciment. Sacii sunt din panza sau din plastic. Ei sunt amplasati pe suprafata solului pentru a forma o etansare, cu rosturi decalate si compactate in loc. Amestecul de nisip-ciment se intareste in timp si cu varsta materialul sacului capata un aspect mai natural. Pot fi de asemenea utilizati pentru a forma diguri temporare.

(A form of revetment constructed from dry-filled bags of a weak sand-cement mix. The bags are either hessian or plastic and are part-filled with the sand-cement mix. They are then placed on the soil surface to form a revetment, with staggered joints, and tamped into place. The sand-cement mix hardens over time and the bag material ages to give a more natural appearance. Can also be used to form low retaining walls).

District al bazinului hidrografic (River Basin District) Suprafata de teren sau de mare, constituita dintr-unul sau mai multe bazine hidrografice vecine impreuna cu apele subterane si costiere asociate, care este identificata, conform art. 3(1) al Directivei Cadru Apa ca o unitate principala de gospodarire a bazinului hidrografic.

(A river basin or several river basins, together with associated coastal waters. This definition is used as a description within the Water Framework Directive).

Durabil (Sustainability) Conceptul de dezvoltare care satisface nevoile prezentului fara a compromite posibilitatea generatiilor viitoare de a-si satisface propriile nevoi.

(The concept of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs).

Drenarea terenului (Land drainage) Actiune de colectare a excesului de apa cu ajutorul drenurilor.

(Limiting the effect of flooding by maintaining surface water and land drainage systems).

Ecoregiune (Ecoregion) Unitate geografica si ecologica de teren care conține caracteristic, ansambluri geografice distincte ale comunităților naturale, a speciilor și condițiile de mediu geografic și ecologic mari.

Select from: Iceland; Tundra; Borealic uplands; Fenno-Scandian Shield; Taiga; Great Britain; Ireland and Northern Ireland; Central Plains; Baltic Province; Eastern Plains; Central Highlands; Western Plains; Western Highlands; Alps; Hungarian Lowlands; Carpathians; Pontic Province; Caspic Depression; Pyrenees; The Caucasus; Eastern Balkan; Hellenic Western Balkan; Dinaric Western Balkan; Italy and Corsica; Ibero-Macaronesian (This is a geographically and ecologically large unit of land containing characteristic, geographically distinct assemblages of natural communities, species and environmental conditions).

Eliminarea digurilor sau barajelor (Managed realignment) Eliminarea deliberata sau incalcarea existentei digurilor sau a barajelor in scopul de a permite apelor coastelor adiacente sau estuarelor sa inunde zonele din aval.

(The deliberate removal or breaching of existing seawalls or embankments in order to allow the waters of adjacent coasts or estuaries to inundate the land behind).

Eroziune (Erosion) Proces prin care particulele sunt indepartate prin actiunea vantului, apei curgatoare sau valurilor (opusul acumularii)

(Process by which particles are removed by the action of wind, flowing water or waves (opposite is accretion).

Eroziune (Scour) Eroziunea patului albiei sau malurilor cursului de apa prin actiunea de miscare a apei.

(Erosion of the bed or banks of a watercourse by the action of moving water).

Excavare (Dredging) Actiune de sapare a pamantului si de indepartare a materialului sapat.

(Underwater excavation, usually including removal of the excavated material).

Fascine (Faggot, fascine) Impletitura de fibre, in forma cilindrica folosita pentru protectia malurilor impotriva eroziunii.

(A bundle of brushwood tied together into a cylindrical shape. Used to provide temporary erosion protection to a channel bank; to form flow deflectors; and to promote the deposition of sediment in marginal areas).

Fibra de cocos (Coir) Fibre naturale extrase din coji de nuca de cocos. Sunt utilizate ca materiale pentru stabilizarea malului si a vegetatiei; au rol de a proteja impotriva eroziunii.

(a natural fibre extracted from the husk of coconuts. It can be formed into mattresses and rolls for use in river bank erosion control and vegetation establishment).

Fitoplancton (Phytoplankton) Totalitatea organismelor vegetale (alge unicelulare sau colonii

mici) din plancton (The photosynthetic or plant constituent of plankton).

Fitoplancton (Phytobenthos) Totalitatea organismelor vegetale din bentos

(The plants that live on the bed of the sea, lake or river).

Fizico-chimic (Physio-chemical) Se refera la proprietatile fizico-chimice, modificari si reactii.

(relating to both physical and chemical properties, changes, and reactions).

Geomorfologia (Geomorphology) Stiința care se ocupa cu studiul formelor de relief, cuprinzând originea, evoluția și procesele care le modelează.

(The scientific study of the evolution and configuration of landforms (earth's land surface features).

Glide Un sector de rau caracterizat prin ape de mici adancimi cu un debit constant lipsit de turbulente majore. Desi localizat cel mai frecvent in aval de un bazin/balta, sunt gasite ocazional in rauri lungi, cu panta mica, maluri stabile si fara ingustari/largiri de sectiune. Substartul este format din pietris si bolovanis.

(A section of stream characterised by moderately shallow water with an even flow that lacks pronounced turbulence. Although most frequently located immediately downstream of pools, glides are occasionally found in long, low gradient streams with stable banks and no major flow obstructions. The typical substrate is gravel and cobbles).

Hidrologia (Hydrology) Știinta care studiază proprietățile generale ale apelor de la suprafața scoarței terestre, legile generale care dirijează procesele din hidrosferă, influența reciprocă dintre hidrosferă, atmosferă, litosferă și biosferă, precum și prognoza evoluției elementelor hidrologice, în vederea folosirii lor raționale în economie

(Hydrology is the science of water movement).

Hidromorfologia (Hydromorphology) Se refera la caracteristicile si procesele hidrologice si morfologice ale corpurilor de apa (rauri, lacuri, ape tranzitorii etc.).

(Hydromorphology describes the characteristics of a water body. The hydrological and geomorphological elements and processes of water body systems (i.e. Lakes, Rivers, Transitional Waters and Coasts).

Indiguire (Bund) Indiguire, de obicei din pamant

(An embankment, typically earth).

Limita albie-mal (Toe of the riverbank): Locul in care albia raului intalneste malul.

(Where the riverbed meets the bank).

Lunca inundabila (Floodplain) Zona de ecoton ripariana care este influentata de regimul hidrologic al cursului de apa.

(Area of land bordering a river that is prone to flooding).

Macrofite (Macrophytes) Macrofite acvatice emergente (heliofite) – plante a caror tulpina si frunze sunt partial aeriene, iar radacina este fixata in sol, care se dezvolta in zonele de mal cu adancimi <1,5 m (papura, pipirigul si stuful);

Macrofite acvatice plutitoare (hidrofite) - plante ale caror frunze plutesc la suprafata apei sau sunt semiaeriene, inradacinate in sedimentele zonei in care adancimea apei este de 2 -3 m (nuferii); Macrofite acvatice submerse - plante care se gasesc la diferite adancimi. (Large vascular aquatic plants that grow in shallow water along the shorelines of lakes or in the slow-moving reaches of river).

Macronevertebrate (Macroinvertebrates) Organisme vizibile cu ochiul liber care nu au coloana vertebrala.

(Organisms that do not have a backbone and are visible without a microscope).

Management adaptativ (Adaptive management) O Abordare in gestiunea sistemului cu incertitudini inerente care implica invatare/adaptare la raspunsile sistemului la aceste interventii si apoi insusirea si folosirea acestor lectii in vederea imbunatairii managementului sistemului.

(An approach to managing systems with inherent uncertainties that involves learning from the system’s responses to intervention, then using that learning to improve future management).

Managementul Riscului la Inundatii (Flood Risk Management) Aplicarea unor politici, proceduri şi practici având ca obiective identificarea riscurilor, analiza şi evaluarea lor, tratarea, monitorizarea şi reevaluarea riscurilor în vederea reducerii acestora, astfel încât comunităţile umane, toţi cetăţenii să poată trăi, munci şi să-şi satisfacă nevoile şi aspiraţiile într-un mediu fizic şi social durabil.

(The activity of understanding the probability and consequences of flooding, and seeking to modify these factors to manage flood risk to people, property and the environment in line with agreed policy objectives).

Maree (Tidal) Partea de jos a raului care va fi supusa fluxului si refluxului de nivel al apei, insa raul inca detine apa dulce si nu a devenit un estuar.

(The bottom of the river will be subject to tidal movements in the water level, however the river is still fresh water and has not become an estuary).

Meandru (Meander) Se refera la sinuozitatea cursurilor de apa.

(A meander is a bend in a watercourse formed as water erodes the outer bank and deposits the eroded sediments on the inside of the bank).

Mentenanta (Maintenance) Totalitatea operațiilor de întreținere și reparație ale unui sistem ethnic.

(Work that sustains the desired condition and intended performance of an asset).

Morfologia albiei (Morphology) Se refera la forma si structura suprafetei terestre

(The form and structure of the land surface (of relevance being formed by fluvial, coastal or estuarine processes).

Nevertebrate (Invertebrates) Încrengătură a regnului animal, care cuprinde viețuitoarele fără coloană vertebrală și schelet intern.

(An animal without a skeletal structure).

Pinten (Groyne) O structura care intra in rau cu scopul de a ingusta sectiunea de curgere si ajuta rata de eroziune si de depunere a sedimentelor.

(A structure projecting in to the river which is designed to constrict water flow and promote scouring and deposition of sediment).

Planform Raurile sunt impartite in mod traditional intr-un numar de diferite planforme cum ar fi drepte, serpuite si impletite. see:

(The planform is the view of the river channel from above. Rivers are traditionally divided into a number of different planforms such as straight, meandering and braided planforms. For a diagram see:

Poaching Deteriorarea malurilor de catre copitele animalelor ce conduce la distrugerea vegetatiei si eroziunea solului.

(River bank damage caused by the hooves of livestock which results in the loss of vegetation and soil erosion).

Podet tubular/ galerie de drenaj (Culvert) O conducta inchisa care transporta un curs de apa sub un obstacol cum ar fi un drum, cale ferata sau canal. Termenul “inchis” implica ca un podet are un plafon greu si se rastoarna. Temenul “conducta” implica transportul de apa temporar sau tot timpul, excluzand astfel tunelurile si pasajele subterane pentru vehicule, pietoni si animale

(A closed conduit carrying a watercourse beneath an obstruction such as a road, railway or canal. The term ‘closed’ implies that a culvert has a hard soffit and invert. The term ‘conduit’ implies the conveyance of water some or all of the time, thereby excluding tunnels and underpasses for vehicles, pedestrians and animals).

Propagare (Conveyance) Pentru rau, in functie de aria de curgere, forma si rugozitatea raului care poate fi folosita ca o constanta in formula ce leaga capacitatea de transport cu panta raului.

(For a channel, function of the flow area, shape and roughness of a channel, which can be used as a constant in a formula relating discharge capacity to channel gradient).

Putere specifica a raului (Unit stream power) Aceasta este rata de disipare a energiei in patul albiei si malurile raului pe unitatea de lungime in aval. Avem nevoie de valori pentru latimea raului, debitul mediu si panta pentru a calcula aceasta valoare.

(This is the rate of energy dissipation against the bed and banks of a river per unit downstream length. You need values for the channel width, mean discharge and channel gradient, to calculate this value).

Riparian Zona asociata cursului de apa fiind influentata de inundatii, fluctuatii de nivel ale apei; are rol de filtru natural impotriva poluarii difuze, in controlul fluxurilor de apa si al eroziunii, in exportul de biomasa, in acumularea si transformarea diferitilor compusi chimici, in controlul biodiversitatii reprezentand habitat pentru diferite specii de plante si animale.

(Along the banks of a watercourse. Riparian zones support riparian vegetation and are of environmental importance, providing diverse habitats and supporting a range of ecological communities).

Rizberma (Revetment) Lucrari de protectie a patului albiei sau a malurilor raului impotriva eroziunii.

(Works to protect the bed or banks of a channel against erosion).

Specii ivazive (Invasive Species) Specie indigena sau alohtona, care si-a extins arealul de distributie sau au fost introdusa accidental ori intentionat intr-o arie si/sau s-a reprodus intr-o asemenea masura si atat de agresiv incat influenteaza negativ/domina/inlocuiesc unele dintre speciile indigene, determinand modificarea structurii cantitative si/sau calitative a biocenozei naturale, caracteristica unui anumit tip de biotop;

(Non-native organisms that successfully establish themselves in native ecosystems).

Specii protejate (Protected species) Plante și animale care au fost desemnate ca necesitând o protecție specială în conformitate cu legislația.

(Plants and animals that have been designated as requiring special protection under legislation).

Stabilitatea malului (Bank Stability) Capacitatea malului unui râu de a contracara forțele de eroziune.

(The ability of a river bank to counteract erosion or gravity forces).

Structuri pentru migrarea ihtiofaunei (Fish pass) Structuri care permit migrarea ihtiofaunei pe lângă un baraj, ecluză, dig sau altă structură din albia raului, care altfel ar fi de netrecut. Există o serie de termeni utilizati la nivel mondial si anume: scari de pesti, trecatori pentru pesti, trepte, cai/culoare de acces pentru fauna piscicola.

(Structure to enable fish to gain access past a weir, sluice, dam or other structure in a river that would otherwise be impassable. There are a number of approaches to the design of fish passes, which are mostly variations on the themes of steps, slopes and lifts).

Sedimentare (Sediment) Procesul de depunere a sedimentelor.

(Material ranging from clay to gravel (or even larger) that is transported in flowing water and that settles or tends to settle in areas where the flow slows down).

Sedimentare (Sedimentation) Procesul de depunere a sedimentelor.

(The deposition of sediment in the bed of a channel or within a hydraulic structure).

Sinuozitatea (Sinuous) Sinuozitatea este o masura a devierii unui rau intre doua puncte de la drumul cel mai scurt. Un rau meandrat nu urmeaza cel mai scurt drum spre aval, asadar are sinuozitate.

(Sinuosity is a measure of deviation of a path between two points from the shortest possible path. A river that meanders is not taking the shortest path downstream and it therefore sinuous).

Stavilar (Sluice) Un canal artificial cu o vana sau stavila care serveste la reglarea nivelului apelor din amonte.

(An artificial channel for conducting water, with a valve or gate to regulate the flow).

Stavilar (Weir) Construcție de lemn, de beton sau de fier înălțată transversal pe cursul unei ape curgătoare, servind la reglarea nivelului apelor din amonte.

(A low dam built across a river to raise its water level or divert its flow)

Spiling Utilizarea de ramuri subtiri pentru a crea un gard tesut care protejeaza malurilie impotriva eroziunii.

(The use of thin branches to create a woven ‘fence’ that protects the bank from erosion).

Subtidal Zone scufundate continuu din zonele de coasta.

(Continuously submerged areas of coastal areas).

Substrat (Substrate) Materialul (pietre, pietris, nisip etc.) care formeaza patul albiei.

(The material (e.g. rocks, sand, gravel) that forms the bed of a river or estuary).

Vizuina (Holt) Loc de odihnă sau de reproducere pentru vidre adesea găsit la nivelul sistemului radicular al copacilor, dar poate fi, de asemenea, construit folosind resturi lemnoase.

(a resting or breeding site for otters. Often found in the root system of large trees, but can also be constructed using large woody debris).

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